Burmese show


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 Series of concern days before Rio Olympics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Just days out from the 2016 Olympic opening ceremony, the Games in Rio de Janeiro are in danger of being plunged into chaos by the Russian doping scandal.   (၂၀၁၆ အိုလံပစ္ဖြင့္ပြဲ ရက္ပိုင္းအလိုမွာ ရုရွားအားကစား သမားမ်ား ေဆးသံုးမႈျပႆနာေၾကာင့္ Rio de Janeiro အားကစားပြဲဟာ ပရမ္းပတာျဖစ္ဘို႔ အႏၱရာယ္ရိွေန ပါတယ္။  )

 Dr Myint Tun explained about Hepatatis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Myint Tun explained what are Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and he also explained about each diseases.   (ေဒါက္ျမင့္ထြန္းက အသည္းေရာင္ေရာဂါ A,B,C,D နဲ႔ E ဆိုတာဘာလည္းနဲ႔ ဒီေရာဂါတစ္ခုျခင္း အေၾကာင္းကို ရွင္းျပသြားပါတယ္။  )

 Call for more attention in Australia to Hepatitis B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australian health professionals are marking World Hepatitis Day with a call for more attention to be given to Hepatitis B.   (အသည္းေရာင္ေရာဂါပိုး B ကိုပိုမို အာရံုစိုက္ဘို႔တြက္ ကမာၻ႔ အသည္းေရာင္ေရာဂါေန႔မွာ ၾသစေၾတလ် က်မ္းမာေရးပညာရွင္မ်ားက ေတာင္းဆိုလိုက္ပါတယ္။  )

 How I started to rebuild my health after cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For Andy Zagami, 2012 saw the end of his three-year cancer journey but it was also the start of a new battle, returning to life and health after cancer.   (၂၀၁၂ခုႏွစ္မွာ Andy Zagami တြက္ သံုးႏွစ္တာ သူ႔ရဲ့ကင္ဆာခရီးစဥ္ ၿပီးဆံုးတာေတြ႔ခဲ့ပါတယ္၊ ဒါေပမဲ့ ဒါကကင္ဆာျဖစ္ၿပီ သူ႔ရဲ့ပံုမွန္ ဘ၀နဲ႔ က်မ္းမာေရးကို ျပန္ရဘို႔ တိုက္ပြဲသစ္ စတင္ရတာလည္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။  )

 Information on Census form | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Explained some of the census questions and some important questions from the census form. (သန္းေခါင္စရင္း ပံုစံနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လို႔ ေမးခြန္းတခ်ဳိ႕နဲ႔ အေရးႀကီးတဲ့ အခ်က္ေတြကို သိရိွေအာင္ ေကာက္ႏုတ္ တင္ျပထားပါတယ္။  )

 How to complete the census | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The 2016 census on August 9 will be Australias biggest ever survey. (၂၀၁၆ ၾသဂုတ္လ ၉ ရက္ေန႔မွာ ေကာက္ယူမဲ့ သန္းေခါင္စရင္းဟာ ၾသစေၾတလ်ရဲ့ အႀကီးမားဆံုး စမ္းစစ္မႈပင္ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။)

 Dr. Myint Tun explained hair loss and bald head | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Myint Tun explained about the hair loss the getting bald in mostly men on the ABC Burmese program. (ABC ျမန္မာပိုင္းအစီအစဥ္မွာ ေဒါက္ျမင့္ထြန္းက ဆံပင္ကြ်တ္တာနဲ႔ ထိပ္ေျပာင္ရတဲ့ အေၾကာင္းကို ရွင္းျပထားပါတယ္။  )

 Mr Osman Mah reaction on recent comments on Australian Muslim | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Osman Mah from NSW Burmese Muslim Association talked about his opinion on the recent comments made by Television personality Sonia Kruger and One nation Senator Pauline Hanson on Australian Muslim.   (NSW ျမန္မာ မြတ္စလင္အဖြဲ႔က ေအာ္စင္မားက မၾကာမွီက TV တင္ဆက္သူ Sonia Kruger နဲ႔ One Nation ဆီးနိတ္အမတ္ Pauline Hanson တို႕ ၾသစေၾတလ်ံ မြတ္စလင္မ်ားေပၚ မွတ္ခ်က္ခ်မႈမ်ားနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လို႔ သူ႔အျမင္မ်ားကို ေျပာဆိုထားပါတယ္။  )

 Australian Muslims react to calls for a cap Muslim migration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australian Muslims have reacted to calls by TV host Sonia Kruger and senator-elect Pauline Hanson for a cap on Muslim migration.   (TV တင္ဆက္သူ Sonia Kruger နဲ႔ ေရြးေကာက္ခံ ဆီးနိတ္အမတ္ Pauline Hanson တို႔ရဲ့ မြတ္စလင္ migration ကိုကန္႔သတ္ရန္ ေတာင္းဆိုမႈကို ၾသစေၾတလ်ံ မြတ္စလင္မ်ားက တုန္႔ျပန္ေျပာဆိုၾက ပါတယ္။  )

 Life after stroke and stroke information | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Film and TV producer Ade Djajamihardja lived a fast-paced lifestyle until a severe stroke at 42 left him wheelchair-bound.   (ရုပ္ရွင္နဲ႔ တီဗြီ ထုတ္လုပ္သူ Ade Djajamihardja ဟာ လ်င္ျမန္သြက္လက္တဲ့ ေနထိုင္ပံုနဲ႔ေနခဲ့ၿပီး၊ ၄၂ႏွစ္မွာ သူျပင္းထန္တဲ့ ေလျဖတ္ၿပီး ဘီးတပ္ကုလားထိုင္နဲ႔ အဆံုးသတ္တဲ့ အခ်ိန္ခါထိပါ။  )

 Dr Myint Tun explained about the new recommendation on prostate cancer testing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Myint Tun explained about the recent new recommendation for the GPs for testing of the prostate cancer. (ေဒါက္ျမင့္ထြန္းက အေထြေထြကု ဆရာ၀န္မ်ားတြက္ ဆီးႀကိပ္ကင္ဆာ စမ္းစစ္မႈနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လို႔ လမ္းညြန္ ခ်က္မ်ားကို မၾကာမွီက ေျပာင္းလြဲမႈေတြ အေၾကာင္းကို ရွင္းျပထားပါတယ္။  )

 Changes to prostate cancer screening guidelines risky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A prostate cancer specialist is warning more men could die from the disease in the future as a result of a recent change in diagnostic guidelines by General Practitioners. (အေထြေထြကု ဆရာ၀န္မ်ားတြက္ လမ္းညြန္ခ်က္မ်ားကို မၾကာမွီက ေျပာင္းလြဲမႈေတြေၾကာင့္ ဒီေရာဂါေၾကာင့္ ေသဆံုးမဲ့ အမ်ဳိးသားေတြ ပိုမ်ားလာမယ္လို႔ ဆီးႀကိပ္ ကင္ဆာ အထူးကုေတြက ေျပာဆိုေနပါတယ္။  )

 Call for organ donors among migrant-background Australians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

While organ donation rates among Australia's multicultural communities have until now been very low, there's a new push to encourage more people to donate. (ယဥ္ေက်းမႈေပါင္းစံုထဲက ၾသစေၾတလ်ံုေတြ အဂၤါလွဴ တာက ယၡဳခ်ိန္ထိ အရမ္းနိမ့္က်ေနၿပီး အခုအခါမွာ လူ ေတြလွဴဒါန္းဘို႔တြက္ အားေပးမဲ့မႈ အသစ္ကို စတင္လုပ္ ေဆာင္ေနပါၿပီ။  )

 Martyrs U Razak son U Tin Myint interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On the eve of 69th Martyrs Day U Tin Myint son of one of the Martyrs U Razak talks about his father and his family. (ဦးရာဇတ္ သားအႀကီးဆံုးဦးတင္ျမင့္က ၆၉ႀကိမ္ေျမွာက္ အာဇာနီေန႔အႀကိဳမွာ ၎ဖခင္နဲ႔ မိသားစု အေၾကာင္းကို ရွင္းျပထားပါတယ္။)

 Census 2016 to highlight cultural diversity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In just under a month, Australians will complete the 2016 census with the data to give the most detailed picture yet of Australia's cultural diversity.   (တစ္လေအာက္မွာဘဲ ၾသစေၾတလ်ံေတြဟာ ၂၀၁၆ သန္းေခါင္စာရင္းကို ျဖည့္ရေတာ့မွာျဖစ္ၿပီး၊ ဒီအခ်က္ လက္က ၾသစေၾတလ်ရဲ့ ယဥ္ေက်းမႈဆိုင္ရာ ေထြျပားမႈ ရုပ္လႊာကို အေသးစိတ္အက်ဆံုး ျပသမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။  )


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