Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired June 10, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:26

Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb.  These are the topics on this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: John 14:2, 3 has been used to support a pre-tribulation rapture. Do you see a pre-tribulation rapture there? Question:  In light of John 16:33, why should the church expect to escape the Great Tribulation? Question:  Heb 2:14 says the devil has “the power of death” (NKJV), but Rev 1:18 says Christ has “the keys of Hades and of Death.” How do we reconcile these verses? Question: Does the Bible distinguish between tribulation, wrath and judgment? Question: Do you think that Christians in America will ever be persecuted? Question: What should Christians do in response to the growing acceptance of gay marriage? Question: How come we do not hear more expository preaching from the Old Testament? Question: Is it acceptable for a Christian to deprive a loved one of food and water until they die if the person signed a statement asking for “death with dignity”? Question: Will there be animal sacrifices in the millennium and, if so, why – since Christ was our ultimate sacrifice? Question: Is there redemption available for fallen angels? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired June 9, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Topic: Joel Osteen joins a coalition of 15 protestant leaders that went to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis on interfaith understanding and ecumenical prayer. The delegation then attended a convocation service with 50,000 Charismatic Catholics. Osteen virtually admits that he agrees with the Harlot Church Pope Francis is building. Topic: The Southern Baptist Convention releases a report that states they have a problem with their association not seeing conversions or baptism. The SBC report states that the “only consistently growing” baptism group was children under the age of five. Brannon explains why children under the age of five should not be baptized and how the SBC has become very skilled at creating false converts. Brannon explains why the SBC, which is the largest denomination in America, is in decline and then explains that the SBC obsession with warm bodies walking the aisle, saying a “sinner’s prayer,” and then getting baptized is a part of the reason the SBC is in decline. Topic: Sadly, most churches do not require a public profession of faith and testimony. In the end are most churches really interested in true converts and Biblical discipleship or simply numbers? Topic: Our phone lines filled up on these topics.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 27, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:25

Guest: Jesse Johnson. Topic: World Vision reverses its early statement from this week in which they declared that their employees could live in a homosexual relationship. Should Christians accept the reversal of World Vision? Has World Vision been a liberal, social justice organization prior to this controversy? What about the book The Hole in the Gospel by their president? Topic: Why do some neo-evangelicals now teach that unless you all bout give up your job and give all your income to the poor then you are second class Christian? Topic: What should you do if a pastor tells you that I Corinthians 4:1-5 teaches that you are not to question, challenge, or judge the doctrinal, theological, methodology, or leadership of his ministry? Topic: An Oklahoma pastor tells prophetess Cindy Jacobs that in his attempt to divorce America from Baal that the end result was flooding. Don’t miss this latest sound bite from the heretical camp of the New Apostolic Reformation.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 26, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:35

Today Brannon shares a portion of his keynote presentation from Contend 2014. The presentation is entitled “Contending Against the ISMS of the Day.” Perhaps you will want to share this with your high school and college children or grandchildren. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 25, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:28

When Mega Pastors Twist Scripture and Twist Arms for Money: (Part Two). In this program Brannon plays new audio clips that further reveal how some pastors, like Steve Gaines of Memphis, take Scripture out of to twist the arms of their church members for money. Brannon also explains the three tithes that were paid by the nation of Israel and explains why these tithes are not for the New Testament church today. While we are called to support the work of the Lord, Christians are not to embrace the civic and ceremonial laws of Israel.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 21, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:54

Topic: Israel paid three types of tithes. Will the tithe be reinstated for the temple during the tribulation? Topic: Will there be Levitical Priests for the Tribulation Temple? Topic: Boeing unveils a new weapon that can shut down all electronics. Topic: An Israeli Official Says Dividing Jerusalem Will Intensify the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Topic: Israeli Defense Minister Says US Is Projecting Weakness In The Middle East, We Cannot Rely On The United States As It Relates To Iran And Syria. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 20, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:46

Topic: Neo-evangelicals pushing for universal kindergarten for four year olds; and early childhood intervention when children are eight weeks old. Topic: Why is it not the calling of the church to fund social programs? Topic: How do early childhood programs rate all families as being “at risk?” Topic: Russell Moore says homosexuality should not be criminalized. Topic: Mark Driscoll buys his way to the New York Times Best Sellers list. Topic: George Barna Research tells us what evangelicals think of Pope Francis. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 13, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:21

Topic: When Mega Pastors Twist Scripture and Twist Arms For Money. Topic: What the Bible really teaches about supporting those that are in full time gospel ministry and what does it mean to give to the work of the Lord? Are churches a tool of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of God? Are you not giving to the work of the Lord if you give directly to a Biblical missionary or a Christian family without going through a local 501(c)(3) church? Topic: Supporting a Biblical New Testament church through grace giving is important but legalism and applying verses concerning Israel to a local church is not only unbiblical but it can be manipulation of congregation members. Topic: Hear the various audio clips of mega-pastors Steve Gaines, Ronnie Floyd, and Robert Morris that include twisting Scripture, using verses related to the nation of Israel, speaking of curses and opening doors for demons for not giving and accusations that you are stealing from God if you don’t give as they declare. Topic: One mega-pastor speaks of writing your first fruits check before paying the mortgage. So a father should put the mortgage of the church or the salary of the church ahead of the needs of his family and the family mortgage? What does the Bible say about this? Topic: According to numerous reports that SBC annuity fund is worth $10 billion dollars and yet the first fruit check should go to a mega-church before the family mortgage? Does some of the first fruit check go towards the retirement of the pastor that is in the $10 billion annuity fund? Does anyone notice just how selfish, greedy, and self-serving these mega pastors are being? Topic: Hear an audio of Pastor John MacAthur and Pastor Wade Burleson teaching the exact opposite of Floyd, Morris, and Gaines. The difference is Burleson and MacArthur are teaching Scripture in context. Hear an audio of a women asking Pastor MacArthur if she should take care of debt or keep tithing. The response by MacArthur reveals he is a shepherd not a shark. Topic: We take lots of calls from our listeners on what they think after hearing these audio clips.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 12, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:25

Topic: A young man that says in his bio that he works for Summit Ministries has written an article on his website entitled: The Pope is Right: Who am I to Judge? Former Catholic Mike Gendron joins Brannon to break down the troubling aspects of this article and what he says about the young evangelicals of today. Topic: The sad and theologically dangerous thing is that so many self-professing Christian and Christian worldview organizations are today teaching philosophy but not Biblical theology. It is impossible to have a Biblical worldview without sound Biblical theology which includes rejection false religions such as the Church of Rome. Topic: This young author writes: Ultimately, we Christians must keep in mind that Jesus, the person we are called to imitate, attracted huge crowds, not because he was constantly criticizing others, but because he was congenial, sociable, and loving…And in response, Jesus met them where they were – at their time and place of need – without question or rejection.” Brannon and Mike explain why this is false and not Biblical. Topic: The author writes: “The Pope is right. It doesn’t matter who you are sexually attracted to. It doesn’t matter what you believe your sexual orientation is. What matters is that you, as a human being with intrinsic value and worth, seek God and strive to live according to God’s design, which, when followed, leads to human fulfillment and true, unshakeable happiness.” Mike and Brannon explain why this is Biblical false. Topic: Megapastor converts to Catholicism. Topic: Jesuit College to host annual drag show. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 11, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:52

Part Two: Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Justin went to see the Son of God movie and took two pages of notes. Justin picks up where we left off yesterday and he continues to give us a run down on just how much blasphemy is in this move that was co-produced by New Age Catholic Roma Downey. Topic: Sadly, Summit Ministries put out an e-mail about actor Matthew McConaughey acknowledging God when receiving his Oscar for best actor. But was it the God of the Bible he was really acknowledging? McConaughey also talked about his father in heaven that was eating gumbo and drinking a beer in his underwear. McConaughey went on to say he was chasing himself ten years into the future as his own hero. The Summit e-mail said, “perhaps that is not a bad idea. After all, if we can’t look up to the person we will be in 10 years, then that is an indication that we are not allowing the Spirit of god to operate within us in order to sanctify us.” Seriously? Justin Peters describes this as per humanism. That is interesting since Summit ministries claims to teach students about worldviews. This is one of many reasons Worldview Weekend no longer endorses Summit Ministries since the retirement of David Noebel. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 10, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:01

Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Justin went to see the Son of God movie and took two pages of notes. Justin gives us a run down on just how much blasphemy is in this move that was co-produced by New Age Catholic Roma Downey. Topic: At the end of the film Justin stood up and asked for the attention of those in the theatre. Justin explained the false Jesus and false gospel of the film and then Justin gave the gospel. Hear how people respond. Topic: American Family Association writer wrote that the film was faithful to the gospel and an e-mail alert from Summit Ministries proclaimed the film could be used as an evangelistic tool and that the film succeeded in in helping people become more familiar with the story of Jesus. Justin explains why is it that so many evangelical organizations cannot discern truth and error?

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 7, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:53

Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Iran and Russia threaten to dump the U.S. dollar. What would this do to America and how might this help set the stage for a global currency? Topic: Vatican says it may be ready to embrace homosexual, civil unions. Could this lay the groundwork for the rise of a world and religious leader that is a homosexual? Daniel 11 may describe the Antichrist as a man that rejects the affections of women. Dr. DeYoung shares his thoughts on this topic. Topic: Prime Minister Netanyahu visits White House and resist pressure from President Obama. Topic: "Christ at the Checkpoint" conference announces Palestinian Authority Prime Minister will address attendees at the conference. Topic: Capture of Iranian weapons ship in Red Sea proves Iran is a terrorist-sponsoring state. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 6, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:29

Topic: The Doctrine of Concurrence. Today Brannon covers four points. Point One: Man’s free will and God’s total sovereignty is not a contradiction. While we might not understand it in our human minds, it is a Biblical fact. Point Two: God’s moral will and providential will explains how a Holy God uses sinful man to accomplish His purposes. Point Three: God is not the author of evil. Point Four: Only by understanding the doctrine of concurrence can we understand how God works all things together for good and have a truly Biblical worldview. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 5, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:45

Topic: PBS airs “Secrets of the Vatican” that exposes what some call the powerful gay mafia inside the Church of Rome. Topic: Pope approves of married priest in America for the first time since the 1920s. Is this a trend to deal with the vast number of homosexual priests? Topic: Ambrose College teaches students the ways of the Desert Fathers. Who were there Desert fathers and why is this nothing more than New Age occultism or Eastern mysticism? Topic: American Family Association writer says that the Son of God film “is faithful to the gospel message.” How can that be the case when the film does not give the Biblical gospel and in fact distorts many Biblical truths? Brannon reads a review of the film that should be of serious concern to Biblically minded Christians and cause such Christians to wonder why self-professing evangelical and pro-family organizations would call something faithful to the gospel that is known to have serious Biblical flaws and included consultants that are known false teachers. In addition, Roma Downey, one of the producers, is a New Age Catholic.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 4, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:15

Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Humans for millennia have used astronomical events to mark time, though long ago they did not fully understand how the solar system works. Nevertheless, the day was based on the rotation of the earth, the month was based on the revolving of the moon around the earth and the year was based on the revolving of the earth around the sun. Did the ancients have any form of “week,” or did that first come about when God gave Israel the seven-day week, based on God’s week of creation (Gen. 1:1- 2:3; Ex. 20:8-11; 31:12-17)? Question: If the 10 virgins of Matt. 25:1-13 were all called and all went to meet the bridegroom, do we know if the five foolish ones were not saved? Question: What happened to the people who came out of the graves in Matt. 27: 52, 53. Did they have to die again or were they taken up to heaven? Question : If all the body of Christ, or all believers, are part of the bride of Christ, who are the wedding guests (Rev. 19:9)? Question: Please explain if the baptism by/with the Holy Spirit, the filling of the Spirit and the sealing of the Spirit are separate experiences apart from salvation. Question: Will we ever see our Lord Jesus Christ face to face? Question: One of my friends is going on a mission trip to Haiti. A prayer sheet handed out for this mission trip asked us to pray that the people in Haiti would see visions and dreams. Should we pray that these people will see dreams and visions about the missionary coming? Question: Was the Jewish sacrificial system a preparation and protective measure to enter the Temple? Question: Do you attribute any prophetic significance to the events unfolding currently both in Russia and in Israel? Question: What can we do to make the upcoming Easter season more meaningful?


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