Petrol prices to rise as government increases fuel tax

Cantonese show

Summary: 正當聯邦政府為財政預算案如何可以在參議院通過而籌謀之際,他們昨日宣佈,由11 月 10日起,增加燃油的關稅。這一招可謂釜底抽薪,不用直接跟參議院的敵對勢力周旋。但政府繞過參議院的做法,卻又遭到批評。雖然這次燃油稅加幅不大,但對即將舉行大選的維州執政黨來説,不論加幅多少,加稅就是加稅,會讓選民反感。詳情請聼溫楚良的報導。 The Federal Government has announced it will use tariff proposals to reintroduce regular hikes in fuel tax in a move expected to cost average households about 40 cents a week. The increases will begin on November the 10th, but the Government wi...