Student of the Gun Radio show

Student of the Gun Radio

Summary: Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a life’s journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each week Student of the Gun will introduce our listeners to all manner of firearms related topics be they sport, recreation or personal defense. Unlike the television format, through the magic of digital radio, we will have the opportunity to explore topics more deeply rather than just give them a quick glance. Discussions will address both that which is current news in the firearms world as well as traditions and foundational principles. Student of the Gun, a beginner once, a student for life.

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 SOTG 278 – The King of Home Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:31

Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a concern regarding where to get solid, reliable information regarding firearms, particularly training. That is not an easy question to answer, but the Professor offers much to consider in that regard. Another article has come to light regarding what is the best firearm to use for home defense. As there are innumerable new rifle and handgun owners in America, we felt that this topic once again merited our attention. You might hear a couple of things you had not previously considered. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: From "A lot of people with an internet pulpit recommend long guns as ideal for home defense (HD). Well, that just goes to prove that, as we used to say in the pre-internet days: “Don’t believe everything you read”. Today I suppose it would be “Don’t believe everything you hear from YouTube personalities with the requisite tactical beards or goatees”. The primary HD firearm should be a handgun. Not that there’s not a place for something like a shotgun or carbine in HD. I really like Massad Ayoob’s notion that the place for a long gun in HD is in a fixed location like a safe room or bedroom, He compares it to the fixed artillery of an army, while the handgun is like the mobile infantry. That is, the long gun stays in a fixed location and is brought into play if the BG insists on moving to you (and, duh, you’re justified in challenging with or firing it). Why? Well, have you ever tried to move around, at speed and tactically, in your house with a long gun? Sure, there are some very goofball and unsatisfactory ways you can theoretically do so, but they are just that. Have you ever tried, with a long gun, to open a door, protect a child, or do any of the real-world things that a HD scenario requires other than runnin’, gunnin’ and looking cool? (Talking to the nice dispatch operator is a good idea in these situations.) Handgun, dude. Story one: Years ago, like the mid-nineties, a member of a forward-thinking SWAT team on the west coast told me that the team had mostly given up their ARs for building entry and gone back to handguns. “They were just too cumbersome to move effectively with inside”, was his reason. Story two: On a narcotics raid I was on with a local tac team, a few of the SWAT guys went in with ARs. After it was wrapped up one of the AR operators said to me, completely unsolicited, “These things (pointing to his AR) kinda suck in tight quarters”. Yup, they do. And shotguns are even heavier and more unwieldy. Yeah, I know the M4 is the main military individual weapon, even for urban ops. But apples and oranges; plus we civilians have complete freedom of choice – no one is dictating what we carry or train with. As always, try real scenarios, at real speed and real intent, with blue guns (they are available for most common shotguns and carbines) before saying I’m full of shit. I may be, and will so concede if you do the homework to prove it. Now if you live on a ranch, manor, or estate, and we’re talking outside HD (or ranch, manor, or estate defense), then yeah – rifles (or shotguns) are the way to go. Lucky you!" Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life.

 SOTG 277 – Our Children: The Future of the Nation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:04

Today’s episode includes numerous stories that involve our nation’s more precious asset: our children. During the SOTG Homeroom segment Professor Paul addresses the often asked question, “When should I teach my kids about firearms?” Our masters in the at the Department of Education have decided that, despite that fact that the nation is billions of dollars in debt, they are going to funnel a couple of million bucks to their cronies in Chicago. Tune in to find out what is program so critical. Finally, a 13 year old boy had to face two armed home invaders. His actions earned him a “Go Team” moment acknowledgement. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: From "We live in a dangerous world, a time when criminals seem to be more bold than ever — here’s where I could get into how much of this is caused by our current culture of fear toward guns, and failed gun control laws, but I won’t — and whether you think this is sexist or not, women are more likely to be victims than dudes. Well, one company out there — ROAR for Good — is using creativity and innovation to develop a product that is actually designed to put them out of business one day. If you happen to see a woman walking down the street with an object roughly the size of a half-dollar, there’s a good chance they could be carrying a device called an “Athena.” According to IJ Review, if a person being attacked presses the button on “Athena,” it sends out an alarm the company boasts is “louder than a freight train,” while also transmitting an SOS signal that goes out to the cell phones of friends and family. The signal then pinpoints your location and suggests the recipients of the message contact police." From "The Department of Education is spending upwards of $2.5 million to bring a mindfulness intervention to kindergarteners in Chicago, where kids can go to “calm spots” in the corner to watch nature videos. The National Institutes of Health has spent over $100 million studying the New Age meditation technique, but it is not the only federal agency pouring federal funding into mindfulness. The Education Department has introduced a “Calm Classroom” program into 3,000 schools through its Investing in Innovation fund, costing taxpayers $2,513,093. “Mindfulness is a secular, psychological mode involving non-judgmental focus on present-moment sensations, and has been shown to have a number of benefits to well-being,” the grant abstract for the project states. “Our project offers an innovative approach not only because mindfulness is unique relative to traditional social-emotional learning (SEL) programs, but also because of added elements designed to replenish children’s focus directly back into the content of school, including always-available ways to take very brief ‘brain breaks.’” The program involves classrooms doing mindfulness activities three times a day. The exercises include “guided breathing with eyes closed, stretching, yoga-inspired poses, ‘body scan’ visualizations, focus on external objects, and ‘social mindfulness’ exercises involving peer interaction.” The grant was awarded to the Erikson Institute, a graduate school that specializes in early childhood development. Erikson invented the “Calm Spot,” or a corner for kids to put on noise canceling headphones and watch “soft fascination” videos of nature scenes on tablets. “In addition to traditional mindfulness exercises that involve inner focus and require practice, our intervention also includes components involving outer focus on items intended to automatically attract children’s sof...

 SOTG 276 – Muslim Missionary UC Merced Campus Stabbing Spree Lessons Learned | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:47

A Muslim Missionary waged his own little jihad on the campus of UC Merced recently and there are numerous lessons to be learned from that incident. Or, we can continue down the same path, applying the same empty answers hoping for a different outcome. The villain in this story did not use a firearm. No, little Johnnie Jihad proved yet again that bad people will find a weapon to use to harm good people. Disarming good people does not inhibit the evil from gaining and using tools to harm the them. During the SWAT Fuel Fitness Talk we discuss rewards. Your fitness journey does not have to be a punishment. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: From (VIDEO) From "Authorities rushed to call the stabbing spree at the University of California-Merced non-terror related but new information has cast doubt on that assessment. Faisal Mohammad, 18, was shot dead by police after stabbing and injuring four people Wednesday and information uncovered in his manifesto showed he created a step-by-step numbered list of what he wanted to do. “No. 27 was to ‘make sure people are tied down,’ No. 28 was ‘sit down and praise Allah,'” according to what Sheriff Vern Warnke told Fox News. “I remember seeing four or five times, scribbled on the side of the two-page manifesto, where he wrote something like ‘praise Allah.'” “There was a gruesome statement he made about wanting to cut someone’s head off and kill two people with one bullet, and he planned to shoot the police,” Warnke added. And despite Warnke’s insistence at the start that the attack was not terror related Merced County News reporter Matthew Gonzales said anonymous law enforcement sources informed him that Mohammad was on a terror watch list and, moreover, that the school was aware of it. Unfortunately the tragic event at UC Merced illustrates just how our law enforcement leaders have not learned from their past mistakes and may have jeopardized the lives of an entire classroom in doing so. What I am about to tell you has been confirmed by three independent law enforcement officials, all who cannot be named for fear of losing their jobs/pensions. The conversations I have engaged in compel me to believe that we are not being told the truth about the incident at our UC Merced and just who the suspect was. From the information I have gathered, the suspect was indeed not only on the FBI’s terrorist watch list but he was also on a national watch list and had been one of the topics of discussion at a recent FBI briefing to Merced County law enforcement leaders. According to recently obtained information, about 6 months ago the FBI held a terrorist/extremist briefing with Merced County law enforcement leaders. At this meeting several suspected terrorist with ISIS links were said to be here in Merced County. Names and photos were presented including one of Faisal Mohammad. Based on the FBI’s own analysis and a number of people on the terrorist watch list that are in the area they projected an attack at the UC Merced campus. Though they were not absolutely certain of the attack on the UC they did feel that there was enough information for them to be here if it did. According to my sources the UC Chancellor was also briefed on the potential threats. A witness who wishes to remain anonymous stated that they had seen what appeared to be a picture of an ISIS flag which was pulled out of the suspect’s pocket. Two of my law enforcement sources have verified that this is in fact true and that the UC Chancellor along with th...

 SOTG 275 – Semper Fi: Honoring the Marine Corps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:05

On this 240th anniversary of the birth the United States Marine Corps, we take a moment to say “Happy Birthday” to Devil Dogs everywhere. Professor Paul became a US Marine in 1987 and has some words to offer on the subject. What can we learn from the training of Marines? Are they simply brainwashed robots, mindless killing machines? Listen louder and you may discover things that have been hidden from your mind’s eye and thoughts never considered. Semper Fidelis! SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: From "The official birthday of the United States Marine Corps is on 10 November 1775. That was the day when the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Marines with the following decree: “That two battalions of Marines be raised consisting of one Colonel, two lieutenant-colonels, two majors and other officers, as usual in other regiments; that they consist of an equal number of privates as with other battalions, that particular care be taken that no persons be appointed to offices, or enlisted into said battalions, but such as are good seamen, or so acquainted with maritime affairs as to be able to serve for and during the present war with Great Britain and the Colonies; unless dismissed by Congress; that they be distinguished by the names of the First and Second Battalions of Marines.” Tun Tavern, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is regarded as the birthplace of the Corps as the location of the first Marines to enlist under Commandant Samuel Nicholas, though it is disputed if a recruiting drive may have occurred earlier at Nicholas's family tavern, the Conestoga Waggon. When the Revolutionary War ended in 1783, the Continental Navy was disestablished, and with it, the Continental Marines. The Corps was re-established on 11 July 1798, when the "act for establishing and organizing a Marine Corps" was signed by President John Adams." From "The 14 leadership traits are qualities of thought and action which, if demonstrated in daily activities, help Marines earn the respect, confidence, and loyal cooperation of other Marines. It is extremely important that you understand the meaning of each leadership trait and how to develop it, so you know what goals to set as you work to become a good leader and a good follower. JUSTICE Definition: Justice is defined as the practice of being fair and consistent. A just person gives consideration to each side of a situation and bases rewards or punishments on merit. Suggestions for Improvement: Be honest with yourself about why you make a particular decision. Avoid favoritism. Try to be fair at all times and treat all things and people in an equal manner. JUDGMENT Definition: Judgment is your ability to think about things clearly, calmly, and in an orderly fashion so that you can make good decisions. Suggestions for Improvement: You can improve your judgment if you avoid making rash decisions. Approach problems with a common sense attitude. DEPENDABILITY Definition: Dependability means that you can be relied upon to perform your duties properly. It means that you can be trusted to complete a job. It is the willing and voluntary support of the policies and orders of the chain of command. Dependability also means consistently putting forth your best effort in an attempt to achieve the highest standards of performance. Suggestions for Improvement: You can increase your dependability by forming the habit of being where you're supposed to be on time, by not making excuses and by carrying out every task to the best of your ability regardless of whether you like it or agree with it. INITIATIVE

 SOTG 274 – This Young Mother Won the Most Important Fight of Her Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:44

A young woman was feeding her baby when she was forced into a horrifying position; fight off armed home invaders and protect her child. We tip our hats to this woman and acknowledge her courage. There are many lessons to be learned. Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week wants to talk about less-than-lethal force. Professor Paul provides a mental checklist for you to consider. Be sure to tune in to learn more about this mental checklist. As a bonus we let you listen to the rambling idiocy of a lunatic mind. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: Please go visit Semantha's Go Fund Me page From "On the surface, 21-year-old Semantha Bunce doesn’t appear to be much different than any other new mom, but when home invaders kicked in her door as she fed her four-month-old son, she showed the soul of a warrior as she took the fight to those who dared to put her family in danger. Bunce met the home invaders head-on in a gun battle, driving them from her home. Even though she took two hits in the exchange of gunfire, she managed to climb back up the stairs and check on her son before she dialed 911 and began taking care of her wounds before the ambulance arrived: Bunce met the intruders at her bedroom door and when the men opened fire on her in the stairwell area, she fired back, her husband said. “I think it was a shock to the intruders just as much as it was to her,” said Paul Bunce, her husband. Paul told Channel 9 his wife is a combat medic with the National Guard. He believes her training allowed her to stay mentally focused and calm during what was a fight for her life. “They’ve got a long journey,” said one neighbor outside the Bunce family’s home. Since the shooting, neighbors have embraced the family. Many stopped by the house and offered their thoughts and prayers for a mother who risked it all to protect her own. Family members said Semantha will need at least one more surgery. I’m terrified to think of what these violent criminals might have done to this young mother and her child if she had not been able to defend herself or the skills to start treating her injuries. The young combat medic will likely go back into surgery tomorrow for an abdominal wound suffered in the gunfight. One of her fellow soldiers has set up a GoFundMe in hopes of helping pay Semantha’s medical bills. Charlotte-Mecklenburg have added extra patrols to the neighborhood, which had had three break-ins in recent months. They are pressing forward with their investigation into the home invasion and shooting, and seem confident that they have enough evidence to make an arrest." Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun,

 SOTG 273 – 20 Questions with Student of the Gun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:21

As hinted at earlier, we decided to go to the voicemail box and take a battery of caller questions. Topics ranged from firearms owners insurance, dry-fire practice, training, concealed carry and much more. During our new SOTG Homeroom segment Professor Paul discusses what to do with your carry gun when you are not actually carrying it on your body. We had a lot of fun putting this one together and we trust you will have as much fun listening louder. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: From "We live in a dangerous world, a time when criminals seem to be more bold than ever — here’s where I could get into how much of this is caused by our current culture of fear toward guns, and failed gun control laws, but I won’t — and whether you think this is sexist or not, women are more likely to be victims than dudes. Well, one company out there — ROAR for Good — is using creativity and innovation to develop a product that is actually designed to put them out of business one day. If you happen to see a woman walking down the street with an object roughly the size of a half-dollar, there’s a good chance they could be carrying a device called an “Athena.” According to IJ Review, if a person being attacked presses the button on “Athena,” it sends out an alarm the company boasts is “louder than a freight train,” while also transmitting an SOS signal that goes out to the cell phones of friends and family. The signal then pinpoints your location and suggests the recipients of the message contact police. Pretty awesome piece of tech, right? This is the kind of innovation a free market produces. Someone recognizes a problem, then works to build a solution, creating a business in the process. If the idea and subsequent product are good, the business takes off, jobs are created, and the economy gets a boost. Anyway, the company has turned to crowdfunding to raise the money to start production for the “Athena,” hoping to raise $40,000 over the next 24 days. IJ reports that as of right now, ROAR for Good has raised 200% of their goal. This is a fantastic technological advancement, and as the father of a daughter who will one day — hopefully a long time from now — be on her own, knowing folks are out there trying to make life safer comforts me a great deal. Ultimately though, while I absolutely love this kind of innovation, the best way to keep ladies safe is by training them to properly use and care for a firearm, and allow them to exercise their Second Amendment right to carry it. Bad guys don’t mess with folks who are armed." Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look a...

 SOTG 272 – Ready to Fight w/ Special Guest Tony Blauer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:39

We shifted gears and have a special guest for you on a Wednesday episode. You are welcome. Tony Blauer, the President of Blauer Tactical and SPEAR Systems, joins us to talk about a very serious subject; fighting for your life. This dovetails perfectly with our SWAT Fuel Fitness Talk. Unfortunately, many gun owners and carriers feel that the ownership or possession of a firearm negates the need to learn how to fight with their hands. In an unexpected and vicious attack, you are not likely to have a gun in your hands. What you do in the precious moment after your startle response kicks in may be the determining factor between life and death. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: Please visit his Website: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 271 – Go Team in Chicago | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:17

There is one less career criminal in Chicago thanks to the actions of an armed would-be robbery victim. Guess what? The thug community does not like it one bit. When you choose to rob your fellow man, “death by gunfire” is a genuine workplace hazard. Our friends and fans in the firearms industry have a message that they would like us to relate to you, the Students of the Gun. Tune in and listen louder. Paul will share it with you. We have new challenge to the dedicated listeners. Hilarity ensues. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 270 – NASGW and Gun Camp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:42

The boys are finally back in the Glass Case of Emotion studios to record new episodes. Fresh off the road from the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers Expo (NASGW) Paul and Jarrad spent quality face time with a number of firearms industry folks and they tell us about their New Orleans adventure. We’ve been so busy that we have not had time to talk about the actual shooting we did at CSAT in Texas. Professor Paul took his new favorite gun “Toxicity” and stretched it out well beyond 100 yards. Tune in to here just how far and how it fared. SOURCES:  Congratulations on scrolling this far! Click here for some sweet gear: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 269 – Faith and the Patriot; the Time is Now [Best Of] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Paul takes a moment to detail the idea behind his new book “Faith and the Patriot; a Belief worth Fighting for.” The Professor explains while faithful Christian patriots are good for every American, even those who do not believe. A Federal District Court has ruled again that the 2nd Amendment is a limited right, particularly because it address weapons and things that are dangerous. We have a Vagination report from Baltimore where the news media is attempting to reignite the violence. SOURCES: Please thank Brownells for their support                                                                    Facebook -                                                                    Website - From "In yet another decision that thumbs it’s nose at the Supreme Court’s landmark D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago rulings, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals held today that the Second Amendment does not protect gun rights outside of one’s home. The case, Bonidy v. United States Postal Service, challenged 39 C.F.R. § 232.1(l), which prohibits the storage and carriage of firearms on USPS property. The district court decision found that the law was unconstitutional as applied to its prohibition on guns in parking lots, but not the ban on carry inside government buildings. Circuit Judge David M. Ebel–another Ronald Reagan appointee to decide against gun rights–was joined by Circuit Judge Gregory A. Phillips (appointed by Barack Obama) in the decision: We….conclude that the regulation is constitutional as to all USPS property at issue in this case, including the Avon Post Office parking lot, because the Second Amendment right to bear arms has not been extended to “government buildings.” Government buildings, in this context, includes the government owned parking lot connected to the U.S. Post Office. Alternatively, even if we were to conclude that the parking lot did not qualify as a “government building,” we would uphold this regulation as constitutional as applied to the parking lot under independent intermediate scrutiny. Ignoring McDonald’s command that the Second Amendment does not protect “second-class” rights, the Tenth Circuit held that “the risk inherent in firearms and other weapons distinguishes the Second Amendment right from other fundamental rights that have been held to be evaluated under a strict scrutiny test, such as the right to marry and the right to be free from viewpoint discrimination, which can be exercised without creating a direct risk to others.” But the Supreme Court expressly rejected that argument in 2010 when it struck down the City of Chicago’s handgun ban. Justice Alito, writing for the majority, said: The right to keep and bear arms, however, is not the only constitutional right that has controversial public safety implications. All of the constitutional provisions that impose restrictions on law enforcement and on the prosecution of crimes fall into the same category. See, e.g., Hudson v. Michigan, 547 U.S. 586, 591, 126 S.Ct. 2159, 165 L.Ed.2d 56 (2006) (“The exclusionary rule generates `substantial social costs,’ United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897, 907, 104 S.Ct. 3405, 82 L.Ed.2d 677 (1984), which sometimes include setting the guilty free and the dangerous at large”); Barker v. Wingo, 407 U.S. 514, 522, 92 S.Ct. 2182, 33 L.Ed.2d 101 (1972)(reflecting on the serious consequences of dismissal for a speedy trial violation, which means “a defendant who may be guilty of a serious crime will go free”);Miranda v.

 SOTG 268 – Combat Shooting and Tactics After Action Report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:57

We continue our discussion of critical training for the armed citizen and our experience at Combat Shooting and Tactics in Nacogdoches, Texas. Shane Iversen, the Director of the CSAT Mobile Training Team joins us. If you are ever put into a crisis situation, a fight or struggle, you will default to the level of training that you have mastered. Shane and Paul discuss the need to participate in problem solving training. We have real world examples to draw from such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the disaster that was New Orleans. SOURCES: Please thank Brownells for their support                                                                    Facebook -                                                                    Website - Visit the CSAT Website: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 267 – Preparing America with Paul Howe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:30

The SOTG Radio mobile studio was on the road in Nacogdoches, Texas this last week. Jarrad and Paul spent a long weekend at the Combat Shooting and Tactics school reviewing their Urban Defense course. We have a very special interview for you. Master Sergeant Paul Howe, US Army (retired) sat down with Professor Paul to discuss the purpose and drive behind the U.D. course. Paul and Paul talked about the state of the nation and what the American people must be prepared to deal with in 2015 and beyond. SOURCES: Please thank Century Arms for their support!                                                                                 Facebook -                                                                                 Website - Visit the CSAT Website: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 266 – Kenyan Mall Massacre is Practice For America [Best Of] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:29

Coming to a mall, sporting event, or school house near you; the Kenyan Mall Attack is a warm up for America. This is yet another wake up call. Are you paying attention? (Originally Aired Sep. 30 2013, Episode 031) SOURCES: Please thank Century Arms for their support!                                 Facebook -                                  Website - Story Here: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 265 – Extreme Lube [With Special Guest] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:45

We are honored to have our friend, Captain (Ret) Larry Lasky join us for a special episode. Larry served the nation as leader of the elite US Navy Seal Teams, both on the east and west coast. A decorated combat veteran, Larry knows his way around a gun and how to keep them running. After serving our nation for three decades, Larry founded Frog Lube. They have an exciting new product and you are going to hear about it direct from the source. Also, during our SOTG Homeroom segment, we address the changing temperatures and how we can adapt and be effective armed citizens. SOURCES: Please thank Century Arms for their support!                                                                                      Facebook -                                                                                      Website - Froglube Website: Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs. Markel holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines; nonetheless, he is, and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun. About the Co-Host Not just another pretty face, Jarrad Markel has experience and training beyond his years. Jarrad has been training to be a fighter since elementary school when he first learned the art of collegiate wrestling. Now skilled in Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, the Way of the Fighting Pistol and Fighting Rifle, Jarrad is a well-rounded, tactical athlete with several professional MMA fights under his belt. More than a brute, Jarrad has brains as well. He is the lead editor and videographer for Student of the Gun and works directly for Think On! Productions creating a wide variety of video material. In addition, Markel is a skilled web & blog designer, building material for the Internet side of the house. SAY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, PLEASE!

 SOTG 264 – Deputy Sheriff killed with his own Gun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:22

It is a story that we would rather not have to report but, a Sheriff’s Deputy in Minnesota was murdered with his own gun. We must consider this incident and determine if there is anything we can do to prevent it from being repeated. If you carry a gun you must listen to this show. During the SWAT Fuel Fitness Talk Jarrad discusses the “plateau” and offers some advice as to how you can get over your personal plateaus. A negligent discharge in a Kansas movie theater gives us an opportunity for reflection and lessons to be learned. Finally, we have yet another example of how liberalism is a mental disorder. SOURCES: Please thank Century Arms for their support!                                                                                      Facebook -                                                                                      Website - From "A deputy was shot dead at a Minnesota hospital Sunday after the suspect he was guarding grabbed his gun and opened fire. Aitkin County Sheriff's Investigator Steven Sandberg, 60, died during an altercation at St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, state officials said in a statement. Off-duty Memphis police officer killed; suspect in custody The man he was guarding, 50-year-old Danny Hammond, had been receiving medical care at the hospital after a domestic dispute, CNN affiliate WCCO reported. Around 5:15 a.m. Sunday, the suspect "gained control of Sandberg's gun and shot him," the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said. Hammond also died at the hospital after a security guard used a Taser to subdue him. Officials said the suspect "experienced a medical emergency" after he was Tasered. Sandberg had worked for the Sheriff's Office for 24 years, officials said. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner told reporters. After the deadly shooting, a solemn convoy of police vehicles escorted his body to the medical examiner's office, where investigators will conduct an autopsy, WCCO reported. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton expressed condolences to Sandberg's family in a statement Sunday, calling his death a "terrible, senseless murder." "This tragedy reminds us that Minnesota's law enforcement officers risk their lives every day and night to keep us safe," he said." From "A Salina theater was evacuated after a man apparently shot himself in the leg with his concealed handgun. The Salina Journal reports the theater was evacuated Friday after the handgun went off in the man’s pocket, hitting him in the upper leg. Tim Coleman says he was sitting nearby when he heard a pop, smelled gunpowder and the man said “Oh my God! I shot myself.” Coleman, an Army mechanic now with the Kansas National Guard, says first he checked to make sure his 14-year-old daughter and her friends were safe. He says people evacuated calmly, and several people called 911. Coleman fixed a tourniquet to stop the man’s bleeding and made sure the weapon was secured. Police say the incident remains under investigation. The man’s condition is unclear." From "A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.” Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.


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