Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired February 3, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:47

Mike Gendron joins Brannon today as they play clips of Gendron on a Catholic Radio program as well as audio clips of Catholic apologists trying to refute the Biblical truth presented by Gendron. This is a very informative program on how to lovingly and accurate contend for the faith with those that distort Scripture. This again proves the great need for Christians to know the Word of God so they can recognize when it is being taken out of context by members of the Church of Rome or members of numerous cults that are also skilled and twisting scripture or teaching it out of context.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 31, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:18

Lyndon Unger joins Brannon to discuss his latest article on how the word fire is used out of context by much of evangelicalism. Have you ever heard someone talk about getting on fire for God or praying for God to send a reviving fire? Nowhere in the Scripture is fire ever used in the manner. In fact if someone prays for God to send them fire they are really praying for God to send His judgment. Today Lyndon reveals how the word fire is used in four different ways but not one is to describe a reviving fire. This program is a great example of why good hermeneutics (proper study of The Bible) is so needed. Topic: Lyndon tell us about false teacher Joseph Prince that is gaining in popularity in America and around the world. Topic: We take your calls and questions.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 30, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:21

This program will encourage you and reveal that the church of God is alive and well. There are young people that are interested in Biblical truth and that are growing in their Biblical knowledge. God always has a remnant and leaders of His church are coming forth in a new generation. In this program, Brannon interviews Matt Ledbetter, a thirty-three year old police detective , husband, and father on the following topics: Topic: Matt explains how he has learned to study the Bible in the last two and half years and how exegesis versus eisegesis has made all the difference in his spiritual growth , Biblical understanding, and love for Bible study. Topic: Why do so many young people in their twenties and thirties not know how to study the Bible? Topic: Making disciples for many young people simply means getting someone to pray the sinners prayer. What is neglected is stressing Biblical repentance and teaching true converts how to study the Bible so they might be equipped in Biblical truth. People that don’t know how to study the Bible cannot teach others to study the Bible. What are the dangerous consequences of this wrong view on making disciples? Topic: Why do so many young people see social justice as the calling of the church? Topic: How did the peers of Matt respond when he taught a class exposing the unbiblical teaching of Rick Warren and his model for the New Testament church? Topic: How is Matt now impact the life of others with the Biblical truth he has gained and is gaining as he continues to study, learn and rightfully divide the Word of Truth?

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 29, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:07

A recent article on a Christian website reported that many young evangelicals are admitting that they no longer see church as a relevant part of their lives. Brannon gives 7 reasons why he believes this is the case and 6 of the reasons are not the fault of today’s evangelicals but the so-called churches that are really not New Testament churches. Topic: Our phone lines light up when we ask the listeners why they think so many young evangelicals no longer see the church as a relevant part of their lives.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 28, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:25

Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for this episode of Ask Dr. John. Question: Some people say that the Bible is full of teaching on a flat earth. Does the Bible teach a flat earth or a spherical earth? Question: We know God’s voice through Scripture, and the more we are in Scripture the more familiar we become with His voice. When we receive the leading of the Holy Spirit we know it is from God because we recognize His voice from Scripture. Why then do you say that God does not speak today? Question: What is the gift of prophecy in I Corinthians 14? Is it just interpreting Scripture and proclaiming the truth of it to the church or is it something else? Question: I am wondering about the DNA of Jesus. I know that God used Mary's DNA, but since she would not have had a Y chromosome God would have had to provide additional DNA since Jesus was a man. Is there any chance that God could have refashioned Mary's DNA so that the DNA of Jesus was the same DNA as Adam had (1 Cor. 15:45)? Question: According to 1 Tim. 3:2, 12 and Tit. 1:6, a man who is selected to be a bishop or a deacon must be “the husband of one wife.” Does that mean that a man who is divorced and remarried, even if divorced on Biblical grounds, cannot serve in these offices in the church? Question: If all of a Christian’s sins are forgiven – past, present and future – why does 1 John 1:9 tell us to confess our sins? If these sins do not affect us positionally with God, how do they affect our relationship with Him? Question: I have a friend who has been deceived by the Word of Faith movement. One of her favorite passages is I John 4:17. She believes this passage is saying that believers can do anything Jesus did. I have explained that if you take this approach, you are saying you are God, because Jesus is God. Could you please exegete this passage and give me some more information to help my friend? Question: Is it murder to deprive a terminally ill person of food and water until he dies if the person has requested "death with dignity"? Question: What theologians have had the greatest impact on your life and ministry? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 27, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:33

Topic: Neo-Evangelicals proclaim that homosexuals are made in the image of God as reported in TIME Magazine. Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, Rev Samuel Rodriquez, Mat Staver, and James Robison, along with others, are promoting this campaign. The writer for TIME magazine even had enough common sense to realize this was a move to the left. Topic: What does it mean to be created in the image of God? All humans are created in the image of God but this does not in any way give credibility or credence to the sinful behavior of humans. Topic: Daly is quoted in TIME magazine as throwing out the tired cliché that God loves the sinner but hates the sin. Is this a true statement? Brannon explains why this tired cliché is true and false depending on how you define the word love. Topic: Rev. Samuel Rodriquez is quoted by TIME Magazine as saying that the church of Jesus Christ and the word hatred should not even appear in the same sentence. Brannon reads numerous Bible verses that speak of God’s hatred toward workers of iniquity. Brannon explains how God can hate the lost and unrepentant sinner and how they are under God’s wrath while also being recipients of His mercy for a season. However, that mercy or concern should not be confused with the kind of love that God has for His own children. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 24, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:22

Jimmy DeYoung and Brannon discuss the meaning of the Lord ’s Prayer in which Jesus prayed for the Kingdom to come. Brannon and Jimmy use Scripture to prove that Jesus not teaching us to seek to build His physical kingdom here and now but to pray for the establishment of the millennial kingdom that will be brought by Him and not built by us. Topic: How can we be involved in building the invisible kingdom now? Topic: Don’t let people use the prayer of Jesus in Matthew 6 out of context to teach dominion now theology or social justice. Topic: What does Brannon mean by your eschatology drives your theology? Topic: Dr. DeYoung explains the difference between technical interpretation and spiritual application.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 23, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:19

Egyptian born Christian, Usama Dakdok joins Brannon to talk about some of the most popular lies in America’'s textbooks that promote Islam. Don'’t miss this fast paced program with Usama who is not only very knowledgeable but very passionate about truth. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 22, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:48

Former Mormon and perhaps the lead expert on Mormonism; Ed Decker joins Brannon to discuss the second speech by Ravi Zacharias at Brigham Young University the middle of January, 2014. Hear some audio clips from the chapel service at BYU. Ravi gave a very troubling speech that in no way separated Biblical Christianity from Mormonism. Ed explains why what Ravi did was unbiblical, dangerous, and undermines the gospel. Ed also explains how Ravi is assisting in Mainstreaming Mormonism into evangelicalism along with other well-known evangelicals. Topic: Hear a disturbing audio clip of Ravi praising false teacher Joyce Meyer and calling her a good Bible teacher. Topic: Hear the audio of Ravi calling Catholic mystic Henry Nowen one of the greatest saints of recent memory. Topic: Ed Decker responds to Albert Mohler speaking at BYU in October of 2013. Topic: What is all this interfaith bridge building going to end up establishing? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 21, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:53

Mike Gendron joins Brannon today to discuss the sad video and audio of evangelist Luis Palau telling Ed Stetzer with the Southern Baptist Convention that Pope Francis is a Christian. Mike Gendron was a Catholic for 37 years. Hear how Mike responds in great detail on why the Pope cannot be a Christian based on his own words that undermine the gospel and what it means to be a Christian. Topic: Is the trend by so called evangelicals calling the Pope a Christian on the increase and if so what will be the crescendo of this trend? Topic: Swiss Guard veteran says there is a gay network inside the Vatican. Add this report to the recent report by Pope Francis asking who is he to judge homosexual priests. Yet in January of 2014, Spain’s newly appointed cardinal declared that homosexuality can be cured. Is the Church of Rome deliberately taking both sides of many issues in order to carry out the Hegelian Dialectic process? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 20, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:11

Topic: What is God’s providence, how does it work, and why can you only see it after the fact? Topic: The difference between a miracle by God and God’s providence. Topic: New York Times features an article on Calvinism and while they mention neo-Calvinists, they don’t explain the dangers of the neo-Calvinists correctly. Topic: Word of Faith preachers has his congregation members eat grass to prove with God they can do anything. Why is this false? Topic: We take your calls.

 Crosstalk: January 17, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

The conversation continued covering various aspects of the global warming push including: --The formation of The Senate Climate Action Task Force. --Senator Barbara Boxer hails climate change as a dangerous threat to our nation and planet. --The EPA concluded that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant without doing its own assessment. --An audio clip from President Obama as a candidate in 2008 as he appeared before the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board. In the clip he admits that his plan would cause electrical rates to skyrocket. The problem is, legislation for such a plan starts with Congress, not the president. --Quotes from other legislators regarding climate change including Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Representative Barbara Lee of California. Lee believes global warming could drive women to prostitution. --Antarctic film footage project members locked in by record high ice levels. --Top U.N. climate negotiator lauds Communism as a solution to global warming.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 17, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:21

Topic: How can you know the will of God for your life? Brannon takes the first 30 minutes of the program to look at what the Bible says about this very common question. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss these topics. Topic: Hamas says the Jewish State of Israel will be gone by 2022. Topic: Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs calls for Jihad fighters to flock to Jerusalem. Topic: The Egyptians vote a national referendum that could bring military leadership to power in Egypt. Topic: Evangelicals in US and Israel split from traditional pro-Israel stand. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 16, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:08

Justin Peters joins Brannon today. Topic: Francis Chan violates 2 Corinthians 6:14, 2 John 9-11 and Romans 16:17 and goes to speak at IHOP for false teacher Mike Bickle. Hear the disturbing audio of Francis Chan praising Mike Bickle. Brannon explains in detail some of the false teaching of Bickle if you are not familiar with him. Topic: We have played the audio of Beth Moore saying God speaks to her through visions but now she claims God is speaking to her through dreams. Jude 8 warns of such dreamers of dreams. Justin explains the dangers of this mysticism being promoted by Beth Moore. Topic: The Biblical difference between mysticism and the Biblical prompting of the Holy Spirit. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 15, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:60

Mike Gendron joins Brannon to discuss these topics: Topic: Mike Gendron and eight others went to a Catholic church on Christmas Eve to share the gospel. A Catholic website is now describing what Mike and the eight did as an attack. Mike explains how some catholic proponents later meet with Mike and others from his church to try and convince them to return to the Catholic Church. Mike has now been invited onto a Catholic radio station to discuss this growing story. Topic: Mike reports that Moody Radio Network continues to embrace Catholicism. Mike describes two such examples. Topic: Leading homosexual magazine honors the Pope. We take calls that include numerous powerful testimonies from former Catholics and one caller that is a Catholic that describes her mystical experiences that she claims proves the Church of Rome is the one true church.


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