SOTG 207 – Ex-CNN Anchor Lynne Russell Tells Gun Control Activists to Shut the F*#k Up

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: In a story that is sure to disappoint liberals everywhere, a former CNN anchor and her husband used firearms to defend themselves from a member of the Democrat voting base. There are a number of lessons to be learned and affirmed from this story. While you are being distracted non-stop by Confederate flag news, your nation is crumbling. Consider the story of the 5 time deported foreign invader who used a gun stolen from a Federal Agent to murder a United States citizen. SOURCES: From ( "Former CNN anchor Lynne Russell recently made national headlines when her special forces veteran husband Chuck de Caro used a gun to defend the couple from an armed felon. Tomario Watson assailed Russell in the parking lot of a Motel 6 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and forced her to go back to the room with her husband, who was in the shower. When Watson became more demanding, he shot de Caro in the chest three times. But the Green Beret vet had a gun in the room, and proceeded to use it to defend them against the criminal. As Lynne Russell put it, The Second Amendment “saved my life.” “I’m so grateful to him. He literally is my hero. He saved my life,” Russell told Fox 41. “I’m grateful that he is a responsible gun owner. He’s former Special Forces. He knows how to handle himself.” Russell, who is the author of the book Hell on Heels, further clarified her views. “The discussion over the debate to own a gun is just ridiculous. As Americans we have the right to bear arms and as humans the right to protect ourselves,” she said. “I’m sure that the man who shot my husband did not have a gun permit. Criminals will always have guns. The rest of us legally obtain our gun permits.” “If you committed a violent crime you can’t get a gun permit. Simple law,” she adds. Then she had a direct and unmistakable message for those who would rather she be disarmed in the face of a would-be murderer. “If you don’t want to carry, please don’t. Then, shut the f–k up about it. Make your own decisions.” This is one pistol-packing lady who also knows how to pack a punch – when it comes to defending her rights." From ( "New details have come to light in regard to Kate Steinle, the woman who was fatally shot at San Francisco’s Pier 14 last week. Francisco Sanchez, the prime suspect who has since been arrested, used a gun belonging to a federal agent, the Associated Press is reporting. While the specific agency linked to the firearm has not yet been identified, the new finding will not change the circumstances of Sanchez’s charges, per CNN legal analyst Danny Cevallos: “It doesn’t in terms of charging this defendant… but it may mean that somebody else is going to be on the hook, and soon.” Sanchez allegedly killed thirty-two-yea-old Steinle after having already been deported five times. In addition, San Francisco’s “sanctuary city” policy has come under fire for allowing him to roam freely, despite his lengthy rap sheet of “non-violent” crimes. Virginia Kice, a spokesperson for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), insists that the city’s immigration policies potentially put residents in danger, adding: “All we’re asking is that [local authorities] notify us when a serious foreign national criminal offender is being released to the street so we can arrange to take custody.” Sanctuary cities allow local police to opt out of reporting undocumented immigrants to federal authorities upon arresting them and, in some cases, allow them to be released. The San Francisco Police Department has yet to confirm the origin of the weapon,