Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired February 13, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:26

Today Brannon plays a small portion of President Obama’'s State of the Union Address in which he calls for federal pre-school and expanding our nation’s school to work program that is nothing more than a planned economy that involves the government picking who goes to college and who digs the ditches. Brannon gives a history of how republicans and democrats have both pushed a liberal education agenda for many years. Obama said we need to follow the model set by Germany. Why would we want to follow Germany'’s education model when they have made homeschooling illegal?

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 12, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:10

Topic: The Guardian reports that the Vatican built a secret property empire using Mussolini’s millions. Topic: The Guardian reports that the Vatican embraced Mussolini’s fascism in 1929. How does the Vatican embrace fascism today but under a new name? Topic: Another news report reveals the coming together of a one-world church as the U.S. Roman Catholic Church and protestant denominations agree to recognize each other’s baptisms. Topic: Tony Blair to speak at another Christian college. Mikhail Gorbachev spoke at this Christian college in 2012. Why are Christian colleges booking Blair and Gorbachev to speak and what does it tell us as to how “evangelicals” will embrace a future one-world, religious and political leader? Topic: Hear a pro-amnesty commercial featuring evangelicals reading Mathew 25:31-46. The commercial features individuals such as Leaf Anderson of the National Association of Evangelicals, Neo-Marxist Jim Wallis, Bill Hybels and Richard Land, among others. Brannon explains the context of Mathew 25 and why it has nothing to do with immigration. Topic: Jesus Culture announces big spring tour that includes many U.S. cities. Will your church youth be taken to hear the false teaching of Jesus Culture? Topic: We take your calls.

 Worldview Weekend 2nd Hour for 02-11-13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:14

Worldview Weekend 2nd Hour for 02-11-13. Brannon’s guest is Usama Dakdok. Usama was born and raised in Egypt and came to America to attend seminary and stayed in America to warn American Christians of the threat and dangers of Islam. Topic: Hear the audio of CIA Nominee John Brennan praising Islam. Topic: Hear the audio of CIA Nominee John Brennan proclaiming that Jihad is a legitimate tenant of Islam. Topic: Hear the numerous news reports of how Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Obama Administration, including the Department of Homeland Security. Topic: CIA hosts training by Muslim Brotherhood leader and Hamas Supporter. Topic: Hear the audio of U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas stating that he believes the Obama Administration is complicit in supporting the terrorist organization Hamas. Topic: Obama is trying to take firearms away from the American people while he arms the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt with tanks and aircraft. Topic: Usama describes how he has been warning of Obama’s worldview since he was a U.S. Senator. Topic: Judicial Watch says that the Obama Administration is covertly recruiting Muslims as diplomats. Topic: Are American’s converting to Islam and if so why? Topic: How are young people being converted to Islam? Topic: The infiltration of Islam should make Christians more committed to the proclamation of the gospel which is the chief weapon against Islam.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 11, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:32

The Breaking News for February 11, 2013 is that current Pope Benedict XVI is resigning the end of February. Brannon’s guests are former Catholics Chris Pinto and Mike Gendron. Topic: What are the prophesies of Malachy, a “Saint” that it appears the Church of Rome has been deliberately following for years? Topic: Why should Christians not give any credibility to these predictions of Malachy? Topic: Why are people watching to see if the next Pope takes the name Pope Peter? Topic: How can Christians use the news of the current Pope’s resignation to share the gospel with those caught up in the lies of the Church of Rome. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 8, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:13

Hear audio clips of Dr. Benjamin Carson take on national healthcare, a progressive income tax, America’s debt and political correctness with Obama sitting just feet away. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss: Iran's President Ahmadinejad Visit's Egypt - the first Iranian visit to Egypt in decades, The Armies of Syria Lebanon and Jordan are on High Military Alert, as well as Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu Continues the Work of Forming a Coalition Government for the Future - Even in Anticipation of Secretary of State Kerry and President Obama Visiting Israel in the Next Two Months, Leaders of the Islamic Nations Meet for a Summit in Cairo Egypt

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 7, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:48

Brannon’s guest is Chris Pinto. Topic: A report has come to Brannon’s attention that reveals that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Sustainable Development program funded evangelicals to push their environmentalist agenda which means that evangelicals were pushing globalism. This is exactly what Brannon reported in his book Religious Trojan Horse. What other radical ideas have the globalist foundations convinced evangelical leaders to push on unsuspecting evangelicals? This reveals not only a religious Trojan horse but also why it is so important to follow the money. Topic: Israel National is reporting that Israel seems to have sold Jerusalem to the Vatican. What does this mean and does this fit with Bible Prophecy? Topic: In 1788 in Federalist Paper #46, James Madison expressed concern of what America is seeing occur today—a powerful military that has come under the control of politicians that are hostile to America and the U.S. Constitution. Hear the 1961 audio of President Eisenhower, who had been a five star general, warning of the military industrial complex.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 6, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:55

Topic: Preparing the Church for Times of Persecution. Brannon’'s guest is Michael Furchert. Michael was raised behind the Berlin Wall in Communist, East Germany. Michael and his family largely stood alone. Hear encouraging stories of God’s protection and provision and why their family was not discouraged or in despair despite living under persecution. Topic: Should the American church prepare for times of persecution? Topic: Do you expect persecution to arise from a totalitarian government or from within the Christian church? Topic: Why is it so important for the Christian church to stand on sound Biblical doctrine and to have discernment? Topic: Why will it be so difficult to recognize the “wolf in sheep’s clothing”? Topic: Should Christians fear persecution? Topic: What should an effective Christian life look like under persecution? Topic: Why do you believe it’s so important to pray for those who persecute us?

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:44

Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: Gen. 1:6-8 speaks of dividing the waters under the firmament from those above it. I've heard that this could have been in the form of a water canopy creating uniform temperatures. Gen. 1:14 says that the stars are for light, signs and seasons. My understanding is that seasons came about as a result of Noah's Flood, so what might have been the seasons that God was referring to in Gen. 1:14? Question: What was the one language used before the Tower of Babel? What was the language in Daniel 5, which God wrote with His fingers and no one could read until Daniel came? Question: I am wondering if there is any significance to the use of the two names of Moses' father-in-law: first Reuel and then, through the rest of Genesis, Jethro. Question: Why did the people of Egypt, who gave a portion of their own crops to store up for the famine, have to buy back their own food from Joseph? I understand selling it to outsiders and travelers, but weren’t they merely storing up to prepare themselves for the future, as God had warned of what was coming? Question: My pastor had a sermon on the fact that we are all born with a sin nature but that babies are not sinners when born, but innocent. As they live, they sin. I am confused. I was under the understanding that we are all born sinners from Adam and Eve. My pastor also said the sin nature comes only from the blood of the father, not the mother. Can you help me understand this? Question: Our new pastor has brought Ash Wednesday into our church. I will not take part. What is your knowledge of or feelings about the practice of Ash Wednesday? Question: Was Judas predestined to be lost and to carry out his betrayal of Christ? Question: Did Jesus know that Judas would be His betrayer? Queston: What is the “new thing” in Jer. 31:22. Why is this “a new thing" when many women since Eve have "encompass(ed) a man" (NKJV)? Question: Please explain the second half of Eph. 3:19.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 4, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:51

Topic: What is White Magic and how has it entered evangelicalism? Topic: 2 Corinthians 11 explains the infiltration of white magic into evangelicalism. Topic: How do white magic and black magic differ? Topic: What does the Bible say about black and white magic? Topic: Why are more churched youth asking about the Wicca religion and if they can participate? Topic: What is the common theme of false prophets outside of evangelicalism, like Jeane Dixon, and false prophets inside of evangelicalism? Topic: We take your calls.

 WVW Radio Second Hour for 02-03-13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:58

Worldview Weekend Radio Second Hour for 02-03-13. Brannon’s guest is Michael Synder with economic collapse and end of the American This is an amazing interview that lasted 75 minutes. If you want to understand what is happening economically, politically, governmentally, spiritually and how it will all end; this listen to this. The second half of this interview gets very interesting so don’t miss a minute of hard facts, historical analysis, current trends and future projections. Topics include: Topic: large cities all over America are degenerating into gang-infested war zones, Topic: Social decay + illegal immigration + poverty = social unrest. Topic: Who runs the world? Solid proof that a core group of wealthy elitists are pulling the strings. Topic: The Bank for International Settlements, Daniel 2, Daniel 7 and Revelation 17. Topic: Why we are not distressed in the midst of calamity.

 Brannon Howse: Aired February 1, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:29

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for this week’s Middle East Update. Topic: Syria Threatens to Retaliate Against Israeli Strikes on Syria. Topic: There are still questions about an explosion at an Iranian Nuclear Facility. Topic: Prime Minister Netanyahu given permission to form coalition government as Israel faces some tough problems. Topic: The Palestinian Media says the Jews have no right to pray at the Western Wall and that only Muslims can worship there which they have done down through history.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 31, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:16

A seeker-sensitive pastor proves again that seeker sensitive churches often end up Emergent. For the past few years, Brannon has been teaching that the ultimate goal of those behind the seeker-sensitive church movement is to take a traditional church and transform it to a seeker-sensitive church and then transform it into an Emergent style church. Brannon points to John Mark Comer, pastor of Solid Rock Church in Portland, Oregon, as another example of this fact. Hear the audio of Comer’s sermon in which he says that there are many gods. Comer says there is one creator but many gods. Topic: Brannon reads countless passages of Scripture that reveal that there is only one God and that demons mimic or take on the form of false gods. Topic: Brannon explains how Comer is taking scripture completely out of context to promote the idea of polytheism. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 30, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:51

Topic: The Department of Homeland Security is working to purchase 7,000 AR-15s for personal defense. Why? Topic: Brannon explains how the manufactured economic crisis being carried out by republicans and democrats, along with their amnesty program, is fulfilling Saul Alinksy'’s goal of a communist revolution in America that would be better described as a communitarian revolution. Topic: How will the 20-30 million illegals, combined with America’'s welfare, entitlement class respond if the economy collapses or America experiences massive inflation? Are globalists deliberately setting up an economic crisis while also setting up social unrest? Where have we heard this strategy before? Topic: Republicans and Democrats offer an amnesty program to add more people to the welfare rolls and to make for more legal voters for progressives to win every national election forever. Are republicans this stupid or are we looking at a one-party system working for the shared goal of transforming America and pushing us into European Socialism to accomplish a globalist agenda? Topic: New Religious Right and Neo-evangelical push for amnesty by taking scripture out of context. Why are republicans and evangelicals assisting in the destruction of America? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 29, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:45

Brannon’s guest is Pastor Jesse Johnson. Topic: Brannon and Jesse examine Luke 14:26-27 and Mark 8:34. Why does it mean to deny yourself and to pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ? Jesse and Brannon explain that what is being described here by Jesus is not works but simply Biblical repentance which the Bible declares as being necessary for salvation. Topic: Christians must be careful not to lead people to believe that in order to be saved they must first clean up their life as this is simply moralizing and is not Biblical. In addition, at the point of salvation not all sin habits will necessarily stop immediately. As new believers are discipled in Biblical truth and grow in grace, much of their old life will begin to fall away and this is the process of sanctification. However, repentance involves understanding your depravity, understanding you deserve God’s wrath for your sins and knowing that your salvation is nothing you can earn or deserve. This understanding produces a heart’s desire to turn from sin and to follow Christ as you surrender your will to Him. Topic: When studying Luke 14:26-27, why is it wrong to say that this passage is describing someone that becomes a Christian and later becomes a disciple? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 28, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:42

Brannon’'s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: David Reagan has written an article in which he states, “I believe the Bible teaches the unrighteous will be resurrected, judged, punished in Hell for a period of time proportional to their sins, and then suffer destruction (the death of body and soul).” Why is this view not Biblical? Why does Chris say that Dr. Reagan has violated five important hermeneutical rules for accurate Biblical interpretation? Topic: In Matthew 25:46 Jesus speaks of eternal hell and eternal life. Topic: Dr. Reagan says the single most power argument against eternal hell is that Jesus suffered suffering and death but not eternal torment. This is an erroneous conclusion. Topic: We take your calls.


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