Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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 10am News Bulletin 5.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 US Chokehold Arrest Leads to Protest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

美國再有白人警員被指於執勤時箍頸鎖喉,導致黑人死亡案件,大陪審團決定不起訴涉案白人警員,觸發紐約及多個城市爆發示威遊行,有最少八十人被捕。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。 Authorities in the United States have arrested at least 80 people following protests in New York after a grand jury declined to charge a white police officer over the death of an unarmed black man. Selina and Ivan Report.

 9am News Bulletin 5.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 Brisbane correspondence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

通訊員張其會報導最近在布里斯本舉行的G-20峰會的保安工作十分成功,令海外的保安機構也要以之作為參考。另外,他亦會報導布里斯本遭受強烈風暴吹襲,造成嚴重損失的消息和一些父母因為嗜賭而將子女放在車內不顧的事件。他亦會講講昆州一年一度在黃金海岸舉行的中學生畢業慶祝活動的情況。 請聽昆州通訊員張其及鄺美玲報導。 Queensland Notebook: a)The security of G-20 summit has attracted a lot of praises and some overseas countries also want to use their format as an example for handling their future big events; b)Brisbane was hit by severe storm recently w...

 Senate passed the temporary protection visa bill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

聯邦國會議員就重新引入臨時保護簽證,在國會會期的最後一日辯論至今日凌晨,最終獲得通過。另外,總理艾保德總結他上任年多以來政府的表現,認為政府經已在多項大選承諾中達標。 Senators sat past midnight to approve a range of measures changing asylum laws including the return of temporary protection visas and granting work rights to asylum-seekers on community bridging visas. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Tony Abbott say...

 Gardening - Grape & grape tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

葡萄或一般人所稱的葡提子,是大多人喜愛的水果,不論青提子,黑加侖子或其他品種的葡提子,尤其是無核提子更令小孩喜愛。如果在後園種葡提子,就可以經常吃到新鮮的提子。 不過,大家在種葡提子的時候,記得要同時種玫瑰花樹。為何葡提子要和玫瑰花一起種呢? 在今期的園藝趣談,園藝學家蔡浩權除了教大家種不同品種的葡提子之外,還會教大家用玫瑰花作為對黑斑病和菌病等病害的指標。此外,亦會講述葡提子的用途和益處,以及無核提子的生產過程。 Mr. Solomon Tsoi , Horticulturist, teaches you how to grow different kinds of grapes.

 10am News Bulletin 04.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 9am News Bulletin 04.12.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

詳盡早晨新聞 Detailed morning news bulletin

 Talkback - Christmas shopping tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

預計澳洲人在今年聖誕節將花費大約四百三十億元。據澳洲全國零售協會最近公布的一份報告顯示,預計今個聖誕節, 澳洲人每人平均花費達一千八百二十元。所以,今天 "大眾論壇" 就請來科技世界節目主持人馮家傑先生為大家帶來一些聖誕節消費貼士。 Australians are expected to spend $43 billions during Christmas. According to a report recently released by the Australian National Retail Association , it is expected that each Australian will spend $1820 this Christmas. So, today, we have invit...

 Treasurer calls for shoppers to spend big during Christmas to increase GDP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

昨日出爐的本地經濟數據顯示, 澳洲經濟正向下調, 但財長何其卻呼籲市民大眾在聖誕節大量消費,以刺激經濟。詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲的報導。 Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey has repeated his call for shoppers to spend big over Christmas. Mr Hockey was responding to the latest national accounts that showed economic growth grew by just 0.3 per cent in the September quarter, less ...

 PM Abbott 'won't be held to ransom' by crossbench | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

澳洲總理艾保德在九月中時,民意攀升超過4成,但事隔不久,最近他的支持率跌至近5個月來新低。但他並不灰心。 但他總要面對現實 - 堆積在參議院的議案,很多還未通過。不通過的話,政策就無法推行。政府原地踏步,不是一件好事。而很多獨立參議員都開出自己的條件,一於和政府討價還價。溫楚良爲此作出了一個報導。 Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he won't be held to ransom by the Senate crossbench in order to get his budget measures passed. More than 30 billion dollars' worth of cuts and other revenue-raising legislation is mired in the upper house just ...

 Old age and Ageing - what is the relationship between these two similar terms? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

今天陳曙儀醫師跟大家探討老年和衰老兩者的關連和它們之間的分別,還有,大家從什麽時候開始就應該抵抗衰老呢? Rose Chan, a Chinese medicine practioner, uses WHOs Definition of an older or elderly person to make her point.

 Petrol prices slide and a suspected case of forced marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

最近全球石油價格下調,相信澳洲消費者在聖誕及新年期間可享受便宜的汽油。另外,一名九歲女童懷疑被逼前往中東地區做兒童新娘,詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 Petrol prices around the country are tipped to drop to their lowest level in almost three years, after Australia's international benchmark Singapore Mogas plummeted. Meanwhile, the Australia Federal Police are investigating reports that a nine-...

 Hong Kong protests reach violent high as students clash with police | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

香港的佔領行動未有停止跡象,近日更越演越烈,有警察打人,和休班警員被人圍毆的事件發生。警民關係,似乎因爲今次佔領行動而發生大倒退。香港的治安一向受人讚譽,可是現在警民衝突經常發生,更成為國際新聞。有人說,即使佔領行動結束,警民關係要恢復舊觀,也非一朝一夕能夠達至 Hong Kongs pro-democracy protests descended into the worst violence seen so far early Monday, as demonstrators ended more than two months of largely peaceful civil disobedience with a dramatic escalation in tactics. Thousands of protesters clas...

 Chinese president Xi Jinping moved by handwritten letter from Launceston primary school students | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

何伯特通訊馮家顯報導: (1)中國國家主席習近平到塔州訪問; (2)塔州東岸 Saffire Freycinet 被選為全球最佳精品酒店 Gar Foong reports: (1) President Xis visit to Tasmania, and (2) Tasmanian luxury Saffire Freycinet resort named world's best boutique hotel.


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