SOTG 213 – Comrade Barry has Vets turning on Vets

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: In yet another sickening display of veterans embracing the status of victims, we have vets turning on other vets at the VFW Convention in Pittsburgh, PA this week. One veteran was attacked by others for daring to show displeasure toward Our Dear Leader. Our friend Kenn Blanchard, Black Man with a Gun, was featured by the Washington Times after he challenged Comrade Barry’s response to the South Carolina church murders. Finally, Nanny Bloomberg’s favorite call girl is back at it begging for more state control. And we still don’t have our sandwiches. SOURCES: From ( "Documents obtained by The Daily Caller and interviews with American veterans reveal a shocking government program: The Department of Veterans Affairs is disarming America’s veterans by getting them placed on the FBI’s criminal background-check list. The VA sends veterans’ personal medical and financial information directly to the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which can seize their guns in home raids. Veterans deemed mentally incompetent or financially incapable are finally speaking out about the errors in the system and the fearful harassment they and their families face from the federal government. And it all starts when vets go to the VA to get medical help." From ( "Veterans ripped a sign that read "The Emperor Benghazi Has No Clothes" from a protester's hands as a group gathered for President Barack Obama's speech on veterans' issues in Pittsburgh. The tussle occurred as the president spoke to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars about stressing the need to honor soldiers' service. The sign was a reference to the September 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans." From ( "President Obama and other black leaders called for tighter access to firearms last week in reaction to the mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, but not Kenn Blanchard. A former Marine, Christian pastor and author of “Black Man with a Gun,” Mr. Blanchard wants more black people to protect themselves by embracing the Second Amendment and learning to use firearms, instead of reflexively siding with the gun control movement “It hit too close to home, being a former pastor of a church, knowing that you’re almost a sitting duck because you open your church up to the herding, you don’t question people, you don’t have adequate security,” said Mr. Blanchard, who hosts a podcast through his website, “Biblically, it’s kind of out of context, too,” he said. “If you’re going to be the shepherd of a flock — the shepherd had a really big stick. And the shepherd protected the sheep from the wolf and the bear. And the sheep felt safe because the shepherd was armed.” Somehow, he said, “we’ve gotten away from that. We make it seem as if the gun is an evil talisman when it’s not. It’s just another tool.” Mr. Blanchard’s response to Wednesday’s massacre is a sharp contrast to those of other black leaders, starting with Mr. Obama but including Rep. Donna F. Edwards, a Maryland Democrat who urged Congress to pass gun control bills instead of only having “yet another moment of silence.” “I don’t think it’s inappropriate for us to talk about what we need to do to get and keep guns out of the hands of people who would commit such a tragedy,” Ms. Edwards said on “Fox News Sunday.” Evidence suggests that Mr. Blanchard’s message is gaining followers. A Pew Research Center poll released Dec.