Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired March 3, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:50

Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Members of the Missionary and Alliance Church and Church of the Nazarene founded Ambrose College that is now hosting a conference this week with their president Gordon T. Smith and a Catholic priest. The conference is calling for Catholics and Evangelicals to accomplish God’'s Mission together. How can that even be accomplished when the Church of Rome has a different Jesus and a different gospel? The website openly speaks of their ecumenical goals. Topic: The president of the so-called evangelical Ambrose College got his theological degree from a Jesuit institution according to his bio. Why is this troubling and what has been the goal of the Jesuits for hundreds of years? Topic: Hear an audio clip of Gordon T. Smith saying that evangelicals should learn from Catholic mystics Teresa of Ávila, Saint John of the Cross, and St. Ignatius Loyola. Who are these people and why are they heretics? Topic: Hear audio of Gordon T. Smith declaring that baptism is part of salvation and that evangelical churches are behind in understanding what the Catholic Church understands in many regards. Topic: Hear Gordon T. Smith take Acts 2 out of context to seemingly justify Baptismal regeneration. Topic: How should people respond to this news? Why are so many evangelicals helping to build the false church of Revelation 17?

 Brannon Howse Says Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas Should Look in the Mirror If He Wants to Know Who is Partly Responsible for America Being Given Over By God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:00

~~Brannon Howse Says Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas Should Look in the Mirror If He Wants to Know Who is Partly Responsible for America Being Given Over By God  Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas said this week at NRB “I don't understand the kind of theological system that says it is okay for a Christian that was founded an America that was founded as a Christian nation to surrender the control in the direction of this country to the godless immoral infidels who hate God. I don't understand how we’ve come to this place that we've said that is the theologically correct thing to do.”Brannon says when it comes to Jeffress he wants to know what theological system says it is ok for Jeffress to call the last Pope a Christian or Catholic Bill O’Reilly, who says Jesus died over taxes, a believer? What makes Jeffress think that those who are opposed to God should be called Christians or believers? Is that the theologically correct thing to do Jeffress? The answer is no! Brannon takes Jeffress to the word of God to explain to him why America has been given over and Brannon believes it is in part because of New Religious Right leaders like Jeffress.Listen to this audio clip and forward to your friends so they can get an understanding from God’s Word as to why America’s New Religious Right and Neo-evangelical leaders are partly responsible for God giving America over.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 20, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:18

Topic: Even Secular outlets report on New Apostolic Reformation proponent calling for a military coup to take over the government and put America back under the Constitution. Topic: One website is reporting that Family Research Council Executive Vice President has said that the 2nd Amendment came from the Lord and that Christians are going to have to fight at times to build God’'s kingdom. Why is such talk totally unbiblical? Topic: How does the irresponsible speech of some of the New Religious Right actually harm the gospel as well as Christians? Topic: Kentucky Church to build 61,300 square foot gym to bring the goats into their church. Why is this completely unbiblical and a waste of money? What must real Christians in nations where they are being persecuted for the gospel think of Americans building fitness centers for goats while they preach the pure gospel and pay such a price? Topic: What about Celebrate Recovery by Rick Warren? Should churches use this course and training? Topic: Rick Warren writes a so called Bible study around the movie Son of God by Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey. Topic: NBC affiliate in Charlotte, North Carolina reports that the supposed spontaneous baptisms of hundreds of people were anything but spontaneous. Hear the news report and ask yourself why the secular media has to expose these hirelings and their gimmicks instead of Southern Baptist Convention leaders?

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 19, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:53

Topic: Brannon has been discussing Providence and the Will of God. Today he starts out the program by talking about how the sovereignty of God and man’s free will do not contradict each other and in fact what man means for evil God uses to accomplish His ultimate will as Jospeh told his brothers in Genesis 50:20. God working with man’s sinful choices for His ultimate sovereign purpose is known as the doctrine of concurrence. Topic: A major, secular, Mid-South magazine publishes a piece on Phyllis Tickle. Tickle has played a major role in the promotion of the Emergent Church and now Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, Brian McLaren, and other Emergent Church leaders have written a book on her impact on religion, publishing, and the church in America. This is important because it reveals that that Emergent Church teaching is going even more mainstream even in the Bible Belt as evident in this article in a secular magazine. About three years ago some Christian speakers were saying the Emergent Church was a fad. That is like saying Gnosticism is a fade and yet Paul was confronting it even in his day in the Epistles. The term Emergent Church may be a fade but the philosophies, theology and worldview of the Emergent Church is not a fade and will only increase in popularity until it reaches the crescendo of the one-world religion of Revelation 17. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 17, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:01

Providence and the will of God. Part Two: Today Brannon discusses Scripture that reveals that 1. God has ordained His will for us before Time began. 2. God reveals His will in His Word. 3. The Holy Spirit illuminates the will and Word of God. 4. The Holy Spirit leads us in God’s will. 4. The Holy Spirit leads us in God’s will. 5. Faith and obedience cause us to persevere in God’s will. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 18, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:37

Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Why were portions of the Old Testament written in Aramaic? Which portions were they? Question: Knowing that God is holy and cannot be in the presence of sin, how does one explain Satan being in His presence in Job 1:6? Question: Paul called the Corinthians carnal. Is he saying that some of them were false converts, or were they real born-again Christians? Question: Who is in the “cloud of witnesses” referred to in Heb. 12:1? Question: What is your opinion of merging the gospels together into a harmonized edition? Does doing so add or take away from the Word of God as warned against in Rev.22: 18, 19? Question: If you were starting a local church today, what would you view as its most important elements? Question: A caller recently said that our soul dies and only our spirit is eternal. Aren't both our soul and spirit eternal? Question: In heaven, will God explain why we suffered the hardships we endured on earth? Question: Can the saints who are in currently in heaven intercede for Christians on earth? Question: For a few years now it has been a battle trying to get my teenage daughter to go to church. I was in fear that making her go was only hardening her heart. So we told her that she knows right from wrong and that she would have to answer to the Lord one day. Is this the right approach to take to a rebellious teenager who doesn't want to go to church? I don't want her to go if her heart isn't right to worship the Lord yet I don't want her to be left out of hearing God’s Word.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 14, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:21

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon for their weekly Middle East Update. Topic: Russia Buying Out US Influence with $2 Billion Arms Deal for Egypt Topic: Iranian army chief: Iran would strike US bases if attacked Topic: Iran says warships headed close to US borders Topic: Israel's Defense Minister Says Israel is a Military Super power. Topic: Iranians Take to Streets to Celebrate 35th Anniversary of the 1979 Revolution. Topic: Iraqi violence has war-torn nation at brink of civil war. Topic: Leader of the European Parliament Attacks Israel in a speech to the Kennessett - members of the Knessett walk out and say Temple Mount proves land belongs to the Jews. Topic: We take your calls

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 13, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:11

Australian Cameron Buettel joins Brannon to explain the theological problems with Australian Pastor Brian Houston who is pastor of Hillsong church and is now becoming nationally known and has planted a church in New York with his son now reportedly planting a church in California. Hillsong is now exporting so-called worship music all over the world and your church likely sings their songs. Cameron explains the problem with the theology of Brian Houston as well as the music of Hillsong. Topic: Is man-centered theology the foundation of much of this music? Is this music being used to get people to not think theologically but emotionally? Is such music being used to also create a sense of collectivism and group think? Topic: What is the connection between Brian Houston and Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll, Joel Osteen, Judah Smith and other theologically troubled individuals?

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 12, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:15

Is repentance required for salvation? Recently Brannon was given a worksheet by someone that was concerned by the fact that their Sunday school teacher was teaching that repentance was not required for salvation. This teacher was declaring that faith was all that was required for salvation and repentance was required for fellowship with God. Topic: Brannon gives the definition of repentance. Topic: Brannon shares about a dozen verses that specifically say that repentance is required for salvation and that Jesus and his Apostles proclaimed repentance as part of salvation. Topic: What scriptures reveal that just believing in Jesus is not the sign or requirement of a true believer? Topic: Brannon explains why repentance is not becoming sinless or perfect and thus repentance is not works unto salvation. Topic: What scriptures reveal that repentance is not something we can do on our own and thus it cannot be defined as works? Topic: Faith and repentance are two sides of the same coin and repentance is no more a work than faith is a work. Topic: Ephesians 2:8-9 declares that salvation is not by works and 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 declares that repentance is required to produce salvation and thus repentance cannot be described as salvation by works or the Bible would be contradicting itself and the Bible cannot contradict itself.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 11th, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:10

Why are some city and county governments handing empty medicine bottles on the door of their residents? The answer in the literature included with the empty medicine bottles says it is a test to see if they can distribute medicine in the event of a bioterrorists attack. How ready are you for such an event? Do you own potassium tablets? Why does the government have to give us potassium tablets? Why are families not preparing on their own? Topic: Hear some shocking and sobering audio clips from a November of 2010 interview that Brannon conducted with retired General Jim Cash who served as the assistant director of operations at NORAD inside Cheyenne Mountain. General Cash speaks of his belief that it was China that shot a missile off our coast in 2010. Topic: General Cash speaks to the real and present threat of an EMP attack against America. Topic: Iran says it is moving a war ship off the American coast in international waters? Iran has been practicing since 1998 on launching a missile from a cargo ship and now they might actual move a war ship close to our shores? Topic: A congressman and former CIA Director hold a meeting in D.C. on the threat of 9 out of 10 Americans dying due to an EMP attack. Topic: In November of 2010 experts believe China shot off a missile 35 miles off the California coast and experts also believe that if this had been an EMP attack that was this close to our shores our military could not have prevented this attack. Experts saw this Chinese sub was armed with 12 missiles that carry a large nuclear payload. Topic: Why are more Churches and Christian men not taking seriously their responsibility to prepare for their families for the many threats that faces our families? How will the New Testament church carry out the command to care for those inside our own congregations when so few Christian men, elders, deacons and pastors are not aware of threats we face or are afraid to talk about preparations? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 10, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:56

Topic: When pro-family & neo-evangelicals in America give credibility to globalists, statists, internationalists, globalists, and communists and their agenda. Topic: First large, so called, Christian organization endorses the globalist Common Core education program. Would it be a shocker if you found out the leader of this organization has been embraced by New Religious Right groups such as the American Family Association and Focus on the Family? Topic: American Family Association radio network host calls Putin a lion of Christianity? Has the AFA/AFR host forgotten that Putin is a former Communist, KGB officer? Is he not aware of numerous reported human rights abuses against those that oppose Putin? Brannon explains the real worldview of Putin, the president of Russia. Bloomberg reports that Putin is the richest man in the world with a net worth of $70 billion. How did Putin get his $70 billion? Was it through corruption and if so is that the hallmark of a man that is a lion of Christianity? Putin recently met with the Pope and bowed to this false teacher. Would a lion of Christianity bow to a false teacher that claims to be the very presence of Christ on earth? Topic: Cliff Kincaid reports that a Russian opposition leader claims that Putin and his friends have stolen $30 billion that should have gone to construction projects for the Olympics. Topic: American Pro-family organizations to support and/or be sponsors or partners with the World Congress of Families that is reportedly going to hold a conference in Moscow in September of which Putin will reportedly preside over. Why would so-called pro-family organizations do anything that might give credibility to Putin? Cliff Kincaid reports that a close associate of Putin is behind the Moscow conference. Learn about this friend of Putin and his former KGB history. Topic: According to news reports, Putin gave communist party head Gennady Zyuganov a soviet edition of the Communist Manifesto as a birthday gift and called him one of Russia’s most influential politicians. Does all this make you think Putin is a lion of Christianity? Topic: Why do so many so-called pro-family groups seem to be so clueless as to be duped by false teachers along with globalists, socialists, and even communists?

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 7, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:28

Jimmy Deyoung joins Brannon for a Middle East update: Topic: Muslim Brotherhood Leader Meets Obama in White House. Topic: Pope Coming To Israel As 'Che Guevera of Palestinians' Topic: Dangerous Times: Russia Rising in the Middle East Thanks To Putin. Topic: Putin richest man in the world? Topic: Secretary of State JohnKerry has declared war on God - warn of divine judgment - says Rabbis. Topic: Children have become major players in 3 year old civil war in Syria. Topic: Prime Minister Netanyahu says Palestinians don't want peace-they refuse to recognize Israel. Topic: Rabbi says Jewish Holy sites in Jerusalem on chopping block. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 6, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:35

Breaking News: Live on the air, Mike Gendron challenges any Catholic Apologist to a live debate and Worldview Weekend has agreed to host it and secure the auditorium. But don't hold your breath. Most Catholic Apologists refuse to debate Gendron, a former Catholic of 37 years. On this third program, Mike Gendron joins Brannon today as they play clips of Gendron on a Catholic Radio program as well as audio clips of Catholic apologists trying to refute the Biblical truth presented by Gendron. Listen to a Catholic apologist twist scripture to say that the Church of Rome is the true church. Listen also as they seem to show their objection to Mike Gendron saying the Church of Rome promotes another gospel. Mike explains why he believes this to be true. This is a very informative program on how to lovingly and accurate contend for the faith with those that distort Scripture. This again proves the great need for Christians to know the Word of God so they can recognize when it is being taken out of context by members of the Church of Rome or members of numerous cults that are also skilled and twisting scripture or teaching it out of context.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 5, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:28

Jesse Johnson joins Brannon to respond one of the audio clips from the Catholic radio program that was taking issue with Mike Gendron. Jesse brings some very insightful, Biblical information to the table in regards to what the Church of Rome proclaims. Topic: Jesse has been teaching through the book of Judges. Jesse explains what we can learn from this book as we are ourselves are living in a nation involved in rebellion. However, Jesse warns of those who have gone too extremes such as Jonathan Cahn in his book The Harbinger. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 4, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:56

Part Two: Mike Gendron joins Brannon today as they play clips of Gendron on a Catholic Radio program as well as audio clips of Catholic apologists trying to refute the Biblical truth presented by Gendron. Listen to a Catholic apologist twist scripture to say that the Church of Rome is the true church. Listen also as they take Gendron out of context and change the topic away from what Gendron was actually addressing as his concern. This is a very informative program on how to lovingly and accurate contend for the faith with those that distort Scripture. This again proves the great need for Christians to know the Word of God so they can recognize when it is being taken out of context by members of the Church of Rome or members of numerous cults that are also skilled and twisting scripture or teaching it out of context.


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