Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired December 23, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:36

Topic: Communist publication warns that “Third Way” (also known as communitarianism) is undermining Obama agenda. This is further proof that there is a battle for power occurring between the communists and communitarians/Fabian socialists. Topic: This same communist publication admits that Nelson Mandela never changed but was always a communist that simply understood that revolutionary theory is far more subtle and sophisticated than the communism of the cold war. Topic: Hear a portion of the address by Al Mohler at the inauguration of Russell Moore that reveals that Mohler seems very supportive of Moore and his worldview. Mohler even quotes positively in his speech, Amitai Etzioni, the director of the Communitarian Network. More and more evangelical conservatives are starting to question all the red flags they are having with Mohler. Topic: Joel Osteen says many churches are small because they spend so much time discussing Biblical doctrine. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 20, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:02

Dr. DeYoung joins us for a Middle East Update. Topic: Hundreds of Thousands of Christian Pilgrims Arrive in Israel to Celebrate the Birth of Christ. Topic: Re-unification of Palestinian Factions will not bring peace to the Middle East. Topic: As nuclear talks resume in Geneva - Iran stages large-scale war games. Topic: Red-Dead project would re-fill the Dead Sea and bring about Peace Valley. Topic: We take lots of your calls with questions for Dr. DeYoung.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 19, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:22

Justin Peters joins Brannon to discuss how the New Religious Right are being sensational, undiscerning and missing the point in their defense of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Why was Phil giving an interview to and thus helping promote and sell magazines for a risqué magazine like GQ? Topic: Justin and Brannon address the crude and vulgar language that Phil used in his interview with GQ and why Phil should apologize for mixing such vulgar comments in with his Christian testimony. Topic: Is Christianity and the gospel well served by the comments by Phil? Topic: Phil falls short in a good Biblical definition of sin, the gospel and repentance when asked by the GQ writer. Phil also makes a false statement when he claims that if we just repent that everything will turn around. Yet, becoming a Christian does not guarantee for anyone that everything will turn around; not the culture, not the country, not your finances. In fact 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Topic: What is happening to Phil is not an attack on free speech because A&E is a private company that can set their programming as they wish and it is not censorship as the government is not limiting the free speech of Phil. Topic: The sensationalism of the New Religious Right might get people to sign a petition and thus add to their e-mail list but thinking Christian are not falling for the hype and seemingly self-promotion of many evangelicals as they use this story to their own benefit. Topic: Our phone lines light up on this one.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 18, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:04

Mike Gendron and JD Hall join Brannon to discuss a CNN article by Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission recommending evangelicals buy the prayer book of Flannery O’Connor, a Catholic Mystic and worshiper of Mary. Hardly any evangelical leaders have mentioned a word of this but let Radio Shack not say Merry Christmas and some of them come unglued. Could those catholic dollars and donors be at risk if they spoke up? Topic: Why will Albert Mohler not come out and tell us whether he agrees or disagrees with his former dean of theology? Does not Albert Mohler owe that to true evangelicals since Al apparently helped Moore climb the evangelical ladder? Why has Mohler not agreed to come on the program live and speak to these issues and his praise of Nelson Mandela? Topic: Gendron & Hall speak to the theological issues at risk with the promotion of someone like Flannery O’Connor. Topic: Gendron speaks to the issue of Al Mohler signing the ecumenical document known as the Manhattan Declaration and how many signed the ecumenical document after seeing Mohler signed it. Topic: Why are evangelical leaders seemingly so silent when one of the so-called good guys does something wrong but yet hardly miss a chance to call out those that are not their friends or in their circles? Topic: The ultimate issue is that Moore is undermining the gospel by promoting a false teacher like Flannery O’Conner and JD Hall states that folks like Al Mohler owe it to the defense of the gospel and to the evangelical community to call Moore out. Sadly Mohler appears to be too much of a politician that is wound tight around the gears of the Southern Baptist Convention.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 17, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:34

Did you know that according to international law that was established in 1920 that Israel has a legal right to their land? This is a fact that even Israel seem to forget about at one point. Dr. Tommy Ice joins us today to explain the documented facts of this ignored international law by the anti-Semites and far left. When the left says Israel is breaking international law by their occupation; that is 100% a lie. Radicals are quoting white papers and proposals and ignoring the international law established in 1920. Hear how this law was brought about and how Great Britain and others simply started ignoring the law they once affirmed and put in place. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 13, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:55

Topic: Russell Moore of the SBC tweets that the Pope was a great choice for man of the year by TIME. Topic: Brannon calls out Al Mohler for praising Mandela and calling him a hero and someone Christians should be thankful for even though Mandela was a Marxist and terrorist. Topic: Brannon explains that he has appreciated many Biblical stands by Albert Mohler but he is now concerned with some major issues concerning Mohler. Brannon called the office of Al Mohler two days ago and invited him to come on the program live to explain from the Bible why it is acceptable to call Mandela, a man that was hostile to the gospel, a hero. Brannon also wants Mohler to explain from the Bible why it is acceptable to sign the ecumenical Manhattan Declaration and Brannon wants to know if Mohler was aware that Russell Moore was so messed up theologically when Moore served on the staff of Mohler. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung schools Mohler on why he was wrong to call the former Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin a terrorist in a recent article. DeYoung explains to Mohler why Begin was not a terrorist. Topic: President and Prime Minister of Israel do not attend Mandela Ceremony because not welcome in South Arica. Topic: Israeli Defense Minister says every Iranian Embassy around the world is base for Terrorism. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 16, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:06

Peter Hammond joins Brannon again from South Africa to discuss the following. Topic: Peter gives us new information on the real Nelson Mandela that many evangelical leaders like Albert Mohler and Ravi Zacharias seem to be ignorant about as they praise Mandela. The movie on Mandela is going to be released Christmas day all throughout America. Be ready to counter the worldview propaganda as it is reported this film eventually be shown in every school in America. Topic: Mandela was on the verge of bombing hospitals and schools before being arrested. Topic: Mandela can be seen on Youtube with his fist in the air along with Communists and a KGB officer and others as they sing about killing all the white people. Topic: The Biblical answer to racism. Topic: Who was Gordon Cromwell and what impact did he have on the world? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 12, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:35

Jesse Johnson joins Brannon as his guest. Topic: Contending against 20 isms that have made their way into the church. Brannon gives his 20 and Jesse responds. Topic: Christian leaders asked to buy into the seven mountain mandate of dominionism by Pinnacle Forum President. Topic: Dobson to sue over abortion pill mandate. Why do so many of the culture warriors battle liberals in the courts and culture but rarely if ever battle the theological liberals in evangelicalism but in fact work with them and have them on their programs? Topic: Why Jesse Johnson says Paul wrote the book of Hebrews. Topic: Christian college president calls for a listening period on whether the college should reverse their ban on faculty having same-sex relationships. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 11, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:54

Mike Abendroth joins Brannon today to talk about the recent claim by Beth Moore that in her study of the Bible she has found that the twelfth month is a time of reversal of fortune if you will. Listen to the audio as Moore discusses her claims and then hear Mike respond to what Moore is teaching. Some are saying that what Moore is teaching is very similar to numerology as well as Word of Faith false teaching. Moore points to the book of Esther and a few examples for her thesis. Why does Mike Abendroth believe that Moore is using poor hermeneutics and why does he believe that what she is doing is dangerous for those that sit under her teaching? We also take your calls and answer your questions.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 10, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:02

Dr. Whitcomb joins Brannon for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Please explain Moses’ sin in Num. 20:1-13 in terms of Ps. 106:33 and 1 Cor. 10:4. Was his main sin unbelief? If so, what was it that he refused to believe? Why could he not enter the Promised Land? Question: Is there any significance to the number of generations given in Matt. 1:17? Question: If the sign-miracle gifts were only intended for the apostles, how was it that a deacon like Stephen was given these gifts in Acts 6: 8? Question: What is your interpretation of 1 Cor. 13:10 and what does "that which is perfect" (NKJV) mean? Is this verse proof that tongues are still active today? Can we not say that sign-miracles are still active, since we cannot limit what our sovereign God can do as long as it does not violate Scripture? Question: 1 Pet. 3:21 says we are saved by baptism. I have heard that baptism is not a work, but an act from God toward us. Is baptism an outward sign of faith or is it truly something that has to be done for salvation? Question: How do we understand the difference between Law and Grace? Question: What are some ways that we can find true spiritual meaning in the Christmas season? Question: How can we best witness of Christ at this season of the year? Question: What are some things that we should expect to see happen prophetically in 2014, and how should this impact our spiritual lives? Question: Why does it seem that belief in and study of the Bible are trending down today when we have more resources than we have ever had before? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 9, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:16

Breaking News! Don’t miss the exclusive interview Brannon Howse conducts live with Peter Hammond who was born, raised, and lives in South Africa as a minister of the Gospel. Hammond reports that Mandela actually has been brain-dead since July but was left on life support for a movie to be completed about Mandela and the completion of a legal battle between his family members. Is the world being completely deceived by a highly orchestrated public relations, media, and propaganda campaign to the benefit of the international communists? Peter Hammond tells us how he was called to the office of President Mandela after he spoke before 30,000 people opposing the agenda of President Mandela that Peter reports included unlimited abortion rights, legalizing all pornography, and an attempt to legalize prostitution. Peter also reports that Mandela was a supporter of same-sex marriage. Peter reports that Mandela told him in this private meeting that America was the worst country in the world and Mandela praised Cuba and other communist countries. Peter tells us how Mandela responded when he told him of the millions that communism has killed. Peter also told Mandela that his abortion and communist agenda was even worse than Apartheid. Brannon and Peter also discuss the shocking and disgusting actions of evangelicals and conservatives that are praising Mandela. Sadly this includes people like Albert Mohler who calls Mandela a hero in his recent column. Peter calls for Mohler and others to repent and to stop this ungodly praise of a man that opposed the gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter does not hold back on this broadcast and many pro-family and evangelical leaders should be under incredible conviction and be incredibly embarrassed after listening to this program. Brannon warns that this again is another example of the Religious Trojan Horse he has been warning about for years. Peter says he can understand why Marxists would want to praise Mandela but not Christians. Peter reports that Mandela was a friend of the Communists and Islamic Jihadists and not Christians and the persecuted church. This is a broadcast that further reveals why Worldview Weekend Radio is necessary because much of so called evangelical and conservative broadcast outlets and print media have been compromised and many refuse to broadcast the truth or simply are not aware of the truth. Be sure to send a url of this broadcast to all your friends before it rolls into the Situation Room for members only.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 6, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:12

Topic: Don’t let believe the lies about Nelson Mandela. Mandela was a terrorist, thug, and communist. Topic: Saudi Arabia's Muslim authority says Muslim world ready to go to war over Temple Mount. Topic: In Egypt the Muslim brotherhood has gone underground with plot to de-stabilize Egypt. Topic: Ex-intelligent Chiefs say President Obama has let Iran go nuclear. Topic: Syria cross-border shooting at Israeli's is not a stray fire situation. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:15

Glenn Beck has Mark Driscoll on his television program. Listen to the Mormon and the cursing pastor/neo-Calvinist as they discuss the need for boys to grow up and be mature. How can Driscoll who is known for his juvenile and crude speech and behavior actually be pontificating about the need of today’s men to grow up? Topic: Hear the audio clip of Beck and Driscoll as they discuss intolerance but yet notice Beck complete tolerance for the homosexual lifestyle. We can document one more neo-evangelical running to appear with Glenn Beck and discuss spiritual things with him. Topic: We take your calls.

 Dr. Randy White: December 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

The Blessings of Justification | Romans 5:1-5 | Part 1 We arrive at Romans chapter 5 today, and the blessing of justification that comes only from God. Dr. White has been sharing with us that we can’t earn our salvation; we are justified by faith alone in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The gravity of this simple truth probably escapes us most of the time, because once we put our trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and are justified, we still try to measure up in some way – to the expectations of others in church, or to the expectations we imagine God has for us to be “righteous enough” for Him to accept us.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 4, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:46

Topic: Rush Limbaugh says the message of the Pope is pure Marxism. Rush seems shocked the Church of Rome is involved in Marxism/communism and even states that what the Pope said would have been unthinkable a few years ago. Rush is wrong, in fact a few years ago the Pope Benedict was saying the same things and even worse. Why are so many talk show hosts like Rush so ignorant about the Church of Rome? Topic: Pope Francis, jihad and Moscow’s Espionage Church. Topic: Muslim prayer rooms are the new thing at Christian and Catholic colleges. Topic: We take your calls.


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