Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 37 Sri Lankan asylum seekers sent home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

星期六,聯邦移民部長莫里遜宣佈已將37名斯里蘭卡尋求庇護者送交斯里蘭卡政府, 另有一位會被轉送到巴布亞新幾內亞或瑙魯進行難民資格審查。另一方面,聯合國虐待委員會及聯合國難民公署均批評澳洲的難民政策。請聼張楚慧的報導。 Sri Lankan police have arrested 37 nationals---turned back by Aust日alian authorities on the high seas---after attempting to seek asylum. Around the same time, two UN organisations criticised Australia's refugee policy.

 Celebrity Chatroom: 2015 AFC Asian Cup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

無所不談今日請來了僑青社歡迎國足委員會總召集人郭庭生James,與大家討論即將舉行的2015亞洲盃足球賽事,並進行賽前預測. In todaty Celebrity Chatroom, we interviewed James Kowk, Chief convener of Chinese Youth League of Australia Inc welcome China Soccer team committee. He will gives us some updated on 2015 Asia Cup and share with us some of his prediction on the co...

 Deloitte Access Economics predicts mid-year budget update could show blowouts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

德勤經濟預測機構(Deloitte Access Economics)預覧了聯邦財政部的年中經濟及財政展望(Treasurer's Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook)之後,初部預計澳洲未來四年的財政赤字,比財長何奇五月份公布預算案時所公布的財赤數字,高出三百五十億元.詳情請收聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛的報導。 As the Government negotiates on its budget measures, it's clear the nation's finances are under increasing pressure. A report out today from Deloitte Access Economics predicts the Abbott Government's mid-year budget update could show $36 billion b...

 Japanese-Style Green Tea Cheese Cup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

聖誕臨近,曾小碧與李太在美食速遞為大家介紹你也可以親手製造的簡單派對小食,今天介紹的是具有日本風味的小食『綠茶芝士杯』。 With Christmas and New Year round the corner, May Lee and Elsa Tsang are going to introduce to you a list of party food. You will be amazed at how easy it is to make these party food. One of them is the recipe of Green Tea Cheese Cup which is a ...

 Global Finance Segment: Global Markets influenced by OECD’s latest decision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

寰宇金融節目(01/12/14) :宋慶勤訪問Morgans董事總經理陳浩庭先生,分析環球證券市場上週表現主要受到油價及石油出口國家維持目前石油生產量的決定,影響走勢 Global Finance News by Thomas (01/12/14): Interview Morgan's Managing Director , Raymond Chan, re Global Markets influenced by OECDs decision on keeping oil production at present level

 10am News Bulletin 1.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Morning news bulletin

 9am News Bulletin 1.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 Rock Fishing - Saftey Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

溫楚良訪問過喜歡磯釣的維省救生會義工梁國威 (Frankie),他趁著夏天開始,水上活動廣受澳洲人歡迎之際,與大家分享磯釣安全心得,例如要穿上救升衣,留意天氣,不要穿拖鞋。而今次第二集, Frankie Leung, a volunteer at Life Saving Victoria, shares some important safety tips when we go rock fishing.

 10am News Bulletin 30.11.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

十點鐘新聞報導 (十一月三十日)宋慶勤報導 10am News Bulletin 30.11.2014

 9am Cantonese News Bulletin 30.11.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

九點鐘新聞報導 (十一月三十日) 宋慶勤報導新聞 9am News Bulletin 30.11.2014 News by Thomas Sung

 10am News Bulletin 29.11.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 9am News Bulletin 29.11.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 Gardening - Cocoa & Cocoa Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

咖啡、茶和可可是世界三大飲料,而可可和咖啡都一樣不適宜在澳洲種植,但在我們的日常生活當中,很多時候都會吃和飲用可可製成的食品和飲料,例如朱古力和熱朱古力奶,尤其是黑朱古力,普遍被認為比一般朱古力較為有益。 其實可可和咖啡十分相似,都是含有咖啡因,一樣有興奮的作用,雖然可可是熱帶的植物,但由於我們經常都會吃和飲用可可製成的食物和飲料,所以今期的園藝趣談,園藝學家蔡浩權會為大家介紹一些可可的知識和歷史,以及講述那些地方最適宜種植可可樹。 Mr. solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, talks about cocoa & cocoa tree.

 Happy Map: Oversea Travel Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今集旅圖愉快,我們請了資深旅遊從業員黃悠薇May,分享如要出國旅遊,到底要注意甚麼事情?參加旅行團與自己安排行程,有何優與劣? In today Happy Map, we had interviewed May Wong. She had shared with us some oversea travel tips. And she had also explain when traveling oversea, what is the pro and con for a guided tour, and a self organized travel.

 Global Finance: negative impression of FTA in society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今集環宇金融,我們請來了澳大利亞中國工商業委員會副會長及宏亞國際顧問集團行政總裁及首席顧問何智明Gravin,回應社會上所充斥對澳中自由貿易協議的負面觀感。 In today Global Finance, we interviewed Mr Gravin Ho, Vice President of Australia China Business Association and CEO of Grand Asia International. He will explain why there are negative impressions toward Australia and China Free Trade Agreed in Au...


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