Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Worldview Radio Hour: June 15, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:07

In this program Brannon lays out 8 steps to follow in order to study the Bible in context. Sadly, many Christians of all ages have never been taught how to study the Bible and this not only keeps people spiritually immature but it also causes them to be easily deceived by individuals and teachers that twist the scripture. This is a very practical program that can yield eternal fruit. This presentation was part of Contend 2016. 

 Ask Dr. John (Program #3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:02

Original Air Date:  Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John”. Questions include: What does the Bible say about generations curses? If one becomes a follower of Jesus Christ do they still need to worry about generational curses? What is mean by taking every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ as found in 2 Corinthians 10:5? What does the baptism of the dead refer to in: 1Corinthians 15:29? What verses support the pre-tribulation rapture view? The Bible says that all of Jerusalem will be saved. When and how is this possible?

 Brannon Howse: June 14, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:34

Guest: Ron Rhodes. Topic: Ron starts out the program with his testimony. Ron, with his brothers and sisters, was part of the very popular 1970s know as the Rhodes Kids. Trained by their mother the kids were excellent musicians and performed at the International Hilton Hotel in one room while Elvis Presley was in concert in the main hall. They eventually moved to the main room and did 40 shows with Ann Margaret. There show was seen by many famous people including Bob Hope. They kids made appearances on Merv Griffin Show, Mike Douglas Show, Dinah Shore Show as well as American Bandstand with Dick Clark. The band appeared in a Walt Disney Special with Luci Arnaz. However, it was in the Green Room during one interview that Ron heard the testimony from the wife of Pat Boone. Shortly after that Ron became a believer and then so did all his siblings. Ron walked away from Hollywood to go to seminary and today is the author of more than 130 books. Topic: Brannon and Ron discuss many of the major events of the day and how they are all converging to bring us to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Don’t miss this fast paced interview on wide-ranging topics. Topic: We take your calls. 

 Worldview Radio Hour: June 14, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:32

Charles Finney, Word of Faith, Feminism, & Social Justice (Part Two)  

 Worldview Radio Hour: June 14, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:32

Charles Finney, Word of Faith, Feminism, & Social Justice (Part Two)  

 Ask Dr. John (Program #2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:49

Original Air Date: October 25, 2011 Brannon's guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for "Ask Dr. John". Topics include: New audio of Joel Osteen saying Mormons are Christians. Will the church be here when the Antichrist is revealed? Can a person who has had a sex change repent and be saved? Will a Christian that commits suicide go to heaven? Will a person that has never heard of Jesus go to hell or can they be save without knowing the gospel? When does the Holy Spirit enter into a believer’s life? Is there any difference between the spirit and the soul? Can a person become a Christian and live however they want and still be a Christian? How does a Christian reconcile having no rights as a slave to Christ and having rights in the eyes of a government? Will a person that received the mark of the beast go to heaven?

 Brannon Howse: June 13, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:04

Guest: Shahram Hadian. Topic: The Islamic terrorist that killed 49 people in Orlando, Florida has been investigated by the FBI two times. There were numerous reasons this man should have been questioned last week and monitored since ISIS had announced they were planning a terrorist attack in Florida. Are the leaders in our intelligence and national security agencies 1. Barney Fife and clueless. 2. Scared to address Muslim threats to our nation for fear of losing their job and retirement due to the political correctness that dominates government agencies. 3. There are high ranking government officials that actually want terrorist attacks to occur so they can use the chaos to implement more government tyranny and even fundamentally transform America. Which of these three is it? Today former Muslim Shahram Hadian joins us to tell us by which of these three he believes our nation and national security is being compromised. Topic: Southern Baptists are helping to build a mosque. The American government as well as American evangelicalism has been infiltrated by a Trojan Horse. Topic: Why are all these events occurring in America and how should Christians respond? 

 Worldview Weekend Hour Radio: June 13, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:44

Charles Finney: The Father of So Much That is Wrong Within Evangelicalism Today (Part One) An in-depth look at the worldview of Charles Finney. Charles Finney has influenced evangelicalism in many ways including altar calls, long and manipulative services, the church as a political and moralizing organization and the rejection of major Biblical doctrines. In this program Brannon quotes directly from the writings of Finney that reveal that he rejected the doctrine of original sin, imputation, and justification by faith. Brannon quotes numerous versus to document the biblical doctrines that Finney rejected.

 Ask Dr. John: June 13, 2016 (Program #1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:31

Orginal air date December 4, 2012:  Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: Are we all going to die before the world ends since you said the wrath of God will not be upon His people? Question: Our Sunday School teacher says all things will come to an end after Jesus comes back to earth as a thief in the night and all things burn up. I am confused. Some of the material I read calls those who believe in the rapture a false religion. How can we be brothers in the Lord with those of that mindset? What do you say? Question: I had thought that countries with a low percentage of Christians would experience very little tumult at the rapture. However, if all babies (born or unborn) and small children are taken up, the rapture will be an incredible event across the globe and across all cultures. If this is true, up to what age might “innocents” be raptured? Is there an “age of accountability” evident anywhere in Scripture? Question: I have heard some say that Mark 16:9-20 was not part of the original text written by Mark, but was added later. Should we consider these verses as inspired Scripture, and if so, why do you think they are missing from the early manuscripts? Question: I hold to Reformed Theology and do not accept the perpetuity of miracles and sign wonders, but 1 Cor. 13:8-10 has always confused me. Is this fulfilled in the future perfect world of Heb. 11:13-16 and 2 Pet. 3:13, 14? Question: I have a hard time accepting what Dr. Whitcomb said about a missionary who said he has witnessed miracles. Dr John basically said to deny what you see if you see a so-called miracle. And it sounded like Dr. John said that miracles do not occur at all, although Brannon said that miracles do still occur, but there just aren't gifts of miracles anymore. Question: I have a question regarding the Lord's Supper. Luke 22:19-20 says we are to break the bread and drink the cup in remembrance of Him; however the Catholic Church believes that when we partake of the Lord's Supper the bread and wine become the body and blood. Isn't this what Jesus is telling us to do in this passage? I am confused and troubled by this. Question: What was the nature of the relationship between Pharaoh and Sarah in Gen. 12:10-20? Question: I have a friend that shares her Seventh Day Adventist beliefs with me quite often. She has told me that I am honoring the Sabbath on the wrong day, as it is to be honored on Saturday as it states in the Bible. She tells me that there will be judgment for those not following God's Word in honoring the true Sabbath day. What should I do? Question: Do you see any dangers with Messianic Judaism and related movements?

 Brannon Howse: June 10, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:28

Guest: Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Brannon starts the program by revealing the list of men that will join a prayer rally on the Mall in Washington D.C. on July 17, 2016 that will include a video message from Pope Francis. This is a perfect example of the Religious Trojan Horse & Coming Religious Reich Brannon warned about in his two books by those titles. Topic: Brannon plays a small portion of another testimony by Michael Furchert that revealed God was providentially providing for their family. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Topic: Israeli Prime Minister meets with Russian President as Israel  turns away from the United States to partnership with Russia. Topic: As Jews celebrate a Holy day, Feast of Pentecost, it is evidence of growing anti-semitism in the church. Topic: Moslem world begins Ramadan with focus on month of fasting and explosion of terrorist attacks. Topic: Islamic State burns 19 yazidi woman alive in a cage for not having sex with Islamic militants. 

 Brannon Howse: June 9, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:09

Today Brannon continuous his series of playing testimonies of people that have persevered in the faith even in tough times and under very difficult circumstances. Today Brannon plays a portion of the testimony of Michael Furchert. The Furchert family were persecuted by the Nazis and the Communist but would not confirm to their worldview. Hear how the Lord provided for this family and use their faithfulness as a testament of the gospel. 

 Brannon Howse: June 7, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:12

​Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Why are Bible prophecies so special? Question: What did God mean when He said to Satan:  "[Eve's] Seed . . . shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel" (Gen. 3:15, NKJV)? Question: What is the special ministry of the Holy Spirit during this church age? Question: Why did the Lord Jesus say that the Father had "forsaken" Him during His final three hours on the cross (Matt. 27:46)? Question: How will the Antichrist rise to power? Question: What did the Lord Jesus mean by this statement: "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life" (John 6:54, NKJV)? Question: Why is America changing so quickly?Question: Where does the Bible say that believers should be members of local churches?

 Brannon Howse: June 8, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:29

Today Brannon plays a portion of the testimony of Anita Ditman delivered at a Worldview Weekend. the description of the book by Anita includes this description: Abandoned by her father when he realized the price of being associated with a Jewish wife and family, Anita and her mother were ultimately left to fend for themselves. Anita’s teenage years are spent desperately fighting for survival yet learning to trust in the One she discovered would not leave her. 

 Brannon Howse: June 6, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:39

Today Brannon plays a powerful testimony of Patti Wiens as recorded at a Worldview Weekend–the testimony of a child that was abandoned along with her 7 siblings. Patti Wiens grew up on the streets of Minneapolis. A title that would be apropos to the twenty-first century would be that of a "street person." It was in her third foster home that she came to know Christ as her personal Savior. Patti has titled her presentation: Ordained Days: Turning Tragedy into Triumph. How does Brannon know Mrs. Wiens? Patti was the administrator of the Christian school Brannon attended from sixth through twelfth grade. Patti and her husband Pastor Dick Wiens were good friends with Brannon and his wife and shared meals and fellowship with them in their home as well as in the home of Brannon and his wife. Their son has been friends with Brannon since childhood. You will not want to miss the chance to hear this moving and powerful testimony that Brannon can personally testify to from years of personal friendship with Patti and her family. 

 Brannon Howse: June 3, 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:13

Guest: Usama Dakdok & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Usama Dakdok join us to tell us about the Muslim Imam that worked with the Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota to edit and endorse their curriculum on Islam. Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these issues. Topic: Jerusalem Day is a celebration of the reunification of Jerusalem - a modern day miracle that is very controversial. Topic: Turkish soldiers invade Syria in support of Islamic state in order to be able to fight the Kurds. Topic: Prime Minister Netanyahu confirms a right wing coalition government in order to fight Islamic enemies in the area. Topic: Iraqi military battle to retake Fallujah only intensifies sectarian war in Iraq. Topic: We take your calls. 


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