PM Abbott 'won't be held to ransom' by crossbench

Cantonese show

Summary: 澳洲總理艾保德在九月中時,民意攀升超過4成,但事隔不久,最近他的支持率跌至近5個月來新低。但他並不灰心。 但他總要面對現實 - 堆積在參議院的議案,很多還未通過。不通過的話,政策就無法推行。政府原地踏步,不是一件好事。而很多獨立參議員都開出自己的條件,一於和政府討價還價。溫楚良爲此作出了一個報導。 Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he won't be held to ransom by the Senate crossbench in order to get his budget measures passed. More than 30 billion dollars' worth of cuts and other revenue-raising legislation is mired in the upper house just ...