Simple Use Of Goji

Cantonese show

Summary: 中國的藥膳食療可以為各位的身體固本培元,特別是都市人食無定時,遲瞓早起,整天對著電腦和各類電子產品,正所謂人未到三十歲,身體就已未老先衰,似足一百歲的人。如果你睡醒覺口苦,容易發脾氣,胃酸倒流或大便不正常,就要聽聽李太與曾小碧為大家介紹杞子可以怎樣幫助你恢復身體機能啦! Chinese Medications are famous in helping us regather the lack and loss of nutrition in our health. Goji is a Chinese health food which contains amazing nutrition to help us boost a better health. Let's listen to May Lee and Elsa Tsang to see...