Draft laws have been introduced into parliament requiring telecommunications companies to keep metadata for two years caused concerns

Cantonese show

Summary: 聯邦政府引入反恐法的第三部分, 要求通訊公司保存元數據,即 metadata,達兩年, 律政部長布蘭迪斯表示,儲存有關資料,可令警方及情報組織有更佳機會拘捕恐怖份子和其他疑犯。 但此項法例卻惹來爭議,除了可能令網絡服務價格攀升之外,亦有人士擔心會侵犯私隱以及令警方及情報組織權力過大。請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 Draft laws have been introduced into parliament requiring telecommunications companies to keep metadata for two years.The Federal Government says police and spy agencies would have a better chance of catching terrorists and other criminals under a...