SOTG 208 – Gun Owners Have Mental Problems

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: You might not be aware of it, but according to the not-at-all-biased Center to Stop Gun Violence, gun owners have numerous mental problems to include paranoia, impulsive violent behavior, and a crisis of confidence. Just when you thought the male population of the United States could not get any weaker, we have an example of Vagination so profound that a sense of decorum prohibits detailing it here. Also, Wednesday is SWAT Fuel Fitness Talk day. Jarrad and Paul have some thought on leadership. SOURCES: From ( "A shopper at a Connecticut flea market became so offended by items he saw for sale by one vendor that he actually called the police. The shopper, who wants to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, became so offended that a vendor within the Redwood Country Flea Market was selling confederate flag merchandise and World War II merchandise featuring Nazi symbols that he called the police. The caller, who said he was of Jewish ancestry, became very upset over what he considers two symbols of hate. “I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he said. “I had to run.” While it is understandable why someone of Jewish descent would become offended at Nazi items, it is not enough to warrant having someone arrested or their business shut down under the law. The ability to possess and sell these items is protected by the First Amendment. “There was a table set up with this material,” Wallingford Chief William Wright said. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.” Several officers responded to the call, at an unknown cost to taxpayers. There are numerous collectors in the United States who collect World War II merchandise from all countries. They view their collections as history archives and not signs of hate. The Confederate Flag has only recently come under fire after it was revealed that the mass murderer who targeted an African American church in Charleston last month featured the flag prominently on his website." From ( "Several studies conducted in recent years have given us great insight into the psychology of gun ownership; meaning the beliefs and behaviors frequently exhibited by gun owners and the motivations behind them keeping weapons. As it turns out, cultural context, racial biases, political affiliation, and anger issues are all related to gun ownership. Here’s a sampling of some of the exciting research that’s out there: Those who own guns tend to be part of a “social gun culture.” In a 2015 study, Bindu Kalesan, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, found that there is a strong association between exposure to social gun culture and gun ownership. According to Dr. Kalesan’s research, the average gun-owning America is “white, married or divorced, high income, and over 55 years old.” The social gun culture includes “unseen codes of behaviour and powerful predictors of behavioural intentions and health behaviours.” Dr. Kalesan measured exposure to social gun culture by using the following questions: Would the individual’s family or social circle think less of them if they did not own a gun? Does their social life with family and friends involve activities including guns? Men who carry guns suffer from a “crisis of confidence.” Jennifer Carlson, author of “Citizen-Protectors: The Everyday Politics of Guns in an Age of Decline,” explained in a recent op-ed why men feel the need to carry guns in public. One man told Carson he felt “naked” without his gun. Carlson found that men might carry guns in public “as a reaction to broader socioeconomic decline” or because carrying a gun is seen as a “masculine duty.” Psychologically,