Abbott under the pump in final parliamentary week

Cantonese show

Summary: 澳洲聯邦國會開會期到本星期四爲止。艾保德政府有很多議案,特別是關於財政預算案的議案,堆積國會。政府很想於休會前,通過其中一些比較重要的議案。不過,藍比參議員明言,如果艾保德在國防部員工加薪方面堅持己見的話,她會對政府所提出的議案一律反對。艾保德昨日已經作出了部分讓步,但藍比怎樣看呢? It's the final sitting week of federal parliament for 2014 and the government is under pressure - both internal and external - over a number of key issues. It is struggling to have its changes to higher education fees passed in the Senate...