Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Special Broadcasting Service


 Simple Use Of Goji | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

中國的藥膳食療可以為各位的身體固本培元,特別是都市人食無定時,遲瞓早起,整天對著電腦和各類電子產品,正所謂人未到三十歲,身體就已未老先衰,似足一百歲的人。如果你睡醒覺口苦,容易發脾氣,胃酸倒流或大便不正常,就要聽聽李太與曾小碧為大家介紹杞子可以怎樣幫助你恢復身體機能啦! Chinese Medications are famous in helping us regather the lack and loss of nutrition in our health. Goji is a Chinese health food which contains amazing nutrition to help us boost a better health. Let's listen to May Lee and Elsa Tsang to see...

 10am News Bulletin 3.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 9am News Bulletin 3.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 Community Interview: World AIDS Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

12月1日是一年一度的「世界愛滋病日」。 華人對愛滋病產生恐懼,並擔心與身邊患者接觸,會感染愛滋病。 今集社區專訪,潘浩陽請來林奇恩醫生講解大家對愛滋病的謬誤,從而鼓勵大家對愛滋病患者給予多一點關懷。 Since the first World Aids Day, we've celebrated the resilience of people living with HIV and commemorated those lost: 36 million dead, and nearly 36 million living with HIV. What is HIV? What is AIDS? Ho Young Poon had a chat with Dr. Danforn...

 keeping in touch when holidaying overseas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

趁著假期出外旅遊,有較便宜方法和家人保持電話聯絡嗎?馮家杰先生為大家提供貼士。 Tips from KK on staying in touch with loved ones while overseas without breaking the bank.

 When should my children start dating? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

晨光關懷協會輔導總監張有倫先生認為年青人應該避免中學時期拍拖,以免荒廢一生中重要的基本教育機會。 First Light Care Counsellor Gerald Cheung recommends dating after finishing high school.

 Crowdfunding for a cause | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

群眾募資的力量不容忽視。馮家杰先生和大家暢談互聯網如何造就這股力量。 The power of crowdfunding is made possible by the internet. KK explains what is crowdfunding and how it works.

 Anger over Beijing subway fares hike as government cuts subsidies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

北京搭地鐵取消2元人民幣劃一價,由本月 28 日開始,改爲以路程長短收費。最低收費 3 元,最高 9 元。不過,就算推行新的收費制度,政府還要補貼。聽説,加價並非只是單想提高收入,還有其他原因的。詳情請聼溫楚良跟陳小琴在中港快訊的訪問。 Beijing will raise subway and bus fares in December as part of a drive to reduce price subsidies and curb congestion on the public transport system in the Chinese capital, state media said on Thursday, sparking anger among the public. The China...

 Abbott under the pump in final parliamentary week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

澳洲聯邦國會開會期到本星期四爲止。艾保德政府有很多議案,特別是關於財政預算案的議案,堆積國會。政府很想於休會前,通過其中一些比較重要的議案。不過,藍比參議員明言,如果艾保德在國防部員工加薪方面堅持己見的話,她會對政府所提出的議案一律反對。艾保德昨日已經作出了部分讓步,但藍比怎樣看呢? It's the final sitting week of federal parliament for 2014 and the government is under pressure - both internal and external - over a number of key issues. It is struggling to have its changes to higher education fees passed in the Senate...

 10am News Bulletin 2.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Morning news bulletin

 Talkback - Do you think that the power of the Foreign Review Board should be increased ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

上星期公佈了一份有關外國投資增加對澳洲房屋負擔能力影響的報告,報告建議希望外國投資審查委員會在投資的過程中,可以有更大的權力。 因此,在今日的大眾論壇中,我們邀請了房產轉讓律師兼好市圍市市議員單偉廣先生與大家討論 你是否贊成增加外國投資審查委員會在投資過程中的權力? 這個話題。 Talkback - Do you think that the power of the Foreign Review Board should be increased ?

 9am News Bulletin 24.11.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Morning news bulletin

 Three Hong Kong students start hunger strike | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

在香港,學民思潮宣布,包括召集人黃之鋒在內的三名成員,將無限期絕食,以其爭取與特區政府重新展開對話。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 Three students start their hunger strike in Hong Kong, trying to pursue negotiation with the Hong Kong government again.

 Global Finance News: Global markets tumbled amid negative economic news | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

寰宇金融節目(02/12/14):宋慶勤訪問Morgans高級分析員潘萬新,分析環球證券市場表現受到多個負面經濟數據影響#宋慶勤 Global Finance News by Thomas (02/12/14): Interview Morgan's Senior Analyst , Brian Pun re Global markets tumbled amid arrival of floods of negative news

 Handsome Men In Ancient China (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

陳玉清將在文化三六零環節內,繼續為大家介紹古代美男子,其中北齊的蘭陵王以美貌著稱,在邙山之戰中卻以畫上猙獰面目的大面具遮掩面容,增加自己的威武形象,而另一位男士公孫子都,不但相貌英俊,而且武藝高超,可謂「春秋時代第一美男」。 Continued from the last two episodes, Yuk Ching Chan will introduce to you the backgrounds of two more handsome men in ancient China. Who were they and how attractive were they? Yuk Ching will show you some evidence from the history record.


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