Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 2016 NYE events are over-shadowed by security threats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australia was among the first countries to welcome in 2016 - the major cities yet again delivering memorable fireworks displays. Meanwhile, around the world, security officials are on high alert in major cities as people make their way to New Year... (梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導澳洲及世界各地為迎接2016年都有舉辦慶祝活動,但因應極端主義所帶來的安全威脅,各地的慶祝活動仍然被抺上陰影。  )

 10am News Bulletin 1.1.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin (詳盡早晨新聞)

 Happy Map: Travel Insurance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ivan has invited Mrs May Wong, an experienced Travel Consultant, to explain what are the actual benefit of purchasing travel insurance. (梁焱剛訪問資深旅遊顧問黃莜微,為大家詳盡了解旅遊保險有何實際保障。  )

 Global finance: Bank services now and then | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In an interview with Ivan Leung, Bank of Queensland Doncaster branch Director Simon pho is going to explain the differences of bank services now and then.   (梁焱剛訪問昆士蘭銀行Doncaster分行行長博四川,為大家解釋現代與傳統銀行服務的分別,亦會為大家探討要銀行職員要兼任投資產品的消售員,是否會影響銀行服務的質數?  )

 Gardening - Aquatic plant or Water plant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, teaches you how and grow aquatic plant or water plant. (在今期園藝趣談節目,園藝學家蔡浩權會教大家如何種植水生植物。水生植物是指在水中生長的植物和食物,植物有荷花和睡蓮,食物有馬蹄,海帶,蓮藕,西洋菜等等,而水生植物又可分為四大類,詳情請收聽園藝趣談節目。   A: 即係糸水裹面生長既植物同食物,植物就有荷花同睡蓮,食物就有 馬蹄,海帶,蓮藕,西洋菜,仲有好多好多,都數唔晒咁多。 B: 咁我知道谷建華請左蔡浩權教大家點樣種水生既植物同食物,同埋 解釋水生植物既功能同四大類別既。請大家一齊收聽喇!  )

 Brisbane Notebook - December | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this months "Brisbane Notebook", Kee Cheung reports about: 1)Princess Marys eldest son almost got washed away in a Gold Coast beach while being saved by a local lifeguard; 2)Gold Coast will host the 2018 Commonwealth Games 3)Qu... (今期『布里斯本通訊』內容十分豐富,通訊員張奇及鄺美玲會報導 1)丹麥瑪麗王妃與家人前往黃金海岸渡假,但其長子差點兒給大浪沖走,幸得當地救生員拯救; 2)2018年黃金海岸將會舉辦英聯邦運動會; 3)昆州與中國合作拍攝3D立體電影,試圖打開中國市場; 4)昆州有父母拒絕為子女接種預防疫苗引起關注。  )

 China Hong Kong Express - Price hikes on most services in Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's episode, Siu Kam Chan reports about the cancellation of the New Year's Day demonstration by Civil Human Rights Front and price hikes in many services in Hong Kong. (民陣於每年一月一號均會在香港舉辦元旦日大遊行,但今年民陣卻決定不再舉辦。不過, 卻另外有團體及政黨發起遊行,爭取全民退保。 而除了遊行以外,每年一月一日,各行各業都紛紛加價,令香港加風四起, 究竟有那些服務加價?請聽陳小琴一節『中港快訊』。)

 31/12 Dr Advice: Dr Suen on Indigestion 31/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Doctors Advice: Dr Michael Suen on What it means by indigestion     (上星期,大腸外科專家孫敬樂醫生為大家詳細解釋如果出現腹脹的時候, 大家務要打穩十二分精神, 不能掉以輕心。 今日,孫醫生會同大家講講一個常見的問題, 消化不良有時同一些嚴重的致疾病搭上關係。請收聽大腸外科專家孫敬樂醫生同大家介紹消化不良在前,其實可能有嚴重病情在後。  )

 Taiwan connection - Ting Hsin consumer boycott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Report by Pak To Huang on ting Hsin consumer boycottT   (在今期的台灣連線節目,黃柏濤會報導台灣網民發起秒買秒退行動,目的是要抵制岀產黑心油的頂新集團,以抗議頂新集團黑心油事件被法院宣判無罪。有部分民眾更發起「秒買秒退」林鳳營鮮乳行動,引發正反兩方不同的意見,請聽黃柏濤為大家作詳細的解釋。  )

 NYE celebrations and 2016 New Year wishes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listeners share NYE celebration plans and New Year wishes with everyone. (鄺美玲、梁炎剛與聽眾暢談大除夕慶祝活動與2016新年願望  )

 Fish fillet wrapped in bacon with lemon sauce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Elsa Tsang will show you a recipe which you can make use to cook a great western-style fish dish. (華人一般鍾意食中餐,但是在此出生的兒童,都喜歡食西餐。所以有時在家煮下西餐都不錯 ,聽聽李太與曾小碧為你介紹一個煙肉檸檬蛋黃醬焗魚扒的西餐吧。)

 Tianjin Blast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The blasts in the city of Tianjin on Wednesday night killed at least 50 people, including a dozen fire fighters, state media said. About 700 people were injured, 71 seriously. The warehouse was designed to store dangerous and toxic chemicals. Gree... (天津濱海新區危險品倉庫爆炸超過一日,現場仍有四個火頭仍未救熄。事件造成至少50人死亡, 700多人受傷送院,消防指揮部消息人士指,發生爆炸的地點存放硝酸鉀及硝酸鈉等易爆物質,綠色和平就擔心化學品燃燒所釋放既毒氣會危及健康。 (AAP)  )

 Tianjin Blast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The blasts in the city of Tianjin on Wednesday night killed at least 50 people, including a dozen fire fighters, state media said. About 700 people were injured, 71 seriously. The warehouse was designed to store dangerous and toxic chemicals. Gree... (天津濱海新區危險品倉庫爆炸超過一日,現場仍有四個火頭仍未救熄。事件造成至少50人死亡, 700多人受傷送院,消防指揮部消息人士指,發生爆炸的地點存放硝酸鉀及硝酸鈉等易爆物質,綠色和平就擔心化學品燃燒所釋放既毒氣會危及健康。 (AAP)  )

 Ways to steam fish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ways to steam fish (美食速遞:蒸魚秘技    )

 China Hong Kong Express | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After the kick off of the Premier League game, the business of the pubs and bars in Hong Kong have picked up. However, some people now will use TV set-top box to watch some soccer games but some TV set-top boxes cannot broadcast some of the games... (最近英超球賽正式開鑼之後, 帶動香港一些酒吧業生意亦轉好,不過,現時看足球, 其實亦非一定要到酒吧趁熱鬧,如果裝有電視機頂盒的話, 可以約三五知己,一起在家中收看,不過,原來有些電視機頂盒卻不能轉播一些球賽, 詳情請聽陳小琴這節『中港快訊』。)


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