Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: Aired March 20, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:04

Hirelings vs. Shepherds: On today’s program Brannon plays a shocking audio clip of a pastor mocking those in his church that want to go deeper into the study of God’s Word by calling them babies and he calls them selfish. You have to hear this audio to fully understand the mean and spiteful remarks by this hireling toward God’s people. Are these the remarks of a truly saved man and could this explain this hirelings attitude and methodology? Are those that want to go deeper into God’s Word being selfish or actually the opposite of selfish? Brannon makes the case that the one being selfish are the hirelings that are willing to sacrifice Biblical truth in favor of their self-centered goal of building a big church attendance, big salary, big staff, and multiple campus locations. Brannon also makes the case that when a hireling gets up in front of his people and criticizes those that want to go deeper into God’s Word that what he is really doing is marginalizing dissenters in order to achieve group consensus behind his unbiblical model of what he wants to call a church. Topic: We take your calls that include a call from a pastor that explains his constant work to protect his flock from false teaching.

 Crosstalk: March 21, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

Crosstalk: March 21, 2013

 Chris Rosebrough: March 21, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:03:22

• Why is Chuck Swindoll Hosting Phillips, Craig & Dean at his church? • Jim Wallis' Commentary on "The Bible" Miniseries • Rob Bell Openly Affirms Gay Marriage • Sermon Review: What's Your Point by Heath Mooneyham, Ignite Church

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 19, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:58

Brannon’'s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: Please explain the parable of the marriage feast in Matt.22:1-14. Is "outer darkness" hell or is it what some describe as a "suburb of heaven"? Does it mean that some born again believers will be excluded from the "marriage feast" or from receiving the full blessing of God in heaven? Question: Please explain Matt. 24:14. Our youth pastor uses this verse to motivate the youth for evangelism, but does this verse apply now or during the tribulation? Question: Where in Matthew 24 does the rapture occur and when does the first part of the tribulation begin – since the second half of the tribulation begins at Matt. 24:15? Question: Does Heb. 6:4-6 mean you can lose your salvation? Question: Who is “the elect lady” in 2 John 1? Question: I listen to several good Bible-teaching radio programs, but I stopped going to church in 2012, as my church was teaching the prosperity gospel and I have not found a church that preaches the true gospel. I can’t stay home, so what should I do? Question: Who closed the canon of Scripture, and what was their authority for doing so? How do we know that Rome did not re-write this history regarding the authority of the Bible? Question: My pastor is constantly quoting Heb. 4:12 to mean that if you read a passage one day and get no meaning out of it, but later read that same passage again, it may then speak to your circumstances. Is this Biblical? Question: Is God glorified when an unrepentant sinner goes to hell? Question: Will the pope be the Antichrist?

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 18, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:49

Topic: On Sunday night, March 17th, John MacArthur preached a sermon at his church entitled “Welcoming A New Anti-Christ.” Hear a few key audio clips from this sermon that few pastors would have the courage to proclaim. Topic: Cardinal enjoys a 12 bedroom apartment just a few yards from the entrance to a gay sauna. In fact, the Vatican owns several apartments used by this Cardinal and several priests that also house the sauna. According to news reports, Cardinal Dias lives upstairs from the gay sauna. Topic: The wealth of the Church of Rome is so great it cannot be calculated according to a March 8, 2013 article. How does this fit with what we read in Revelation 17? Topic: Brannon starts the program with an audio clip of New Religious Right Pastor Jim Garlow lecturing President Obama on the need to repent of his values. Brannon explains that while the New Religious Right is busy calling President Obama to repent, they should be repenting for confusing people as to what the gospel is by conducting spiritual enterprises with false teachers and those that follow another Jesus and another gospel. Brannon puts forth a very important question. “If President Obama followed the New Religious Right closely, would he hear a clear and uncompromising Biblical gospel or just simply be confused as to whether he should follow the catholic Jesus, the Mormon Jesus, or the New Apostolic Reformation Jesus that is often represented in the spiritual enterprises of the New Religious Right?”

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 15, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:42

Topic: Hear the audio of NBC Nightly news, and CNN reporting on the first Jesuit Pope. Topic: Washington Post runs article entitled “Why the First Jesuit Pope is a Big Deal.” Topic: How Hitler learned to put the Jews in a ghetto and give them a yellow patch from the Pope in 1555. Topic: Dr. DeYoung'’s thoughts on the first Jesuit Pope. Topic: Brannon’'s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Israel has a new government; Prime Minister Netanyahu forms his coalition government. Topic: President Obama will make first official visit to Israel amid controversy. Topic: Israeli Defense Forces warn that Syrian rebels may target Israel. Topic: Jewish activists move to regain sovereignty of Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 14, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:56

Brannon’'s guest is Chris Pinto as Brannon plays a portion of his one hour interview that he conducted the night Pope Francis was picked as the first Jesuit Pope. The complete interview is available for Situation Room members. Topic: The press is celebrating that this new Pope is a Jesuit. Why are the Jesuits so out in the open when they have been so cloaked in secrecy for years? Topic: Rick Warren called for prayer and fasting for the 115 cardinals that God'’s will would be done. Why should Bible believing Christian be speaking out against this tweet by Rick Warren? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 13, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:56

Brannon’'s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Today Brannon and Chris combine their research to explain the theological error of N.T. Wright. If you desire to be ahead of the trends coming into the church and you desire to protect the church from false teaching and another gospel, then you must listen to this program. N.T. Wright is a very popular Anglican priest who is becoming increasingly popular among many evangelicals. N.T. Wright'’s view on Paul’'s definition of the gospel is known as “The new view on Paul.” Unless you are aware of this “new view”, then you will not know a few very important questions to ask your current pastor or any young man just out of seminary that comes applying for a job at your church. Pastors coming out of seminary that are embracing this unbiblical gospel is on the increase. N.T. Wright is also being promoted by many of today’s neo-Calvinists. Slowly, and in laymen’s terms, Brannon and Chris explain the Biblical definitions of sanctification and justification and then they describe the views of N.T. Wright on these two important theological topics. A correct view on these topics is essential for proclaiming and teaching a Biblical gospel. N.T. Wright is a huge promoter of ecumenicalism and has become a bridge between Protestants and Catholics. How many pastors, elders, deacons and other church leaders are aware of N.T. Wright who is having a huge influence on many, many seminary students that are hired on to their church staff? Do pastors even know the right questions to ask anymore when hiring a staff person such as “what are your thoughts on N.T. Wright and his new perspective on Paul?” Pastors often complain about Para-church ministries but if it were not for Para-Church ministries that cover these topics where would millions of Christians turn for Biblical understanding and insight on such crucial and theological issues?

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 12, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:57

Topic: Understanding the Worldview of Gary Thomas. Recently when Life Action Summit Revival came through Brannon’s town, they promoted a book by Gary Thomas from the platform. Life Action also has articles by Gary Thomas on their website and they carry some of his books in their online bookstore. Focus on the Family, Rick Warren, and numerous others have promoted Gary Thomas and his books. Thomas promotes contemplative prayer and writes of repeating a word for up to twenty minutes until your heart seems to be repeating the word by itself. Why is this sort of mantra not Biblical? Why are we not to listen for an outward or inward voice of God? Topic: Numerous discernment ministries have warned that Thomas positively quotes from Mary Anne McPherson Oliver’s book, Conjugal spirituality. In this book Oliver promotes such things as tantric sex. What is tantric sex and how is it connected to Hinduism? Why would Gary Thomas be promoting Oliver’s book? Topic: Oliver also promotes the father of the New Age Movement Teilhard de Chardin. Topic: So why are “evangelical” groups promoting the books of Gary Thomas and why will most people not speak up when such books are promoted within their church? Topic: Hear the testimony of a caller as he describes his involvement in the occult and with transcendental meditation and how he now sees the same practice today within evangelicalism under a new name. This caller is now a Christian and joins us on the program to support our warning to the modern church.

 Jesse Johnson: March 12, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:22
 Brannon Howse: Aired March 11, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:38

Topic: Update on April’'s hunt training. Topic: North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to feature Rick Warren'’s wife at conference. Topic: Brannon explains how the right and left are merging politically and spiritually and plays sound clips to prove it. What does Focus on the Family, The Southern Baptist Convention, The National Association of Evangelicals and Neo-Marxist Jim Wallis all have in common? They are working together to bring about what is nothing less than amnesty for illegals just as the Communist Party USA is calling for. Topic: How could pro-family and church denominations be assisting, directly or indirectly, in pushing a national ID card by pushing for amnesty legislation? News reports detail how an immigration bill could likely include a national ID card that would track all workers whether or not they are U.S. citizens. The George W. Bush Administration tried to bring about the Real ID Act but states rebelled. Now the globalist seem to be using an immigration bill to bring about a national ID card for Americans. News reports detail that this card would be required to do many routine things such as board an airplane or enter a government building. How is pushing amnesty for illegals that take jobs from Americans and add to our welfare rolls a family friendly policy? How can pro-family leaders claim to be family friendly when they are pushing a bill that may include a national ID card? Corporate fascism is not family friendly and a national ID card fits well with socialism or corporate fascism. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 8, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:04

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Orthodox Jewish Member of the Knessett tries to enter the Dome of the Rock and Moslem Women block Jews from entering the Temple Mount. Topic: Israel warns the United Nations that Syrian War could very easily spill over the borders into Israel. Topic: Locusts swarm into Egypt and Israel in Biblical proportions. Topic: US military leader warns if Iran achieves military weapon of mass destruction - Israel will attack. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 7, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:10

Part Two: Brannon'’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Brannon explains how Life Action Ministries came to his community recently and promoted such individuals as Bill Bright, (who helped to draft evangelicals and Catholics together) Tim Keller,(who praises Catholic mystics, writes for BioLogos, promotes social justice and much more) Gary Thomas (who promotes contemplative prayer) , Francis Chan (who promotes social justice) and passed out magazines that featured an article by Tim Keller and Steve Childers. Just who is Steve Childers? Topic: Steve Childers is the leader of Global Church Advancement. Why is Childers'’ goal of using the church for cultural transformation not Biblical? Topic: In clips from a sermon at John Piper’s Church, hear Childers quote Rick Warren. Topic: Why are we not only not called to make the invisible kingdom of God visible on earth but why is this not something we can accomplish? Topic: Hear Childers say church planters should plant churches not to have a great church but to have a great city. Where is that in the Bible? Topic: Why Jesus speaking of the spiritual poor does not mean the poor in our culture? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 6, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:29

Brannon'’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Brannon explains how Life Action Ministries came to his community recently and promoted such individuals as Bill Bright, (who helped to draft evangelicals and Catholics together) Tim Keller,(who praises Catholic mystics, writes for BioLogos, promotes social justice and much more) Gary Thomas (who promotes contemplative prayer) , Francis Chan (who promotes social justice) and passed out magazines that featured an article by Tim Keller and Steve Childers. Just who is Steve Childers? Topic: Steve Childers is the leader of Global Church Advancement. Why is Childers'’ goal of using the church for cultural transformation not Biblical? Topic: In clips from a sermon at John Piper’s Church, hear Childers quote Rick Warren. Topic: Why are we not only not called to make the invisible kingdom of God visible on earth but why is this not something we can accomplish? Topic: Hear Childers say church planters should plant churches not to have a great church but to have a great city. Where is that in the Bible? Topic: Why Jesus speaking of the spiritual poor does not mean the poor in our culture? Topic: We take your calls. 

 Brannon Howse: Aired March 5, 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:01

Brannon’'s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John”. Question: Who were the Nephilim (giants)? Did angelic beings and human women have children together in Genesis 6? Question: How should we answer unbelievers who are offended by Ex. 12:29 and the idea that God killed innocent children? My thought is that this shows us how serious sin is and the effect sin has on others. Question: How were the people and the priests in the Old Testament physically able to handle the sacrifices of large animals – such as bulls? Wasn’t this difficult? Question: Where in the Old Testament did God prophesy that He would bring the Jews back into their land 1,900 years after they were dispersed? Question: My six-year-old child requested to ask Dr. John a question: How do I make sure that I'm saved from sin? I know Jesus died on the cross to take our sins, to take the penalty of sins, but I'm not sure how to believe. Question: Does Rev. 22:19 deny the doctrine of eternal security? Question: While I do not believe that it is biblical to have women pastors, is it OK to have women ushers? Question: Is there a place for deaconesses? Question: What does the Bible say about protecting our family in using guns, for instance?


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