Baiyun And Baizhi Chicken Feet

Cantonese show

Summary: May Lee and Elsa Tsang will answer a query from a listner who asks about the cooking method for Baizhi Chicken Feet and Baiyun Chicken Feet. What are the difference between these two? May and Elsa will give you more details in this episode of Go... (一位女聽眾致電本台,想問李太如何做白汁鳳爪與白雲鳳爪,兩者又有何分別,李太與曾小碧在今輯美食速遞為她解答。   白汁鳳爪材料:雞腳1.5公斤,出水料(清水8杯,薑2片,蔥3棵,酒、鹽各半湯匙), 白滷水料 (清水8杯,八角6粒,花椒1湯匙,草果2粒,果皮1/4塊,鹽4湯匙)   白雲鳳爪材料:雞腳1.5公斤,白米醋4杯,砂糖2杯,鹽3茶匙  )