Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Current Affair: Nato defence ministers have agreed to set up troops in UKraine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

NATO defence ministers have agreed to immediately set up six bases in eastern Europe and a spearhead force of five thousand soldiers in light of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Ivan and Selina report.   (梁焱剛與鄺美玲,報導烏克蘭危機升溫,各國正尋求解決辦法,而北約成員國亦經已正式達成協議,會於東歐設立六個軍事基地,及一支人數多達五千人,遞屬快速應變部隊的先峰部隊,以回應俄羅斯對烏克蘭地區的軍事擴張)

 Brisbane correspondence - February | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our correspondent, Kee Cheung reports about the reasons why LNP has been defeated in this election.   (在今個月的布里斯本通訊, 通訊員張奇及鄺美玲會為大家報導自由國家黨在上個月昆州選舉中慘敗的原因和目前點票的形勢。  )

 Chinese Education Minister Warns Against ‘Infiltration’ of Western Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chinese teachers should be on their guard against the infiltration of Western ideas, the countrys education minister says. Also, while theyre at it, they should stop complaining and venting their grievances in front of students as well. The min... (中國教育部部長袁貴仁上月底,因一席高校不能傳播西方價值觀、不能攻擊誹謗黨的領導、抹黑社會主義的言論,成為了近期網上備受攻擊的人物,請點擊圖片收聽陳小琴和溫楚良於中港快訊裏的訪問。  )

 Current Affair: Trans asia airline plane crashed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

At least 31 people, and possibly several more, are dead after a TransAsia Airways plane clipped an overpass and plunged into a river in Taiwan. Selina and Ivan report. (台灣復興航空一架載有58人的客機,於台北基隆河墜陷,目前已知有至少導至31人死亡 ,15人受傷, 並且有 12 人失蹤。詳情請聽鄺美玲與梁焱剛的報導。)

 10am News Bulletin 5.2.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin           (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。)

 9am News Bulletin 5.2.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。    )

 Interest rates cut to record low | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As the Reserve Bank of Australia prepared to announce whether it would move to cut interest rates today, economists were earlier suggesting it was a 50-50 proposition. Plenty of reason to do it, plenty of reason not to.   Aaron rep... (昨日澳洲儲備銀行減息,創歷史新低,雖然這次減息之前有人猜中,但大部分的經濟師都跌了眼鏡。究竟這次加息有何理據呢?請聼點擊圖片收聽溫楚良以下這節時事報導。  )

 Push to stop selling cigarettes to Australians born after 2000 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A generation of Australians could be on the brink of living a tobacco-free existence if a move to ban the sale of cigarettes to young people is successful, and it is looking promising. The law would come into effect in 2018 and would mean peopl... (出於種種原因,塔州完成高中學生的比例低於 50% ,比全國平均數低。原因之一 ,是由於很多學校沒開辦11 和 12 班,所以,要讀 11 班和 12 班,學生便可能要長途跋涉到另一學校就讀。不過最近政府增加撥款開辦 11、12班,此擧令學生願意留下就讀的比例增加左。詳情請點擊圖片,收聽由溫楚良同馮家顯主持的何伯特通訊。不過,他們首先談到打算禁止向 2000 年後出生人士賣煙的私人法案,睇看來有機會獲上下議院通過。)

 IS released a video showing the captured Jordan pilot was burned to death | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

IS released a video that purported to show the pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, being burned to death.   Jordanian authorities say they will execute "within hours" an Iraqi woman the government had sought to exchange for a Jordanian pilo... (極端組織伊斯蘭國在網上發放影片,聲稱將被擄的約旦戰機機師卡薩斯貝活活燒死。約旦政府證實卡薩斯貝已被殺,軍方表明向伊斯蘭國報復,殺死伊斯蘭女死囚里沙維。  )

 Baiyun And Baizhi Chicken Feet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May Lee and Elsa Tsang will answer a query from a listner who asks about the cooking method for Baizhi Chicken Feet and Baiyun Chicken Feet. What are the difference between these two? May and Elsa will give you more details in this episode of Go... (一位女聽眾致電本台,想問李太如何做白汁鳳爪與白雲鳳爪,兩者又有何分別,李太與曾小碧在今輯美食速遞為她解答。   白汁鳳爪材料:雞腳1.5公斤,出水料(清水8杯,薑2片,蔥3棵,酒、鹽各半湯匙), 白滷水料 (清水8杯,八角6粒,花椒1湯匙,草果2粒,果皮1/4塊,鹽4湯匙)   白雲鳳爪材料:雞腳1.5公斤,白米醋4杯,砂糖2杯,鹽3茶匙  )

 Self-injected drugs for erection problems in prostate cancer sufferers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Virginia Ip, a urology nurse based in Sydney, has extensive experience caring for patients with prostate cancer. In this episode, she discusses drugs that are injected through a small needle into the base of the penis, causing it to become e... (對前列腺癌病人來説,性功能能受損和行房出現困難,是很惱人的事。究竟病人是否有方法對付這個問題呢。請點擊圖片收聽溫楚良和葉耀群姑娘在今集健康快樂人的訪問。  )

 How to handle dried shitake and scallop ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Lunar New Year is coming soon. Chinese used to cook a list of luxurious dishes for New Year. The ingredients are usually expensive and carry fortune meanings. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Elsa Tsang will teach you how to ... (臨近農曆新年,華裔人士傳統都會煮好多新年上菜菜式,例如髮菜蠔豉,魚翅,和鮑參翅肚等。這些食材也不是容易處理的。   在這集美食速遞,李太與曾小碧為大家講解新年菜式最常用到的冬菇和瑤柱,應如何處理備用。)

 Asian Cup Update: Australia has beaten UAE in Semi-Final | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australia has progressed to the Asian Cup final for the second consecutive time. The Socceroos defeated the United Arab Emirates two-nil in front of a crowd of 21-thousand people at Newcastle's Hunter stadium. Soccer Commentator James Kwok is goin... (澳洲Socceroos昨晚以二比零擊敗阿聯酋,連續兩屆成功打入決賽. 將於今個星期六晚於悉尼與南韓決戰。足球評論員郭庭生,為大家分析該場比賽兩隊的表現。)

 Global Finance News : US Markets likely to drag global markets down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global Finance News by Thomas (28/01/15): Interview Morgan's Managing Director , Raymond Chan, re US Markets likely to drag global markets down (寰宇金融節目(28/01/15) : 宋慶勤訪問Morgans董事總經理陳浩庭先生,分析環球證券市場昨日表現一般,但今日美股可能會帶動全球市場走軟  )

 How to treat coughing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Cough syrups can help relieve a cough. However, they may not be effective when the coughing first emerges. Why is this so? Rose Chan explains…   (各位可能有所不知,原來治療咳嗽,是有一定的程序的,不是隨便喝些止咳藥水便行。溫楚良為此在健康快樂人節目中請教過陳曙儀醫師。請點擊圖片或標題收聽。  )


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