Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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 Current Affair: Should Federal Government be more centralised? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

時事報導(30/10/2014):探討州政府與及坊間就聯邦體制改革的反應與建議 CA (30/10/2014): Debates on the role of Federal Government in its Reforms of Federal and State relation

 Fish Paste With Tofu And Chives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

這是一味簡單又易做的菜式,但又可以說是老少平安,一家都啱食,請聽李太與曾小碧介紹。 This is an easy but delicious Chinese dish which you won't have any excuse of not trying with the recipe. May Lee and Elsa Tsang will give you more details.

 Halloween Haunted House In Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今天是萬聖節,不單是西方國家慶祝這個節日,甚至香港都有很多愛玩的朋友趁著這個時間開派對。香港還有很多與萬聖節有關的商品,大家可以在網上及市面上見到。但是有些玩意大家可能未必知道,就是香港人興玩鬼屋這種玩意,詳情請聽駐香港通訊員陳小琴報導。 Lots of Hong Kong people celebrate Halloween today. The latest way to celebrate is to go to a haunted house with your friends and go for a spooky tour. Our Hong Kong correspondent Siu Kam Chan reports.

 Happy Map: NSW South Coast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今集旅圖愉快,黃莜薇May會帶大家暢遊新州南岸,一個你和家人可以一齊渡過愉快週未的地方,想知詳情就要收聽旅圖愉快了! Today Happy Map, May will introduce NSW South Coast, a place where you can spend a weekend away with your family. Please listen to our interview to find out more.

 Perth Notebook - Fines for false call & WA government slashes public sector jobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

西澳政府由於火警鍾誤嗚情况日益增加,因此實施罰款新法例,違者將會被罰款750元,以減輕消防員的工作壓力和避免浪費資源。 此外,西澳政府為了有效控制财政預算,己經宣佈裁减多 1500名公務員職位,而私人機構尤其是礦務公司,亦因礦業高峰期己過而進行裁員,令到民生大受影響。詳情請收聽梁增的報導。 report by Tsang Wing Leung on Fines for false fire call & WA government slashes public sector jobs.

 Global Finance: Medibank Private Shares offers to the Public | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今集環宇金融內,梁焱剛訪問了宏亞國際顧問集團行政總裁及首席顧問何智明先生,請他分析Medibank Private公開招股上市,對社會及股票市場會帶來甚麼影響。 Today in Global Finance, ivan had interviewed Mr. Gravin Ho, Chief Executive of Grand Asia International Consulting Group, of Medibank Private shares are opened to the public and what is the impact of such act does it bring to the society and the ...

 Draft laws have been introduced into parliament requiring telecommunications companies to keep metadata for two years caused concerns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

聯邦政府引入反恐法的第三部分, 要求通訊公司保存元數據,即 metadata,達兩年, 律政部長布蘭迪斯表示,儲存有關資料,可令警方及情報組織有更佳機會拘捕恐怖份子和其他疑犯。 但此項法例卻惹來爭議,除了可能令網絡服務價格攀升之外,亦有人士擔心會侵犯私隱以及令警方及情報組織權力過大。請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 Draft laws have been introduced into parliament requiring telecommunications companies to keep metadata for two years.The Federal Government says police and spy agencies would have a better chance of catching terrorists and other criminals under a...

 China Internet chief blames US for cyberattacks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

世界互聯網大會即將於中國舉行,記者會上,中國國家互聯網信息辦公室主任魯煒,公開表示中國是網絡攻擊的受害國.而當中有約八成網絡攻擊來自美國. 詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲的報導. Eighty percent of the China's government websites have been hit by cyberattacks, mostly coming from the U.S., said Lu Wei, head of the State Internet Information Office. Speaking to reporters in the press conference of World Internet Conference...

 Gardening - Bitter Melon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

踏入夏天,最能清熱解暑的蔬菜自然會令人想起苦瓜或凉瓜。苦瓜又名君子菜,常吃對身體十分有益,更有降血糖和抗癌的作用。而園藝學家蔡浩權特別教大家種夏天最適宜食用的苦爪或凉瓜,大家可以用兩種不同的方法去種植,簡單而又方便,而且很快就會有收成。 Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, teaches you how to grow bitter melon.

 Federal and PUP signed a deal on Direct Action climate laws | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

聯邦政府和帕爾默團結黨已經達成協議,令政府有足夠的票數,於參議院進行投票時,通過氣候變化直接行動 (Direct Action climate laws) 的議案,詳情請聽梁焱剛與鄺美玲的報導。 The Palmer United Party and the federal government have come to a deal to pass the government's Direct Action climate laws through parliament. Selina and Ivan report.

 "Love of language" - a website designs to encourage students to learn other language | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

最近維州政府推出一個名為 喜歡語言 (Love of Language)的網站,希望可以協助學生學習其他語言。請聽鄺美玲與代表維州政府的發言人廖嬋娥女士,介紹這個網站的作用。 Victorian Government has recently launched a website called "Love of Language", in order to help students learn other languages. Selina Kong has interviewed Ms. Gladys Liu, the representative of the Victorian Government of this website, on the rol...

 Will the Foreign Fighters Bill be passed by Senate today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

在今天的時事報導中,鄺美玲和梁焱剛會為大家看看聯邦政府的第二批反恐法是否有望可於今日在參議院獲得通過。 另外,亦會報導新西蘭一批科研人員研發出一種新儀器,以加快測試伊波拉病毒的過程,希望可以令病人盡快接受適當的治療,增加他們的生存機會。 The Senate is debating the governments second batch of new terror laws but Senate committee last week found key elements of the Government's proposed Foreign Fighters Bill are incompatible with human rights. The bipartisan committee has cast do...

 How To Prepare Pickled Vegetables? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

在香港或中國大陸,大家經常都會用配菜,例如是蔥菜、冬菜和榨菜等來煮菜,但在澳洲就比較少會這樣做菜,所以李太與曾小碧今日會教大家一些小貼士,讓大家好好準備配菜,放於雪櫃備用。 Picked vegetables are commonly used in dishes in mainland China and Hong Kong. However, they are not often used in the Australian-Chinese households. May Lee and Elsa Tsang will give you some tips to prepare the pickles.

 Petrol prices to rise as government increases fuel tax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

正當聯邦政府為財政預算案如何可以在參議院通過而籌謀之際,他們昨日宣佈,由11 月 10日起,增加燃油的關稅。這一招可謂釜底抽薪,不用直接跟參議院的敵對勢力周旋。但政府繞過參議院的做法,卻又遭到批評。雖然這次燃油稅加幅不大,但對即將舉行大選的維州執政黨來説,不論加幅多少,加稅就是加稅,會讓選民反感。詳情請聼溫楚良的報導。 The Federal Government has announced it will use tariff proposals to reintroduce regular hikes in fuel tax in a move expected to cost average households about 40 cents a week. The increases will begin on November the 10th, but the Government wi...

 Community Interview: Angela Ng from Villa Maria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Community Interview: Angela Ng,Team Leader of White Road Activity and Respite Centre, Villa Maria. She shares about a conference run by Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing. In this conference, her organization has recieved the honour of an...


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