Will the Foreign Fighters Bill be passed by Senate today?

Cantonese show

Summary: 在今天的時事報導中,鄺美玲和梁焱剛會為大家看看聯邦政府的第二批反恐法是否有望可於今日在參議院獲得通過。 另外,亦會報導新西蘭一批科研人員研發出一種新儀器,以加快測試伊波拉病毒的過程,希望可以令病人盡快接受適當的治療,增加他們的生存機會。 The Senate is debating the governments second batch of new terror laws but Senate committee last week found key elements of the Government's proposed Foreign Fighters Bill are incompatible with human rights. The bipartisan committee has cast do...