Hong Kong protests reach violent high as students clash with police

Cantonese show

Summary: 香港的佔領行動未有停止跡象,近日更越演越烈,有警察打人,和休班警員被人圍毆的事件發生。警民關係,似乎因爲今次佔領行動而發生大倒退。香港的治安一向受人讚譽,可是現在警民衝突經常發生,更成為國際新聞。有人說,即使佔領行動結束,警民關係要恢復舊觀,也非一朝一夕能夠達至 Hong Kongs pro-democracy protests descended into the worst violence seen so far early Monday, as demonstrators ended more than two months of largely peaceful civil disobedience with a dramatic escalation in tactics. Thousands of protesters clas...