Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 NT has Australia's best economy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

(1)Northern Territory police in crisis as commissioner resigns and a senior officer is suspended (2)CommSec report: NT has Australia's best economy and job market Aaron Wan and Danny Chow reports.   (北領地的氣油田令到北領地一躍,與新州一起成爲澳洲經濟兩個火車頭。 另外,北領地警務處長John McRoberts 因醜聞纏身,已經辭去了該職務,但卻否認曾犯錯。這件事十分峰回路轉,當中還牽涉一名女商人。 請點擊以下圖片或標題收聼溫楚良跟周國傑在達爾文通訊的訪問。  )

 10am News bulletin 28.01.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (詳盡早晨新聞  )

 9am News Bulletin 28.01.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (詳盡早晨新聞  )

 China’s Xiaomi becomes most valuable tech start-up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

KK tells the success story of Xiaomi.   (中國小米科技公司還沒進攻西方市場已經在科技界一鳴驚人。KK 分析小米的發跡故事。  )

 Marathon runner, 24, loses race for life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A 24-year-old man who collapsed in a Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon event died. Ng Cheuk-yue was rushed to Eastern Hospital after apparently suffering a heart attack and collapsing at the end of the 10-kilometer race on Sunday morning.

 'Married at 15 to a man twice your age' - ads against under-age marriage target migrants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The New South Wales government is targeting the state's migrant communities through a new public-awareness campaign about the illegality of under-age forced marriage.   (澳洲政府規定女性結婚年齡的下限,基本上是保障女童免遭蹂躪,但曾試過一名只有 9 嵗大的女童被家人安排 嫁到海外,她身理與心理都未成熟,此事令人震驚。除了聯邦已推出有關的宣傳活動外,新州也將於本周日起發起運動針對這個情況。請點擊圖片收聼溫楚良這節時事報導。  )

 Flu fears intensify after deaths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Eight people severely ill with flu were admitted to intensive care units amid six recent deaths, as calls were made for people to get vaccinated. The Centre for Health Protection said that from January 2 to noon Jan 22, 78 severe cases of flu w... (香港已經踏入冬季一段時間,今年流感情況特別令人關注,原因是有37 人已死於這個原因。 政府說那些預防流感的疫苗作用不及以前。而農曆新年快到,更會增加傳染的機會。   究竟流感的情況到了什麽地步,請收聽今集中港快訊裏,陳小琴和溫楚良的訪問。  )

 MPs furious over Abbott’s decision to make Prince Philip a knight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tony Abbotts decision to honour the Duke of Edinburgh has sparked mockery on social media and condemnation from some fellow politicians.   (總理艾保德宣布向英國愛丁堡公爵菲臘親王頒發爵士榮銜惹來不少的批評。社交媒體、不分黨派的政客都有份批評。這些批評者持有些什麽理據呢?請聼溫楚良以下這節時事報導。  )

 10am News Bulletin 27.1.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin     (詳盡早晨新聞  )

 9am News Bulletin 27.1.2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin     (詳盡早晨新聞  )

 Interview Dr. Peter Tak Sum Ho | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Peter Tak Sum Ho has been awarded the Member of the Order of Australia in 2015. He has been awarded for his significant service to civil and structural engineering, and to professional organisations.   In addition to his role in... (何德森先生因為於結構工程界作出重大貢獻,而榮獲本年度澳洲員佐勳章(AM)。   他過去在昆州亦積極參與社區工作,並致力服務華人。以下是潘浩陽與他進行的足本訪問。)

 Talkback: Do you think the Abbott government is a "Lame-duck" government? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has faced critical talkback callers as he defends the government's direction, particularly regarding Medicare and university reform.   Do you think the Abbott government is a "Lame-duck" government? Will ... (與2013年聯邦大選相比,艾保德領導的兩黨聯盟政府爭議不斷。   特別在財政預算案後,艾保德提出修改Medicare國民保健計劃及專上教育改革的有關建議,因為民眾及參議院的不滿,而被逼更改或撤回。   究竟艾保德政府是否已淪為跛腳鴨政府呢?   歡迎各位繼續在WeChat及Facebook發表意見。)

 Asian Cup Update: South Korea has made it through to final | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

South Korea has made it through to its first Asian Cup final in 27 years, beating Iraq, two-nil, in Monday night's semi-final in Sydney.The two-time champions will now play the winner of other match of semi-final between Australia and the United A... (足球亞洲盃,曾奪兩屆冠軍的南韓以2比0擊敗伊拉克,同時是他們事隔27年後,再次打入亞洲盃決賽階段,足球評論員郭庭生為大家分析南韓是否有實力再奪魁,亦會預測一下南韓的決賽對手,到底是澳洲Socceroo.還是阿聯酋機會較高呢?  )

 White knight needed to save ATV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Loans to staff at cash-strapped ATV were made by a top shareholder out of "kindness," according to a senior executive. The comments came after employees who are still waiting for payment of wages revealed that shareholder Wong Ben-koon loaned t... (亞洲電視出現財困,該公司股份招標今天將屆滿,政府和它的員工當然希望「白武士」能夠出現為亞視續命,但究竟股權招標並非做善事,「白武士」也有好多地方需要考慮的。究竟有哪些地方呢?詳情請收聼溫楚良和陳小琴的中港快訊。)

 Li: China Expects 'Downward Pressures' on Its Economy in 2015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chinas premier, Li Keqiang, said that China would balance efforts to stabilize economic growth and boost structural reforms in 2015, as downward pressure on growth still remains.   (中國內地股市其中一個風險,是經濟下行,國務院總理李克強日前主持召開國務院第四次全體會議,他指今年內地經濟下行壓力持續加大,面對的困難可能更多。目前世界經濟正在調整,但復甦艱難,而內地發展進入新常態,正處於關鍵時期。   另外,對在深圳打工的外地工人來説,他們的子女怎樣可以考進當地的大學呢?原來有大學試過一個方法,並收取到部分有潛質的學生,不過也遇到困難。   薛碧卿首先會以例子講述中國經濟在新一年開始所遇到的挑戰。)


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