Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: December 30, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Iran shoots a missile 1500 yards from U.S Warship. Topic: Russia Rising. Topic: Rise of Palestinian violence. Topic: What would entice Russia to attempt to invade Israel? Topic: 2015 trends that will point to 2016 trends.

 Brannon Howse: December 29, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Providential Purpose of Persecution. (Part Two) Why does God allow persecution? How does persecution accomplish many positive things for the sake of the gospel? Topic: How should we respond to persecution? Today Brannon shares the last 5 of 10 points concerning the providential purpose of persecution. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: December 28, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Providential Purpose of Persecution. (Part One) Why does God allow persecution? How does persecution accomplish many positive things for the sake of the gospel? Topic: How should we respond to persecution? Today Brannon shares 5 of 10 points concerning the providential purpose of persecution. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: August 13, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is more dangerous, the radical feminism of the 1960s or the conservative appearing feminism of today that is more camouflaged? Topic: Today Brannon explains why he believes Megyn Kelly and many of the women of Fox News as well as other so called conservative pundits are promoting a more dangerous brand of feminism than that of Gloria Steinem. Topic: If female journalists or broadcasters or other such female professionals want to be treated like men and valued for their brains, ability, and achievements then why do some female professionals pose for what appears to be sexually provocative magazine shoots? Why do many female journalists or broadcasters wear clothing that is so revealing, including showing cleavage if they want to be treated like men? Do we see the male journalists and broadcasters dressing provocatively or posing for provocative photo shoots? Do the so-called conservative feminists of today want to have it both ways based on when it suits them? Topic: Most of the radical feminists of the 1960s were pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-erotica, and pro-promiscuity. How are the so-called conservative feminists of today any different except they claim to be republicans and are willing to wear provocative clothing if it gets them more attention while seemingly claiming they want to be treated just like the men? Topic: Has anyone noticed that Fox News Channel seems to put many of their female broadcasters in clothing that is less than professional? Can a journalist be taken seriously if they do not act or dress professionally? Do such journalists have the credibility to ask Presidential candidates if they are qualified to be taken seriously as a candidate? Topic: When did news programs become more like a tabloid magazine and what does this say about the American culture and news industry? Topic: Our phone lines light up on this topic?

 Brannon Howse: August 12, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hear a portion of a very important keynote presentation by Dr. Tommy Ice from our Branson 2015 Worldview Weekend. In this presentation Dr. Ice explains the three divine institutions that are under assault due to the sinful nature of man that has rejected the truth of God and His principles and standards for these three institutions.

 Crosstalk: August 11, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Since the news media began covering the undercover videos exposing alleged abortion related problems at Planned Parenthood, stories have been coming forth with new information and Jim looked at those during this edition of Crosstalk. Some of the stories that Jim mentioned included: --A director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, advertises a track record of fetal tissue sales including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses. --For 8 years, a woman who worked for a branch of Planned Parenthood, participated in the fetal tissue donation process and said that when a woman walks in for an abortion, they don't talk about donation until they get to the counseling part. Then it was noted that the donation would be for work on life-saving treatments for various diseases. No discussion was given to donating an arm or leg as that would give a sense of humanity to the fetus. They went so far as to shy away from calling it 'fetal tissue research.' In essence, this whole process is built upon a lie.

 Brannon Howse: August 11, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Rob Congdon joins us to discuss the breaking news that China has devalued their currency. What does this mean for the American dollar and other world currencies? A few years ago James Rickards predicted a currency war in his best-selling book. Is what China just did part of that currency war? Topic: China and Russia are working together in an economic partnership for their own benefit but part of the goal may be to bring down America economically. Topic: Does the move by China have anything to do with the upcoming decision by the International Monetary Fund to possibly add the Yuan to the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Rights?

 Brannon Howse: August 10, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Justin Peters joins Brannon to discuss the news reports of Pastor TD Jakes embracing same-sex marriage. Are pro-family leaders calling out Jakes and if not why not? Why is it imperative that Bible believing Christians publicly disagree with Jake? What message is sent to the world if Christians do not disagree with pastor Jakes? Is America about to see a tidal wave of religious leaders embracing same-sex relationships and if so why? Topic: Justin has just returned from Australia and was within walking distance of Hillsong Church. What kind of response did Justin receive in his meetings? Topic: Many listeners have asked us about Christine Cain. Justin gives his thoughts on Cain. Topic: Boston Global carries an article that features a University professor that is warning of the double government or shadow government that really controls much of American policy. Interesting to note that this article is on the liberal Boston Globe and not some right-wing publication.

 Brannon Howse: August 7, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Usama Dakdok & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: The press reports that Muslims terrorists are not real Muslims that are practicing Islam but do acts of violence because they are 1. Uneducated, 2. Poor, 3. Mentally ill, 4. Misunderstand Islam. Topic: Today many people use the term moderate Muslim but the Quran does not call them moderate but hypocrite. A hypocrite Muslim may go to the Mosque, they may pray 5 times a day but if they are not willing to be involved in Jihad or to financially support jihad then the Quran says they are a hypocrite and not moderate. The Quran teaches that a hypocrite Muslim is to be treated the same as the infidel. Topic: The Quran calls for casting terror on the infidels, provoking the infidel and killing the infidel. Topic: Are Mosques typically a place that indoctrinates Muslims in what the Quran teaches about Jihad? In some nations are Mosques actually the armory where weapons are stored and distributed for Jihad? Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss the threat by Iran of an EMP attack on America. Topic: Brannon reveals why he thinks the Fox News Presidential debate was a joke with many major big issues not being addressed such as the threat of an EMP attack or the financial weapon of mass destruction like derivatives etc. Why was Megan Kelly seemingly obsessed with such juvenile issues as who tweeted what about someone else. Topic: We take your calls.

 T.A. McMahon: February 9, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tom concludes his interview with Caryl Matrisciana of Caryl Productions. They discuss Volume III of Caryl’s latest documentary, Wide Is the Gate.

 Jesse Johnson: February 9, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Jury Has Reached A Verdict (Mark 15:6-15)

 David Farnell: February 9, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jesus Quest: Program #1:David begins a series on Jesus Quest. This is a look at how liberals, posing as evangelicals, are on a quest to discover the real Jesus. Sadly, their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.

 Brannon Howse: February 6, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guests: Chris Pinto and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Chris joins us to set the facts straight after a caller on the program the day before invoked his name and left the impression Chris believes the Blood Moon hype and fiction of John Hagee. Chris explains why that is not the case. Topic: Chris talks about Christians being forced out of their homes in Mexico by Catholics because they will not convert to Catholicism. Topic: Chris gives his thoughts on the Pope coming to America in September to speak to a joint session of Congress. This will be the first Pope to ever speak to a joint session of Congress. Could the first Jesuit Chaplin for the House of Representatives, Catholic Speaker of the House John Boehner and Catholic Nancy Pelosi be behind this agenda? Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics. Topic: Jordan vows to destroy Islamic State for burning alive one of their pilots. Topic: With the death of King Abdullah, the new leader of Saudi Arabia - King Salman - is a scenario that has eschatological significance as it relates to all of Islam. Topic: Palestinian youth, trained in Hamas Youth Camps, are trained to kill Israelis. Topic: Ancient tablets reveal daily life of Jews in Babylon, 2500 years ago, which also has significance looking to the future as well.

 Brannon Howse: February 5, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Dr. Tommy Ice. Topic: For one night only on March 23, 'Four Blood Moons' the book by Pastor John Hagee will be screened in movies theatres as a docu-drama and will feature commentary from Dinesh D'Souza, Dennis Prager, and David Barton. What is the truth behind this hype and why would the theological analysis of all these men be in question? Topic: Not one significant event in Jewish history was in any way connected to the first five tetrads that fell on Jewish feast days and thus this completely undermines the claims being made by those that are stating that God is sending some kind of warning through ‘blood moon’s at this time. Topic: When will the blood moons discussed in Joel 2, Matthew 24, and Revelation 6:12 actually occur? How do we know this is not the time for the moon to appear like blood as mentioned in these verses as a warning of God’s Second Coming, which is not be confused with the rapture? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: February 4, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Ken Ham. Topic: Columnist Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition writes an article on reasons to doubt the creation days were 24-hour periods. Ken explains several serious problems with column and claims by Taylor. Topic: Why does Ken believe this issue is ultimately an issue that undermines the gospel? Topic: How ironic is it that we are increasingly seeing articles coming from the gospel coalition website that actually undermines the gospel? Topic: Why are the neo-Calvinists becoming more and more of a threat to Biblical truth? Topic: Ken explains why AIG is suing the state of Kentucky. Topic: Was the best-seller, Jesus Calling, inspired by a New Age book that was written through channeling? Topic: Why do evangelicals quote mystics Henri Nouwen and Dallas Willard who promoted universalism? Topic: We take your calls.


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