Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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 Ebola claims its second victim in the US | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛為大家報導美國有一名醫生因感染伊波拉病毒而逝世, 是美國第二宗伊波拉死亡病例以及歐洲多國出現禽流感及世衛一份有關全球每年有三十多萬人因遇溺而死亡的報告。 An American doctor who contracted the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone has died in hospital in the United States. Dr Salia is the second person to die of Ebola in the U-S, after Thomas Eric Duncan, who died in Dallas last month.

 Talkback - Who is the winner with the signing of FTA between Australia and China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

經過十年磋商,聯邦政府終於在昨日與中國簽署自由貿易協定(FTA),據聯邦國會議會秘書費定伯格表示,這項協定將為澳洲未來數年帶來高達180億元經濟裨益。所以,今日的大眾論壇想與大家談談,你認為這次協定那個才是贏家? 我們邀請到澳大利亞新南威爾斯州-重点農業至東部港口鐵路運輸樞紐項目主席趙佐榮博士就今次協定與我們談談他的看法。 Who is the winner of the signing of FTA between Australia and China? Our guest is Dr. Thomas Chiu.

 Celebrity chatroom - Professor Patrick Tam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

於二十四年前由香港前來澳洲,目前是雪梨兒童醫學研究所副所長的譚秉亮,曾於2007年獲澳洲及新西蘭細胞及生物學發展學會頒發會長勳章, 亦是英國生物學研究所, 澳洲科學院,英國生物學學會和倫敦英國皇家學會的研究員。他在胚胎及幹細胞研究上, 貢獻良多。譚教授在今期的『無所不談』中接受鄺美玲和梁焱剛的訪問。 Professor Patrick Tam came to Sydney from Hong Kong around 24 years ago. He heads the Embryology Research Unit and is the Deputy Director of of Sydneys Childrens Medical Research Institute (CMRI). He is a Senior Principal Research Fellow of the N...

 Global Finance News: Global markets fluctuated on Monday 17/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

寰宇金融節目(18/11/14):宋慶勤訪問Morgans高級分析員潘萬新,分析環球市場昨日表現反复#宋慶勤 Global Finance News by Thomas (18/11/14): Interview Morgan's Senior Analyst , Brian Pun re Global markets fluctuated

 A Famous Handsome Guy Pan An | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

古代美男子潘安究竟如何美法呢?在他身上發生過什麼有趣事情呢?請聽聽陳玉清在文化三六零環節中的介紹。 Have you ever heard of the name Pan An, the famous handsome guy, in ancient China? Yuk Ching Chan will tell you some interesting stories about him in this episode of Culture 360.

 Pork Fillet Burger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

李太與曾小碧為大家介紹一種看似容易、但要做得好吃就要花點功夫的豬扒包製作方法。 It looks easy to prepare a pork fillet burger but it is difficult to cook a juicy and yummy pork fillet with a crispy french roll. May Lee and Elsa Tsang will show you some tips in this episode.

 G20's final plan for economic growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

一連兩日於布里斯本舉行的G20峰會,昨日閉幕。澳洲總理艾保德宣布,G20的首腦己達成共識,要於2018年之前,至少要促成各國, 達到百份之2.1的經濟增長。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。 In the closing of G20 Summit 2014 in Brisbane, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has released the G20's final plan for economic growth, pledging to work with world leaders to deliver real outcomes. Ivan and Selina report.

 G20: Climate Change in the Spotlight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

艾保德政府一直認爲G20峰會應以經濟為重, 不宜談氣候變化問題。想不到上週三中美宣佈了一個氣候變化協議,而多位國際領導人,包括日本、美國和聯合國秘書長在峰會期間都提及氣候變化問題,尤其奧巴馬敦促澳洲加緊努力應付氣候變化,令此問題縈繞峰會外圍,也間接給了澳洲政府一定的壓力。請聼張楚慧的報道。 While Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey had insisted that G20 forum was the wrong place to discuss climate change, other world leaders brought up the issue again and again. Labor leader Bill Shorten even says President Obama has...

 Global Finance News: Global Markets fared well excepted ASX 200 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

寰宇金融節目(17/11/14):宋慶勤訪問Morgans董事總經理陳浩庭先生,分析環球證券市場上週表現, 除澳洲200只成份股外,普遍良好 Global Finance News by Thomas (17/11/14): Interview Morgan's Managing Director , Raymond Chan, re Global Markets fared well excepted ASX 200

 Current Affairs - Tax Evasion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

澳洲税務局推出用作鼓勵自願申報海外收入的 Project Do It 項目,將於十二月十九日截止,澳洲税務局再次提醒大家不要錯過這次最後機會,如果在截止日期前仍未自願申報海外收入,日後被查出的話,將會受到重罰。 Project Do It 的目的是去清除所有在海外沒有申報的收入,以免有逃税和避税的情形,也是政府要打擊海外逃税的其中一項措施,詳情請聽谷建華報導。 Report on ATO's Project Do It and tax evasion.

 Doctor's Advice Series: Transmission Path of Hepetitus A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

醫生話你知節目:宋慶勤訪問肝膽胰專家林偉濤醫生,探討月甲型肝炎的主要感染渠道。。 Doctors Advice - Vincent Lam Doctor's Advice Series: Interview Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Dr Vincent Lam, re Transmission Path of Hepetitus A

 Legal Tips: What constitutes a valid Last Will & Benefits of having One? (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

法律貼士環節: 迦南律師行盧尚斌律師,解釋構成一份有效的遺囑,需要什麼條件?(第一輯)#宋慶勤 Legal Tips: Derek Lo of Canaan Lawyers, re What constitutes a valid Last Will & Benefits of having One? (Part 1)

 Asian Market Pulse: Peter Lai onCross border trading Platform, Good and Bad? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

洲市場脈搏( 15/11/14): 宋慶勤訪問香港時富金融投資服務部顧問黎永良先生報導滬港通制度的優劣勝敗 #宋慶勤 Asian Market Pulse(15/11/2014): Interviewed Peter Lai of CASH Investment Financial Department Adviser, re Cross border trading Platform, Good and Bad?

 Global Finance: What do we know about QE3? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今集環宇金融請來Morgan 資深分析師潘萬新為大家介紹何謂量化寬鬆政策,他亦會分析美國剛結束的第三輪量化寬鬆政策,對美國實際帶來了甚麼好處? In today Global Finance, Brian Pun from Morgan is going to introduce what is Quantitative Easing? And what are the actual effects for QE3, which had just been stop in US?

 Global Finance: What is the catch of QE? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

本集環宇金融,Morgan資深分析員潘萬新為你分析量化寬鬆是否所有國家皆適用?又會帶來甚麼負面影響? In today episode, Morgan's senior analyst Brian Pun is going to share why Quantitative Easing could not apply to some country? And what really is the catch of QE?


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