Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired December 3, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:54

Brannon interviews Elizabeth Bryant, author of Snatched from the Jaws of the Lion: "Snatched From the Jaws of the Lion" chronicles the separate spiritual journeys of the author, a first generation Christian, and her mother, a second generation Medium (Channeler or Spiritist). It covers the different paths they chose, the struggles they had with one another, and how the mother miraculously accepted Christ as her Savior in the last year of her life. The story demonstrates God’s faithfulness to answer prayer and to liberate from the entangling past. Although primarily about the journey of these two women, this book also carefully examines the Christian validity of works such as "The Course in Miracles," "God Calling," and Sarah Young’s "Jesus Calling." These three books use the same New Age method of channeling (automatic writing) to communicate so-called Christian thoughts from a spirit guide they call 'Jesus.' After a radical conversion to Christianity, the author ran wholeheartedly away from the New Age channeling practices of her mother, only to discover that she slammed into the very same practices in Christian circles, channeling with a 'Christian' covering and a mixture of Scripture. She has written this book to tell her story of how she too was deceived into believing that she could actually write messages from God. She shares how she longed for intimacy with the Lord and began to write these messages in the same way "God Calling" described, and "Jesus Calling" and its sequels now emulate. The author questioned why other Christians did not seek God in this same way, and gradually she realized that the practice was not from God. She broke free of this addictive snare, and she now offers help and answers to others who are struggling to determine if this practice is in accordance with Scripture. (the book is available on

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 2, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Topic: Christians need to be vigilant to not allow the gospel or the definition of a Christian to be defined by the life of TBN founder Paul Crouch Sr. despite the many evangelical leaders now praising the late Paul Crouch Sr. Justin Peters joins Brannon to talk about the evangelicals praising the founder of TBN, Paul Crouch Sr who passed away on November 30th. Topic: Why do evangelical leaders praise Crouch when he promoted a false gospel? Topic: Some of the best reporting on the problems at TBN may be from a Los Angeles Times reporter and not from evangelical writers. What does this tell us about the state of evangelicalism? Topic: Is increased exposure and/or increased donors major reasons so many evangelicals want to be on TBN and thus are willing to compromise and partner with and praise TBN and Paul Crouch Sr? Topic: What does the Bible say about working with a network like TBN? Topic: Hear audio of David Jeremiah praising Crouch and TBN yet TBN exports false teaching literally all around the world. Topic: While we cannot pronounce final judgment on an individual we can test their doctrinal fruit and thus what would such a test tell us about Paul Crouch Sr? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 27, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:24

Topic: Video series sponsored by the Jesuits promotes homosexuality. Hear a portion of the audio of this video series and the statements by two Jesuit priests that are seeking to normalize homosexuality. Brannon gives a quick history of the Jesuits, their goals, and the areas they seek to influence. Brannon then explains how much of evangelicalism and many of the so-called evangelical and family organizations have been duped by the Jesuits and the Church of Rome because of their ignorance, unbiblical objectives, and lack of commitment to the defense of the gospel. Such groups and individuals have enthusiastically opened the gates of evangelicalism for this Trojan horse to enter and accomplish their ultimate goal as revealed in Revelation 17. Topic: Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does not teach that Jesus became a sinner on the cross. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 26, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:54

What is more damaging to the gospel of Jesus Christ, the fact that one family organization reports that Radio Shack will not use the word Christmas or the fact that this family organization and their radio network has promoted false teachers and people with seriously troubling theology like Heidi Baker, Steve Hill, and Mark Driscoll? Today Brannon reveals how the American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Radio Shack. Does it really matter if Radio Shack says Merry Christmas? Will people go to hell because they don’t say Merry Christmas? However, could people go to hell if they accept the false gospel and false Jesus of false teachers? Hear a portion of the audio of AFR/AFA interviewing Steve Hill and Mark Driscoll. Mark Driscoll is now concerned about tribalism within evangelicalism. What is tribalism and how is this just another way of calling for people to compromise and find unity at the expense of Biblical truth? Why is moralizing dangerous and unbiblical? Why is evangelicalism and much of religious broadcasting driven by emotionalism as well as catering to a wide audience of people of faith? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 25, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:36

Dr. DeYoung joins us for a few minutes to discuss the weekend, breaking news that America and other nations have reached a deal with Iran over their nuclear program. Benjamin Netanyahu says the deal is an historic mistake. One Jewish author says this means the strike by Israel on Iran is inevitable. It is also reported that Israelis were in Saudi Arabia in the past few days looking a military bases that they might be allowed to use for the attack on Iran. Topic: Brannon spends the rest of the program talking about anti-bullying laws that are now being used to push the hate-crimes agenda and to silence Christians that speak Biblically about homosexuality as well as other issues such as Islam. Brannon reports on how one homosexual activist that runs an anti-bullying organization recently spoke before a few thousand high school students and used his speech to bully Christians and referred to the Bible in a profanity laced tirade. Brannon explains how sad stories in the news concerning bullying are being used to brainwash the American people into allowing emotionalism to rule the day instead of reason logic and context.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 22, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:18

Fifty years ago today, (the day Brannon was broadcasting live on 11-22-13) is not only the day President Kennedy was assassinated but the time of his death was officially announced as being at 1pm CT; the very time this program starts. Brannon began the program with the historic announcement by Walter Cronkite. Brannon then shares his thoughts on how he believes are nation was forever changed the day President Kennedy was killed. Brannon also shares a personal story that was told to him by the son of one of President Kennedy’s official White House photographers. What did his father see in the autopsy room and what eventually happen to his father when he went in for routine surgery? Dr. DeYoung then shares a personal story of staying in the home of President Kennedy’s personal family physician and how this doctor told Dr. DeYoung he was not allowed in the autopsy room to examine the President’s body. Topic: Why is the 1978 report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations ignored by the media when it reported that President Kennedy was likely killed through a conspiracy? Topic: We move to our Middle East update. Topic: President Putin & Russia are filling a Middle East vacuum caused by the Obama Administration. Topic: Iran warns the world they won't back down on nuclear program & Israel will be annihilated. Topic: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says that radical Islam is taking world to a dark time. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 14, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:33

Jesse Johnson joins Brannon as his guest. Topic: How does Jesse, as a pastor, handle Biblically counseling individuals and dealing with the issue of psychology and the issue of psychotropic drugs? This turned into quite the conversation and it became evident that Pastor Johnson had a firm handle on this topic and was more than willing to discuss the topic in great detail. Topic: How is much of education today not properly suited to boys and is actually geared more toward the feminization of boys? Topic: Is it ever acceptable to lie? What about Christians that work in undercover jobs and are required to lie?

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 13, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:48

Topic: Has the evangelical church fallen for the lie that the pastor and God’s Word is not sufficient for the modern problems facing people today? Hear two audio clips from a recent broadcast by Dr. Chuck Swindoll in which he warns of the dangers of psychology. Topic: Many churches today push their members away from the office of their pastor and shepherd and down the hall or down the street to a counselor at the cost of $100 an hour or more and many of these counselors are also putting church members on psychotropic drugs. Topic: Dr. Peter Breggin joins Brannon for the first 15 minutes to discuss the dangers of the psychotropic drugs and why he, as a psychiatrist, has been waging war on the psychiatric industry and psychotropic drugs. Topic: Hear startling audio clips from a documentary on how many of the drugs that are approved by the FDA have doctors on the review panel that are paid by the pharmaceutical companies. Topic: Dr. Breggin explains why it can be dangerous to not only start taking a psychotropic drug but it can also be dangerous to then get off such drugs. Topic: Can psychotropic drugs also create psychotic behavior? How many of the school shooters were on psychotropic drugs? Topic: Why are more pastors and churches not warning about this danger even as many non-evangelicals are warning about the dangers of psychotropic drugs?

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 12, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:02

Topic: Church in a bar? Topic: Survey says church youth groups are too shallow. However does this mean all church youth groups are bad and shallow and all churches should shut down their youth ministries? Brannon explains why he thinks a well-balanced church youth group with a Biblical mission statement and parental involvement and oversight can be a wonderful resource for Christian students and actually back up and reinforce what parents are teaching at home. Brannon shares his personal story of how his church youth group greatly impacted his life and how one of his best friends to this day is his former youth pastor. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 11, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:52

Topic: Samuel Rodriguez writes an article saying that the number of Charismatic Catholics somehow substantiates an affinity between Hispanics and the Spirit of God. Brannon explains why this is a false statement and why the rise of Charismatic Catholics actually reveals that much of what makes of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic can only merge so seamlessly with Catholicism because they all embrace mysticism or extra-biblical revelations, visions, dreams, dominionism, ecumenicalism and a false gospel and false Jesus. Topic: Samuel Rodriguez helped to write The Third Way, Governing Agenda that included what sounds very much like the Employment Non-discrimination Act. How can so many pro-family groups be all upset over ENDA now when so many of them have been promoting Rodriguez for years when he helped to write this document that includes what sounds just like ENDA? Topic: NYC Mayor says he will shut down pregnancy crisis centers. Topic: Why John 6:45 does not teach transubstantiation as taught by the Church of Rome. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired November 8, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:04

Topic: Brannon opens the program talking about the pro-life banquet he helped to MC, organize and support in his community. Brannon invite his friend Michael Reagan to come in and deliver a pro-life and pro-adoption speech. Hear about the day he spent with Mike, the banquet and how the mayor of the county he lives in declared November 7th, Michael Reagan Day and why. Topic: Geneva talks with world leaders and Iran over Iran's nuclear program, making historic decisions. Topic: Israeli Prime Minister has tough face-to-face talks with John Kerry about Israel's concerns on Iran nukes. Topic: Palestinians want answers about the death of Yasser Arafat. Topic: Israeli -Palestinian talks seem to be going nowhere with an uptick in Palestinian violence. Topic: We take your calls

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 6, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:10

Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology (Program #8) Verse: Philippians 2:12 is a verse that has been used by some to declare that salvation requires works but “working out your salvation” is not about earning one’s salvation which Ephesians 2:8-9 declares is not possible. Philippians 2:12 is discussing sanctification, obedience, and perseverance. Brannon takes you to I Corinthians 9:24-27, Matthew 24:3, Colossians 1:22-23, Philippians 3:12-16, I John 2:19 and II Timothy 2:12 to use scripture to interpret scripture. Verse: Mark 16:16 reads “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Why is this verse not saying baptism is needed for salvation? Verse: John 3:5. When Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born of water and the Spirit what did Jesus mean by water? Was Jesus talking about the water of a pregnant women and her “water” breaking? Was Jesus talking about baptism or Jewish ceremonial washing or the spiritual washing of the spirit that occurs at the point of salvation? Topic: We take a call from a mother that rejoices over the salvation of her 32 your old son. This mother gives a powerful testimony that encourages parents to not give up on loving their prodigal children and to not stop praying for them or speaking Biblical truth to them.  

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:27

Twisted Scriptures Twisted Theology (Program #7) Verses: Acts 2:44-46, Acts 4:34-36, Acts 5:1-5. These verses do not teach socialism, redistribution of wealth, elimination of private property or communal living by this New Testament Church in Acts. This church in Acts is often used by liberals to say that Christians should embrace redistribution of wealth but they are wrong and they are twisting the Scriptures. I Corinthians 16:2 is further evidence that Christians of that time did in fact own private property. These Christians would sell property as needed to meet the needs of their fellow believers. These verses also show us that this church, which is being commended, was gathering for church on Sunday and not Saturday. It is a myth to say that New Testament believers today attend church on Sunday because we are following a practice established by the Church of Rome. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 tells us that we are not to give out of compulsion. Verse: 2 Thessalonians 2:7: This verse does not teach that the Holy Spirit will be removed during the tribulation as some teach. The Holy Spirit does remove His restraining influence but not His presence. One reason we know this is because the Holy Spirit is necessary for salvation as described in John 3:5-6 and Titus 3:5. There will be great multitudes becoming believers during the tribulation as described in Revelation 7:4, 7:9, and 7:14. Verse: Matthew 24:14 does not teach that all the people groups of the world must be reached before the rapture can occur as some teach. Matthew 24:14 is referring to the Second Coming. While we desire to reach as many as possible with the Gospel even during the tribulation this is going to be done through incredible supernatural means that are not available to us in this Church Age. In fact, Revelation 14:6 tells us that an angel will preach from the heavens “to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people.” Verse: Philippians 12:12 does not teach that man must work for his salvation. Brannon begins to address this in this program and will complete his study on this with you in program #8. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 2, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:56

Topic: Hear the audio of Pat Robertson on 700 the Club saying that there is "no sin associated with" sex-change operation. Brannon responds and takes you to several passages of Scripture to refute the ignorance of Pat Roberson. Topic: Dr. DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss these topics: Iranian president elect Hassan Bohani says Israel is a wound on Moslem world that must be removed. Topic: Representatives from Israeli government and Palestinian people meeting in Washington with high hopes of historic peace talks. Topic: The death toll in Iraq from terrorist attacks tops 1000 in July the highest in years and over 5000 for the entire year. Topic: An Israeli Official is calling for Jews to flood the Temple Mount with thousands of Jews going up onto the Temple Mount this next week.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 1, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:50

Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Theology (Part #6) Verse: I Corinthians 15:22 is often used to claim that all people will be saved and no one will go to hell. What is the correct meaning of this verse and what other passages of Scripture confirm the meaning? Verse: II Peter 1:4 is used to declare that individuals are divine or are little gods. Brannon explains that being partakers of the divine nature of Christ is not the same as being a possessor. What other Scripture passages confirm this interpretation? Verses: Matthew 25:34-43 is often used out of context to say that Christians need to give their money away to the unsaved poor. What is the context of these verses and to whom is Jesus Christ speaking and who is He speaking about? Acts 3:6 is another example we can look at as Peter and John did not give money to the beggar at the gate of the temple but offered him something far better. Topic: We take your calls.


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