Student of the Gun Radio show

Student of the Gun Radio

Summary: Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a life’s journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each week Student of the Gun will introduce our listeners to all manner of firearms related topics be they sport, recreation or personal defense. Unlike the television format, through the magic of digital radio, we will have the opportunity to explore topics more deeply rather than just give them a quick glance. Discussions will address both that which is current news in the firearms world as well as traditions and foundational principles. Student of the Gun, a beginner once, a student for life.

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 SOTG 218 – Professor John Lott, Author of “More Guns, Less Crime” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:21

Paul and Jarrad are pleased to welcome Professor John Lott, Jr. to our show. Prof. Lott and his colleagues at the Crime Prevention Research Center have released a new study on Concealed Carry Permit Holders in the United States and he joins us to discuss the findings. Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a question of traumatic medical gear and what should go in your pocket and your pack. In the wake of the Lafayette murders and the Chattanooga Terrorist Attack that topic is certainly worth addressing. SOURCES: Buy Professor Lott's Book - ( ( Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to ( using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. ( Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE! ( ( ( ( (https://www.studentofthegunradio.

 SOTG 217 – General Honore is Stuck on Stupid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:49

Sadly, we must address yet another politician general who cannot grasp the purpose of the founding documents. Retired General Russel Honore gave numerous statements in a recent interview that confirm that he is stuck on stupid and a glittering example of institutionalized stupidity. We have more gun control from down under. The Australian Prime Minister is frightened by 100 year old technology. Jarrad introduced that segment with our new “Weakness” theme song. And finally, we have good news out of Alabama where the Governor put activist bureaucrats in their place. SOURCES: From ( AUSTRALIA will move to immediately suspend the importation of a new “fast and furious” $800 shotgun that threatened to undermine gun laws introduced after the Port Arthur massacre. Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s dramatic intervention will stop 7000 Adler lever-action shotguns entering Australia. The imports will be suspended for at least six months, until the National Firearms Agreement review process is completed. The review, which was initiated after the Lindt cafe siege, may yet decide to ban most shooters owning the Adler by placing tougher restrictions on the class of shooter that can buy the weapon. Described as a “game changer” by gun enthusiasts, the Adler A110 can fire eight shots in eight seconds using a lever-action mechanism. It has sold out in thousands of pre-orders across Australia with shipments set to begin from August. Clayton Firearms billed the Adler A110 20 model as being “tailor-made for fast and furious pig shooting from the bike, quad or all terrain vehicle”. But critics warned the Turkish-made Adler A110 threatened to open the door to thousands of ordinary shooters being able to own a rapid-fire shotgun for the first time since the Port Arthur massacre. The reason is that the Adler was to be classed as a category A weapon that has the most relaxed restrictions under current gun laws. Category A licences held by any recrea­tional shooter prohibit the ­purchase of pump-action shotguns that can hold more than five rounds but would have allowed the lever-action Adler A110. Justice Minister Michael Keenan stressed that the decision to suspend imports was not about targeting law-abiding gun owners but reflected the heightened terrorist threat in Australia. “We know gun technology has updated and we’re doing the work to ensure our laws aren’t outdated,’’ Mr Keenan told The Sunday Telegraph. “We want sensible debate for practical reforms, which is what we’ll seek through our consultations during this review process.” Critics argue the Adler is comparable with a pump-action shotgun because it has a magazine capacity of seven rounds, with another round in the barrel allowing shooters to fire eight rounds in eight ­seconds. But the importer, Robert Nioa, the son-in-law of federal MP Bob Katter, insists a pump-action can fire at twice the rate of the lever-action Adler. Mr Nioa had planned to import 20,000 into Australia a year. Gun law reform advocates had warned the Adler A110 represented one of the greatest threats to the nation’s gun law regimen since the Port Arthur massacre. “Rapid-fire rifles turn up in mass shootings and that’s why they were basically banned here after Port Arthur,” Gun Control Australia spokesman Roland Browne said yesterday. “We would like to see a complete ban unless it is subject to the same restrictions as a category C firearm.” The national firearms review was agreed to by state governments in the wake of the Lindt cafe siege sparked by Islamic State-inspired gunman Man Haron Monis. From ( Lu Haiyan said the slaughter began while she and a friend were standing in the ticket hall of a Chinese train station.

 SOTG 216 – Fort Hood Exposed the Paper Tiger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:04

The first terrorist attack, not workplace violence, at Ft. Hood exposed the U.S. Army and our entire military to the world. Ft. Hood was a precursor to what we have seen since and what is to come if we don’t learn our lessons. We have a “Go Team” mome...

 SOTG 215 – Lafayette Lessons Learned | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:25

There was evil yesterday, evil today, and there will be evil tomorrow. Rather than fretting over the existence of evil, you might consider preparing yourself to confront and defeat evil should it raise its head in your presence. Professor Paul talks about that which is necessary to confront evil. We have a Vagination Report from a rather unlikely location, but the topic is all too familiar to those of us in the United States. Weakness is on display yet again and emanating from the District of Columbia. Lastly, Paul seems to have a problem with Dick’s. SOURCES: From ( "The weapons of Afghanistan's long decades of war can be seen almost everywhere, from the burned-out hulks of Soviet tanks to the Kalashnikov assault rifles slung over policemen's shoulders and helicopter gunships roaring overhead. It should be no surprise then that young children play "police and Taliban," chasing each other around with toy guns and weaponry designed to mimic the real thing. And like the real war, there have been casualties. At least 184 people, nearly all children, suffered eye injuries over the recent Eid al-Fitr holiday from toy weapons that fire BB pellets and rubber shot, health officials said. In response, authorities have banned toy guns. "The Afghan Interior Ministry orders all police forces to confiscate toy guns, which can lead to physical and psychological damage to people," the order read. It didn't elaborate on what psychological damage the toy guns can cause. The noise of gunfire is almost unmistakable to most Afghans, and unlike in the U.S., there have been no prominent cases of police officers here killing children brandishing toy Kalashnikovs or plastic pistols. Afghans have grown familiar with firearms over long decades of war, from the 1979 Soviet invasion and the resulting insurgency to the civil war and the rise of the Taliban in the 1990s. The U.S.-led invasion in 2001 after the Sept. 11 terror attacks introduced the population to a new host of armaments, from the M4 rifles carried by American soldiers to the heavy-duty armored vehicles known as MRAPs chugging down city streets. The toy guns come mostly from China and neighboring Pakistan, and many were given to young boys as gifts during the recent Eid, or festival, that marks the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Authorities had tried to warn parents about the dangers the guns pose before the holiday. "An awareness video was prepared as an initiative to inform people how much these toy guns can be dangerous," said Dr. Abdul Rahim Majeed, the program manager for the public Noor Eye Hospital. "Unfortunately, the families did not take it seriously and didn't pay attention to this important message and it caused many people to get injured and come to hospitals for treatments." Majeed said many of those injured by toy guns came to Noor, which treated 116 cases during this most recent holiday — double the number from last year. He said the national figure of those injured likely was higher, as some may have not sought treatment or gone to private clinics. Since the ban went into effect, police have been told to search shops and seize toy guns from children, but the Interior Ministry could not offer any statistic for the number confiscated. Parents like Shakib Nasery, a 38-year-old father of two, welcomed the effort to destroy the toy guns. Any reduction of violence in the insurgency-wracked country — even if just children's play — would be good, he said. "It is not good for a society to have kids with such mentality of using guns or playing gun battles," Nasery said. "Unfortunately, this is the negative impact of an ongoing war in our country." From (

 SOTG 214 – Slut-Shaming the Military | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:51

More half-measures from half-wits. In the wake of the Chattanooga TN Terrorist Attack, the U.S. Army’s top brass and the Department of Defense have come up with numerous “immediate force-protection steps”. Though they have not yet told recruiters to keep wasp spray by the door or to urinate on themselves, their solutions are nearly as bad. Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week is seeking advice as to whether or not intervene in a domestic situation in public. Professor Paul has serious insight into that subject. Lastly, we address yet another public ND that was called an “accident.” We can do better, people. SOURCES: From ( "In the wake of the massacre in Chattanooga, Tenn., Defense Secretary Ash Carter approved a series of "immediate force-protection steps" designed to protect service members. One of those steps was to ask recruiters not to wear their uniforms in public. Regular readers (all two of you; I'm being generous) will recognize this attempt to "protect" people by telling them what not to wear as "slut-shaming" or "victim-blaming." At least, that's what it's called when the protection is meant for young women on college campuses. In this case, soldiers are being told not to wear their uniforms because it may make them targets of another shooting. College women used to be told not to wear skimpy clothes to avoid being raped. The obvious difference here is that a military uniform clearly identifies someone as a member of the military, whereas a short skirt doesn't identify someone as wanting to have sex. In both instances, however, an authority figure is at least in part blaming the victim for the crime perpetrated against them. Along with the new uniform policy, the Marine Corps closed recruiting centers within 40 miles of where the shooting, which killed four marines, occurred. The Marines and the Army both increased their official threat level, and the Navy doubled its random security checks in the southeastern U.S. It's always smart to take precautions to avoid potentially dangerous situations — such precautions are found in many places where crimes may occur. There's a label on ATMs that warns users to be aware of their surroundings when withdrawing cash at night. That's not victim-blaming; it's common sense. The trouble arises when things that are meant to be protections wouldn't actually protect. For the military, not wearing a uniform at work isn't going to stop a shooter who enters the building because it's a known recruitment center. You're there, you're associated with the military and you've seen the shooter. For women on college campuses, wearing sweat pants probably isn't going to make a rapist decide to forgo the crime. Of course, we wouldn't even be having this conversation if urging people to take simple steps to protect themselves (being aware of one's surroundings, not getting black-out drunk, etc.) wasn't now considered victim-blaming. Telling someone that what they are wearing will lead to their rape is a bad idea; so is suggesting that military men and women who wear their uniforms invite violence. The Department of Defense is essentially telling marines that they were dressed too sexy. Except, at least on college campuses, asking someone what they were wearing doesn't occur as often as it may have in the past. Those who like to claim that sexual assault is an "epidemic" on college campuses usually combine clothing with alcohol consumption to make both seem equal as victim-blaming techniques. They're not the same. Suggesting someone not drink so much would actually protect them from being assaulted, it will also keep them from getting into a situation in which they can't say no. No type of clothing will do that. Not consuming alcohol may also keep someone from consenting to something they otherwise would not.

 SOTG 213 – Comrade Barry has Vets turning on Vets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:07

In yet another sickening display of veterans embracing the status of victims, we have vets turning on other vets at the VFW Convention in Pittsburgh, PA this week. One veteran was attacked by others for daring to show displeasure toward Our Dear Leader. Our friend Kenn Blanchard, Black Man with a Gun, was featured by the Washington Times after he challenged Comrade Barry’s response to the South Carolina church murders. Finally, Nanny Bloomberg’s favorite call girl is back at it begging for more state control. And we still don’t have our sandwiches. SOURCES: From ( "Documents obtained by The Daily Caller and interviews with American veterans reveal a shocking government program: The Department of Veterans Affairs is disarming America’s veterans by getting them placed on the FBI’s criminal background-check list. The VA sends veterans’ personal medical and financial information directly to the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which can seize their guns in home raids. Veterans deemed mentally incompetent or financially incapable are finally speaking out about the errors in the system and the fearful harassment they and their families face from the federal government. And it all starts when vets go to the VA to get medical help." From ( "Veterans ripped a sign that read "The Emperor Benghazi Has No Clothes" from a protester's hands as a group gathered for President Barack Obama's speech on veterans' issues in Pittsburgh. The tussle occurred as the president spoke to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars about stressing the need to honor soldiers' service. The sign was a reference to the September 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans." From ( "President Obama and other black leaders called for tighter access to firearms last week in reaction to the mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, but not Kenn Blanchard. A former Marine, Christian pastor and author of “Black Man with a Gun,” Mr. Blanchard wants more black people to protect themselves by embracing the Second Amendment and learning to use firearms, instead of reflexively siding with the gun control movement “It hit too close to home, being a former pastor of a church, knowing that you’re almost a sitting duck because you open your church up to the herding, you don’t question people, you don’t have adequate security,” said Mr. Blanchard, who hosts a podcast through his website, “Biblically, it’s kind of out of context, too,” he said. “If you’re going to be the shepherd of a flock — the shepherd had a really big stick. And the shepherd protected the sheep from the wolf and the bear. And the sheep felt safe because the shepherd was armed.” Somehow, he said, “we’ve gotten away from that. We make it seem as if the gun is an evil talisman when it’s not. It’s just another tool.” Mr. Blanchard’s response to Wednesday’s massacre is a sharp contrast to those of other black leaders, starting with Mr. Obama but including Rep. Donna F. Edwards, a Maryland Democrat who urged Congress to pass gun control bills instead of only having “yet another moment of silence.” “I don’t think it’s inappropriate for us to talk about what we need to do to get and keep guns out of the hands of people who would commit such a tragedy,” Ms. Edwards said on “Fox News Sunday.” Evidence suggests that Mr. Blanchard’s message is gaining followers. A Pew Research Center poll released Dec.

 SOTG 212 – Disarmed by Disqualification | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:24

We examine the latest end-around the Congress and the U.S. Constitution by Comrade Barry. This time our Dear Leader is attempting to use the Social Security Administration to disqualify up to 4.2 million Americans from owning firearms. Sheriff’s Deput...

 SOTG 211 – Doctor Shortage, the Future of America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:29

This topic affects every listener in the United States. Your gun cannot heal your wound or cure what ails you. Sometime you need medical help. If you are wondering what the future of medical treatment in America will look like we offer you a glimpse. Our friend, Dr. Dan Olesnicky, founder of SWAT Fuel and a practicing physician joins us to discuss this extremely critical issue. We also have a disturbing story from Ohio regarding a situation that is all too prevalent in the USA, people standing around watching people in trauma instead of helping them. SOURCES: From ( "A man who recorded the aftermath of a crash that took the life of a 17-year-old boy is now facing charges. Shortly before 1 a.m. Monday, a car crashed into a house on Kansas Avenue in Lorain, Ohio. Police said the 17-year-old driver was incapacitated and the passenger, Cameron Friend, was left unconscious. He was taken to an area hospital, where he died from his injuries. Neighbors rushed to help the teens while they waited for paramedics. However, police said Paul Pelton, of Lorain, didn’t attempt to aid the boys. Instead, he recorded video on his cell phone. “While others were rendering aid to these boys, a male took the opportunity to video this horrible scene with his cell phone. In the video, the male makes comments that the boys were ‘Idiots,’ and holds his cell phone so that he can film these two boys who were in medical crisis,” Lorain police told WJW. He’s accused of opening the car door as he continued to record video. Pelton did not turn the recording over to authorities. Police said he posted the video on Facebook and attempted to sell it to at least two news stations. The Lorain Police Department called it an attempt to make a profit from “a young man’s dying moments.” The 41-year-old was arrested on a vehicle trespass charge." ( Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to ( using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. ( Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is,

 SOTG 210 – Defeating Terrorism in the 21st Century | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:34

Paul and Jarrad address the latest insult to the good people of the United State of America by yet another Muslim Missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Solutions to the anger and frustrations are offered. Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the week has a follow...

 SOTG 209 – The Canadian Solution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:10

We take off again to the Great White North with an excellent example of how well gun control laws work. Yes, gun control does indeed work, just not for those you might think. Also, a Canadian M.D. is singing the praises of gun registration laws as a way to “prevent” crime. Jep Robertson of Duck Commander is supporting a program that you may not have heard of and might be surprised to hear, or not hear. Be sure to tune in to listen. Here is a hint, it’s not about duck calls. SOURCES: Official AAFU T-Shirts! - ( "Weakness is a Disease" Article - ( "Fight The Noise" Campaign Site - ( From ( "A 22-year-old man will be charged with second-degree murder after what police say was a random killing in a Surrey home Sunday evening. Surrey RCMP responded to reports of shots fired in a home on 64th Avenue near 166th street late Sunday night. When police arrived they found a man who had died from what appeared to be gunshot wounds. Police say 42-year-old Colin Hill was shot and killed defending his home against an intruder on Sunday night. Witnesses report an altercation between two men led to a fatal shooting in Surrey Sunday evening. On Monday, homicide investigators identified the victim as Colin Hill, 42. Police said he was shot during an altercation with the suspect, who had broken into his home. The suspect, who was not identified, has a lengthy criminal history, police said. He was arrested at roughly 2 a.m. Monday after police were called to the scene of a break-in on the 7300 block of MacPherson Avenue in Burnaby. Police said the suspect fled Hill's home in a stolen vehicle, which was later identified at the scene in Burnaby. Police said the incident that led to the shooting is believed to have been random. The suspect and the victim did not know each other. “This was a tragic and truly senseless act that has no rationale,” said Surrey RCMP Chief Supt. Bill Fordy. “I’m still angry at this pointless loss of life.” The suspect is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday, police said. Neighbours say Hill and his wife are both realtors. Marks resembling bullet holes could be seen on their front door Monday morning, and neighbours reported hearing as many as five shots before police showed up. "Cloverdale used to be very safe," said one neighbour. "This is the first time it's happened so we are all very scared." Police say the investigation is still in its early stages, but understand why people living nearby are worried. "Certainly anytime there's an incident like this in your neighbourhood people are going to be concerned," said Insp. Jeff Metcalfe with the Surrey RCMP. "That's a very natural reaction to be concerned." The incident was the second shooting in Surrey in as many nights. In the early hours of Sunday morning, shots were fired at a bakery at 188th Street and the Fraser Highway. The shooting that killed Hill is not related to any of the previous shootings that have taken place in the city over the past several months, police said." From ( "In his ongoing zeal to blame licensed gun owners for the crimes of deranged murderers (this time it’s cop killer Norman Raddatz), writer and “mental health expert” Ron Charach (Life Saver | Calgary Herald | June 13, 2015) opens his argument that the gun registry was useful because it “saved lives and could help track down where illegal gun owners, James Roszko … or Michael Zehaf Bibeau … got their guns.”

 SOTG 208 – Gun Owners Have Mental Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

You might not be aware of it, but according to the not-at-all-biased Center to Stop Gun Violence, gun owners have numerous mental problems to include paranoia, impulsive violent behavior, and a crisis of confidence. Just when you thought the male population of the United States could not get any weaker, we have an example of Vagination so profound that a sense of decorum prohibits detailing it here. Also, Wednesday is SWAT Fuel Fitness Talk day. Jarrad and Paul have some thought on leadership. SOURCES: From ( "A shopper at a Connecticut flea market became so offended by items he saw for sale by one vendor that he actually called the police. The shopper, who wants to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, became so offended that a vendor within the Redwood Country Flea Market was selling confederate flag merchandise and World War II merchandise featuring Nazi symbols that he called the police. The caller, who said he was of Jewish ancestry, became very upset over what he considers two symbols of hate. “I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he said. “I had to run.” While it is understandable why someone of Jewish descent would become offended at Nazi items, it is not enough to warrant having someone arrested or their business shut down under the law. The ability to possess and sell these items is protected by the First Amendment. “There was a table set up with this material,” Wallingford Chief William Wright said. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.” Several officers responded to the call, at an unknown cost to taxpayers. There are numerous collectors in the United States who collect World War II merchandise from all countries. They view their collections as history archives and not signs of hate. The Confederate Flag has only recently come under fire after it was revealed that the mass murderer who targeted an African American church in Charleston last month featured the flag prominently on his website." From ( "Several studies conducted in recent years have given us great insight into the psychology of gun ownership; meaning the beliefs and behaviors frequently exhibited by gun owners and the motivations behind them keeping weapons. As it turns out, cultural context, racial biases, political affiliation, and anger issues are all related to gun ownership. Here’s a sampling of some of the exciting research that’s out there: Those who own guns tend to be part of a “social gun culture.” In a 2015 study, Bindu Kalesan, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, found that there is a strong association between exposure to social gun culture and gun ownership. According to Dr. Kalesan’s research, the average gun-owning America is “white, married or divorced, high income, and over 55 years old.” The social gun culture includes “unseen codes of behaviour and powerful predictors of behavioural intentions and health behaviours.” Dr. Kalesan measured exposure to social gun culture by using the following questions: Would the individual’s family or social circle think less of them if they did not own a gun? Does their social life with family and friends involve activities including guns? Men who carry guns suffer from a “crisis of confidence.” Jennifer Carlson, author of “Citizen-Protectors: The Everyday Politics of Guns in an Age of Decline,” explained in a recent op-ed why men feel the need to carry guns in public. One man told Carson he felt “naked” without his gun. Carlson found that men might carry guns in public “as a reaction to broader socioeconomic decline” or because carrying a gun is seen as a “masculine duty.” Psychologically,

 SOTG 207 – Ex-CNN Anchor Lynne Russell Tells Gun Control Activists to Shut the F*#k Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:51

In a story that is sure to disappoint liberals everywhere, a former CNN anchor and her husband used firearms to defend themselves from a member of the Democrat voting base. There are a number of lessons to be learned and affirmed from this story. While you are being distracted non-stop by Confederate flag news, your nation is crumbling. Consider the story of the 5 time deported foreign invader who used a gun stolen from a Federal Agent to murder a United States citizen. SOURCES: From ( "Former CNN anchor Lynne Russell recently made national headlines when her special forces veteran husband Chuck de Caro used a gun to defend the couple from an armed felon. Tomario Watson assailed Russell in the parking lot of a Motel 6 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and forced her to go back to the room with her husband, who was in the shower. When Watson became more demanding, he shot de Caro in the chest three times. But the Green Beret vet had a gun in the room, and proceeded to use it to defend them against the criminal. As Lynne Russell put it, The Second Amendment “saved my life.” “I’m so grateful to him. He literally is my hero. He saved my life,” Russell told Fox 41. “I’m grateful that he is a responsible gun owner. He’s former Special Forces. He knows how to handle himself.” Russell, who is the author of the book Hell on Heels, further clarified her views. “The discussion over the debate to own a gun is just ridiculous. As Americans we have the right to bear arms and as humans the right to protect ourselves,” she said. “I’m sure that the man who shot my husband did not have a gun permit. Criminals will always have guns. The rest of us legally obtain our gun permits.” “If you committed a violent crime you can’t get a gun permit. Simple law,” she adds. Then she had a direct and unmistakable message for those who would rather she be disarmed in the face of a would-be murderer. “If you don’t want to carry, please don’t. Then, shut the f–k up about it. Make your own decisions.” This is one pistol-packing lady who also knows how to pack a punch – when it comes to defending her rights." From ( "New details have come to light in regard to Kate Steinle, the woman who was fatally shot at San Francisco’s Pier 14 last week. Francisco Sanchez, the prime suspect who has since been arrested, used a gun belonging to a federal agent, the Associated Press is reporting. While the specific agency linked to the firearm has not yet been identified, the new finding will not change the circumstances of Sanchez’s charges, per CNN legal analyst Danny Cevallos: “It doesn’t in terms of charging this defendant… but it may mean that somebody else is going to be on the hook, and soon.” Sanchez allegedly killed thirty-two-yea-old Steinle after having already been deported five times. In addition, San Francisco’s “sanctuary city” policy has come under fire for allowing him to roam freely, despite his lengthy rap sheet of “non-violent” crimes. Virginia Kice, a spokesperson for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), insists that the city’s immigration policies potentially put residents in danger, adding: “All we’re asking is that [local authorities] notify us when a serious foreign national criminal offender is being released to the street so we can arrange to take custody.” Sanctuary cities allow local police to opt out of reporting undocumented immigrants to federal authorities upon arresting them and, in some cases, allow them to be released. The San Francisco Police Department has yet to confirm the origin of the weapon,

 SOTG 206 – Liberty First: Preference vs. Allegiance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:46

Gun culture pundits and followers are preemptively celebrating National Concealed Carry reciprocity based upon the assumption that the Supreme Court will be forced to acknowledge it after their Gay Marriage decision. Before you pop the cork on the champagne you might consider a few facts. Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week wants to discuss belts for concealed carry and carrying spare ammunition. Professor Paul shares a personal experience and his opinion based upon year of gun carrying. SOURCES: From ( "On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which concerned whether same-sex marriage is a right protected by the U.S. Constitution. Although the case did not address the right to bear arms, some pro-gun advocates began debating whether the Court’s reasoning and analysis had application to national concealed carry licensing reciprocity. This is a reasonable question. If states that formerly did not sanction same-sex marriage now have to recognize all marriages from states that do, shouldn’t that also mean restrictive “may issue” concealed carry jurisdictions have to recognize concealed carry licenses from less restrictive “shall-issue” jurisdictions? Some commentators went even further, insisting that Obergefell has conclusively settled the national reciprocity issue in favor of gun owners. Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple. In particular, we strongly advise concealed carry license holders not to assume Obergefell provides them with the legal basis they need to carry without an in-state license in strongly anti-gun states such as Maryland, New Jersey, or New York. Doing so at this point would still subject the traveler to arrest and criminal prosecution. This is so for a number of reasons, chief of which is that the U.S. Supreme Court has not yet ruled squarely on the question of whether the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a loaded handgun in public, and if it does, whether states must recognize each other’s permits. The landmark cases of Heller and McDonald only concerned the question of handgun possession in the home. Until the Supreme Court rules on the issue conclusively, certain reliably anti-gun jurisdictions can be counted on to exist in a state of denial and defiance. If states and lower courts can ignore a congressional statute like Firearm Owners’ Protection Act – and they do – they certainly can ignore arguments that the philosophical bases for interstate recognition of same-sex marriage compel interstate recognition of concealed carry permits. But there is a lesson gun owners can draw from Obergefell. An uncontested fact mentioned in Chief Justice Roberts’s dissent in the case is that no society was known to have permitted same-sex marriage before 2001. Now, in 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court has found it to be a fundamental right that cannot be overturned by any state legislature or popular referendum. Whatever one’s view of same-sex marriage, the incredible shift in this area shows what is possible when people dedicate themselves to a common cause. That is the true lesson of the Obergefell decision for gun owners, who should not rest until Second Amendment rights are similarly respected in all 50 states. That is why the NRA will continue to lead the fight in the legislative, legal and political arenas to secure national right to carry reciprocity so that all Americans can defend themselves everywhere they are legally entitled to be." ( Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to (

 SOTG 205 – Gun Possessors are Potential Murderers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:46

Chicago’s Gary “the Enforcer” McCarthy is back at it again. Just as Paul predicted, the holiday weekend in Chicago was bloody and Gary is off his meds. Tune in to hear what he said this time. Mayor “Space to Destroy” in Baltimore has gone off the rails with her latest demands. We have a “Go Team” moment. You definitely want to tune in to hear what weapon was used to save a family from a home invasion. SOURCES: From ( "There is a war of words raging in Polk County. And you may not be surprised to find out who is smack dab in the middle of it: Polk's outspoken sheriff, Grady Judd. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, based out of Wisconsin, is threatening to sue Judd if he wears his uniform while preaching again. "It's a violation of the Constitution, and he is sworn to uphold it, and he should take it more seriously," the foundation's attorney, Andrew Seidel, said during a telephone interview on Tuesday. Wearing his uniform, Judd gave a Sunday sermon entitled, "Wouldn't the World Be Better if Everyone Behaved like a Christian?" He preached at the First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland back in April. He talked about developing faith-based dorms in the Polk County Jail, and criminal changing their lives after finding Jesus. "We don't have any problem with him preaching in church. We don't have any problem with him teaching Sunday School," Seidel continued. "What he is not allowed to do is use a public office and title and uniform to promote his personal religion." The threat of lawsuit is not stopping Judd from being Judd. "When people call the sheriff's office and ask me to come speak, I am going to speak. I am going to wear my uniform," Judd told FOX 13. "You can guarantee it." From ( "Chicago was yet again riddled with a flurry of shootings this Fourth of July weekend, with at least 47 wounded and nine killed, according to multiple media reports. The numbers were down from last year’s holiday weekend after police increased their presence by nearly a third — 2014 saw over 80 shootings with 16 fatalities. Police also seized more than 80 illegal guns over the holiday, averaging around one per hour, DNA Info reported. Some 3,400 illegal guns have been confiscated so far this year, according to the city’s police department. Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy expressed his frustration with the gun situation at a news conference Sunday, standing beside tables filled with the various guns. McCarthy pleaded for harsher sentencing in illegal gun possession cases. “It’s real simple,” he said at the conference. “Gun possessors are potential murderers. If they don’t learn a lesson for carrying the gun, they keep carrying the gun. They get into an argument, now instead of fighting, they shoot.” Specifically, McCarthy cited the shooting death of seven-year-old Amari Brown, who was killed close to midnight on Saturday, WGN News reported. Police believed Amari’s father was the intended target in the shooting, McCarthy said. Amari’s father has gang connections, the superintendent said, and his most recent in a long series of arrests was for gun possession in April. “If Mr. Brown is in custody, his son is alive,” McCarthy said, arguing Brown should have faced a harsher penalty for the gun possession charge. “This has got to stop,” he added. “We can put another 10,000 police officers on the street and what would happen? Maybe we’ll arrest Mr. Brown 90 times and nothing will happen.” McCarthy said this year at least 12 people have already been arrested on their second gun possession charge and then released. “We need some help here, folks. We have to fix this broken system.”

 SOTG 204 – Lt. Col. Dave Grossman; Exclusive SOTG Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Paul and Jarrad are excited to bring you our exclusive SOTG interview of Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, author of “On Killing” and “On Combat” as well as other books. Grossman is a noted lecturer and trainer regarding the psychology of deadly force encounters. We have our weekly SWAT Fuel fitness talk. This week we discuss kids and exercise. The economy of Greece is ready to collapse and the people are panic buying food. Is your family prepared? SOURCES: From ( "Athens (AFP) - Greeks were hoarding cash and food Saturday amid mounting fears the economy could collapse, cracking open their wallets only to stock up on essentials and stripping supermarket shelves in the process. Mothers, elderly men and university students were spotted pushing heavily overloaded trolleys or coming out of shops weighed down by bags of food, with essentials such as sugar, flour and pasta top of the list. In the well-off area of Glyfada in Athens residents appeared to have panicked, thrusting everything from vast rolls of toilet paper to multiple packs of lentils into their carts. "Most people are buying food now because they fear the worst," said Andreas Koutras, a 51-year old who works in finance, referring to a referendum Sunday on Greece's bailout which could seal its financial fate. AFP photographs showed rows upon rows of empty shelves in supermarkets and shoppers said they were taking no chances, snapping up canned milk, chocolate and rice -- anything non-perishable that could be stored. Middle-aged toy shop assistant Marilena, who was praying for customers on what is usually the busiest shopping day of the week, said her family was buying "food, only food, nothing else. Only what's necessary". Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged people to vote 'No', insisting that rejecting a bailout deal offered by the austerity-hit country's international creditors will put it in a stronger negotiating position. His right-hand man, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, has promised banks will re-open after the vote -- but with so much uncertainty surrounding Greece's future, many doubt him. Nikos Archondis from the Panhellenic Exporters Association (PEA) told AFP "certain supermarkets are very concerned because they cannot forecast how the situation will evolve". Stocks of meat, cheeses, fruits and vegetables "risk running low in the following weeks", he said. - Run on medicines - Reports that medicines were also flying off the shelves were supported by pharmacist Yannis Triantaphilou. Priorities were "food and medicines" and he had seen "an increase of customers in the pharmacy". Although the boost in business was welcome, Triantaphilou said if the banks did not re-open on Tuesday, "I don't know how we are going to work, if companies will provide medicines". With anti-bailout 'No' voters tied neck and neck with the 'Yes' camp, fears a financial disaster may be brewing were compounded by frustration over the decision taken by many shops to refuse card payments. With government-imposed capital controls capping ATM withdrawals at 60 euros ($67) per day, the number of banknotes in circulation has dropped dramatically, especially the smaller denominations. Customers want to save their cash, but businesses are also desperate to get their hands on it. Fortunately, "we have learned to live with less money," says Marilena, "because the last four to five years were very difficult for most of people." "But we have needs, we adjust of course... but we cannot go any further," she said. Like many Greeks, taxi driver Theodor Veletzas said he believed there was more at stake than a new deal, and the situation risked getting worse. The referendum, he insisted, would effectively decide whether his country stayed in the eurozone or not. And he feared what would happen if the 'No' camp won.


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