Asian Cup Update: South Korea has made it through to final

Cantonese show

Summary: South Korea has made it through to its first Asian Cup final in 27 years, beating Iraq, two-nil, in Monday night's semi-final in Sydney.The two-time champions will now play the winner of other match of semi-final between Australia and the United A... (足球亞洲盃,曾奪兩屆冠軍的南韓以2比0擊敗伊拉克,同時是他們事隔27年後,再次打入亞洲盃決賽階段,足球評論員郭庭生為大家分析南韓是否有實力再奪魁,亦會預測一下南韓的決賽對手,到底是澳洲Socceroo.還是阿聯酋機會較高呢?  )