Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: February 3, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Topic: What is the Lausanne Movement? The fourth Lausanne Conference will be held in March of 2015. How is the Lausanne Movement changing the definition of world missions, the gospel, church planting and the mission and purpose of the church? Topic: The Lausanne Movement includes the call for funding the church so it can be involved in restoring creation and environmentalism. How can sinful man restore creation that was cursed by sin when sin entered into the world? Romans 8 tells us who will restore creation and when. Topic: The Lausanne Movement is calling for evangelicals to live a more simplistic life. Who defines simplistic? Should we get rid of our washers and dryers and use a clothes line since air and wind is free and can also dry our clothes? Topic: The Lausanne Movement website includes an article by Steve Haas that attacks those that support the nation of Israel. Haas refers to Israel as occupying the land that belongs to the Palestinians which is completely false. Topic: Would you be shocked to hear Rick Warren, Tim Keller and John Piper supported the Lausanne Movement and its 2010 conferenc?. Topic: We take your calls. 

 Brannon Howse: February 2, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Topic: Modernist were mainline liberals that are now respected evangelicals that are seen as conservative. Topic: Why the communist have accomplished far more than they ever truly expected when it comes to evangelicalism embracing socialism by another name. Topic: Hear John Piper affirm the PEACE Plan of Rick Warren as well as hear Piper tell Warren he really likes his book Purpose Driven Life and cannot figure out why anyone would be critical of his book and PEACE plan. Topic: Why are John Piper, Rick Warren, and Tim Keller more dangerous to the church than President Obama? Topic: Why will the Religious Right take on the socialism of Obama but not the socialism of Rick Warren, Tim Keller and other popular evangelicals? Topic: The modernist preacher entering hell. Topic: What is The Lausanne Movement? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: January 30, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Topic: Vicar's 9/11 Facebook post investigated by Church for comments about Israel being behind 9-11. Topic: Hear the shocking audio of Nashville Pastor announcing that same-sex couples can now be members and in leadership. How does this fit with Bible prophecy? Topic: The world stops to remember the Holocaust and liberation of Auschwitz, while the world prepares for the worst Holocaust ever. Topic: Iran sets in motion the threat to eliminate Israel with Hezbollah at Israel's northern border. Topic: Conflict between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu heats up, driven by the White House. Topic: Jewish visits to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem are up by 92%. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: January 29, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Governor Jindal of Louisiana that just hosted the ecumenical prayer rally with the American Family Association is not only a Catholic but a Rhode Scholar. Why is this of particular interest? Topic: Mike joins us to talk about Russell Moore declaring that he does not want to see less people with Rosary at an upcoming pro-life function. Why does Mike, as a former Catholic, have an issue with this statement? Topic: Pope Francis declares that no one can get to heaven outside of the Catholic Church. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: January 28, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guests: Mike Gendron & Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Mike joins us to give his thoughts on the American Family Association holding a prayer rally in Louisiana with Governor Bobby Jindal who also gave his testimony as being a Catholic. How can AFA host a prayer rally calling for repentance and national revival when the leading host is a catholic and the Catholic Church serves a different Jesus and a different gospel? 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 makes it clear that such an event will not bring blessing from God but the exact opposite. Topic: Hear audio of prophetess Cindy Jacobs pushing the 2015 response prayer rally. Topic: Why is it that liberal MSNBC is shocked that Jindal and AFA are connected to Cindy Jacobs through her promotion of the 2015 Response but evangelical media outlets are not reporting any dismay? Topic: MSNBC plays clips of Cindy Jacobs talking about raising the dead and hearing from God about national disasters in advance. Why are more Christian leaders not publically denouncing Jindal, AFA, and Jacobs so that the saved and unsaved world might know that Cindy Jacobs and Catholicism is the farthest thing from the meaning and Biblical definition of Christianity? Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us as we hear a pro-family leader speaking at the 2015 Response Rally and calling for Christians to dominate the 7 mountains of Christian dominionism. Ironically the only 7 mountains listed in the Bible are the 7 mountains of Rome upon which a one-world religious ecumenicalism will sit and yet that seems to be exactly what the 7 mountain mandate will bring about. How ironic that many of the religious right think they are building a kingdom of God on earth but in reality they are giving credibility to ecumenicalism, compromise, and false gospel that will build the kingdom of antichrist. Topic: Dr. DeYoung and Brannon look at verses that refute this notion that the religious right must take the 7 mountains of Christian dominionism. Topic: Brannon lists numerous reasons why the social gospel of the right and left are unbiblical and dangerous.

 Brannon Howse: January 27, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Why is the social gospel and cultural mandate unbiblical? Question: What should be our goals for this New Year? Question: What was nailed to the cross of Jesus? Some people say that the Ten Commandments were there. How could that be since we still need to obey Jesus? Question: Can Christians drink alcohol? The bible does not prohibit it, but calls us to holiness. Question: Is Isaiah 2 and 3 speaking directly to Israel of its day, or can this Scripture be understood to apply to the United States today—with regard to both the church and nation? Question: What happens if someone cannot access a Bible? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit can speak to someone supernaturally? Question: I have been in a rut about health issues—mine and others. I can pray and ask for comfort and care, but not healing. The body must die to be with our Savior, so trying to live is like fighting God’s plan. I know I should feel something more. Do emotions burn out after taking years of prayer requests in Sunday School? Question: The Lord Jesus said we could mountains if we “have faith as a grain of mustard seed" (Matt. 17:20). What does that mean? Question: When Jesus died, He said, "It is finished" (John 19:30). What did He mean by this?

 Brannon Howse: January 26, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part 4 and final: Liberalism hiding as evangelicalism. Topic: Hear Tim Keller say that those in poverty commit crimes because they are in poverty. So what about all the middle class criminals and upper class white collar criminals? Keller seems to believe that if everyone were guaranteed an equal income there would be no poverty. Is Keller really just pushing socialism, class envy and giving justification to those that claim they riot and loot because they are oppressed? Topic: Hear the audio of Keller declaring that one problem facing the church is a worship of doctrine. Why is this a dangerous and even heretical comment by Keller? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: January 23, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Yemen government collapses. Topic: Saudi King Abdullah has died which sets the stage for the Middle East to explode. Topic: Iran Revolutionary Guard says they will shake the earth in Israel to make Israel pay for killing a Revolutionary Guard General. Topic: Russia prepares to deliver ground to air anti-missile defense system to Iran, a major threat for Israel. Topic: Palestinian Authority President Abbas tells Israel they can choose between peace or the settlements. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: January 22, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part 3: Liberalism hiding as evangelicalism. Topic: Hear an audio clip of Steve Childers declaring the need to make the invisible kingdom visible through a cultural mandate. The Bible does not teach that Christians are to build a physical kingdom. The Lord God will bring His kingdom. Topic: Hear Childers declare that Luke 4:18-19 is not spiritual talk but literal when Jesus talks of ending oppression as we preach the gospel to the poor. However, the Greek word for poor in this verse gives us a clue that this is not referring to the working poor but indeed the spiritually poor and spiritually depraved and bankrupt. Topic: If Luke 4:18-19 is physical and not spiritual then what about the verse 18 that speaks of giving sight to the blind. Are these men that are calling for a culture mandate going to start healing the blind while they end poverty and crime? They cannot claim spiritual in one line and physical when it fits their liberal agenda. There must be a proper understanding of the context and proper rules of hermeneutics. Topic: How is this message of the reconstructionist and cultural reformer that calls for using the gospel to give material wealth and wellbeing to everyone really any different than that of the Word of Faith false teachers? Topic: Hear Tim Keller declare that we are not to be poor but we are also not to be rich. Who is going to set that salary cap and what is the correct salary cap? Who determines what is rich; the political and religious elite? How is this not socialism? Topic: How is the message of the cultural reformers any different than the economic and social agenda of the far left and their community organizers? Topic: Why is the message of the cultural reformers really an attack on the gospel and the New Testament Church? Topic: Our phone lines light up with great callers.

 Brannon Howse: January 21, 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tim Keller and his Liberalism that is masquerading as evangelicalism. (Part Two) Topic: Your eschatology (end-time view) drives your theology as well as your ecclesiology (your view as to the calling of the church). Topic: Hear audio clips of Tim Keller declaring that it is the calling of the church to end poverty. Why is this not true? Topic: Keller quotes Old Testament scripture to make his case but the context is the theocracy of Israel and not the New Testament church. What is the difference between the calling of Israel in the Old Testament and the calling of the Church in the New Testament? Topic: Keller lectures those that own a store in a poor neighborhood and make money off the poor but don’t live in the poor neighborhood. Does Keller not realize that it is the businessman that has a business in the poor neighborhood that is putting his capital at risk to offer a service to the poor? It seems as though Tim Keller is promoting class warfare and envy. Would Keller prefer that the poor have to drive 20 miles to the suburbs to buy a gallon of milk and a bag of bread? Topic: Keller then declares that the world throws away the poor. That is not true. In fact, at the time this program is being broadcast in 2015, almost 50% of Americans are on some kind of entitlement program. In reality it is a very small percentage of Americans that actually work hard every day and pay taxes so many people that are not working can have free healthcare, food, housing, clothes, and an Obama cell phone. How then are Americans throwing away the poor? Why does Keller seem determined to promote the economic philosophy of Karl Marx yet call himself a pastor or evangelical? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 4, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

(Part Two) Topic: Georgetown Professor and Mentor of Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, explained how Cecil Rhodes would use his vast fortune to begin organizations and scholarship programs, of which Clinton was a recipient, for the purpose of creating a world government. Much that God has or has done, Satan seeks to duplicate. Satan has a false church, false gospel, false miracles, and he is seeking to build an false and earthly kingdom. Daniel two tells us that Satan will fail as the kingdom of God will come and crush the kingdom of Satan of the Kingdom of God will last forever. Topic: Brannon explains how the globalists are working under demonic influence to build a kingdom or world government for Satan. Occultist Alice Bailey, who openly wrote under the influence a demon, detailed in her books how this kingdom would come about through what she called the New Group of World Servers. This group, among other things, sought to destroy Christianity. Topic: Cecil told those that were appointed to run his estate upon his death that they were to take the Constitution of the Jesuits and replace the words “Roman Catholic Religion” with the words “English Empire.” Brannon explains how the goal of the globalists to decrease America and increase Europe is underway and fits with the Biblical prophecy of a revised Roman Empire. Brannon will continue this reporting in part three. Topic: We take your calls.

 Crosstalk: December 5, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

To begin this edition of Crosstalk Jim updated listeners on the proposal for a new transgender policy in Minnesota schools. It passed Thursday by the Minnesota State High School League board. According to information he obtained from Fox News, this means Minnesota high school athletes can compete as whatever gender they choose beginning with the 2015-2016 season. The activities that have taken place in Ferguson, Missouri, are tragic. The reaction to the grand jury decision led to riots, extreme vandalism, looting, crime without end, black business owners had their places of business totally destroyed and more. While coverage of Ferguson, Missouri, continues to take place, this Crosstalk was not an attempt to focus on officer Darren Wilson and the events related specifically to his actions with the shooting death of Michael Brown. Instead, this program looked at how Islamists have co-opted into the fray in order to promote 'resistance' in the United States.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 3, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Topic: Before the November 2014 election Brannon warned that a Republican takeover will change nothing and now we read that House Republicans are not going to oppose Obama amnesty. So why does nothing seem to change? Today Brannon explains how politicians in both parties have been co-opted by powerful groups and forces just as globalist Carroll Quigley said would occur. Quigley was a Georgetown professor that mentored Bill Clinton. Hear what Quigley said and predicated and you will come to understand why politicians so predictably abandon campaign promises. Topic: Quigley wrote about a man named Cecil Rhodes but who was he? Quigley wrote about how Rhodes wanted his vast wealth to be used to promote globalism and the model was to be the structure of the Jesuits. This is part one of a two part program. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 2, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: The has an article titled How the Religious Right Scams Their Way to the New York Times. What does it say about Christian authors or their ministries that will use firms to manipulate their way to the New York Times Best seller status with a false ranking? Topic: Christian talk show host upset that public school has replaced people like George Washington and Mother Teresa from its hero hall and replaced with people like Oprah Winfrey. What difference does it make? Who cares? What is the difference between Oprah and Mother Teresa; both are known for promoting universalism are they not? Why is it that the New Religious Right is always upset about the wrong things? Topic: Mike Gendron joins us to respond to an interview in which New Religious Right leader Russell Moore declares that his recent visit to the Vatican reveals that the Catholic Church is helping to defend religious liberty. Seriously? Is Moore so naïve as to not understand that the Church of Rome has murdered 50 million Christians during the Counter Reformation? Does he not know that the Church of Rome will assist in setting up a world leader that will destroy religious liberty and persecute those that do not worship the beast and murder untold numbers? Topic: We take your calls.

 Crosstalk: December 3, 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to an audio clip from Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, the CDC reports that gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men comprise about 2% of the U.S. population. Even with such low population numbers, in 2010, gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of estimated new HIV infections in the U.S. and 78% of infections among all newly infected men. In spite of this, the Federal Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety is considering relaxing the ban on blood donations for some gay men. This is only if they have not had sex with another man in the past year.


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