Flu fears intensify after deaths

Cantonese show

Summary: Eight people severely ill with flu were admitted to intensive care units amid six recent deaths, as calls were made for people to get vaccinated. The Centre for Health Protection said that from January 2 to noon Jan 22, 78 severe cases of flu w... (香港已經踏入冬季一段時間,今年流感情況特別令人關注,原因是有37 人已死於這個原因。 政府說那些預防流感的疫苗作用不及以前。而農曆新年快到,更會增加傳染的機會。   究竟流感的情況到了什麽地步,請收聽今集中港快訊裏,陳小琴和溫楚良的訪問。  )