Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Happy Map: Jame Kwok's Europe trip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Experienced flight attendant James Kwok is going to talk about cruising trip in Europe. Surprisingly, he has never been to Spain before, in an interview with Ivan Leung, James is going to tell you why. (大家可能不止一次歐遊,但足跡遍全球的資深空中服務員郭庭生竟然從未到過西班牙。今集旅圖愉快,郭庭生就會為大家講解為何他的遊踪會獨久西班牙呢?想知詳情就請聽今集旅圖愉快梁焱剛與郭庭生的訪問。  )

 10am News Bulletin 17.06.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Details News Bulletins   (收聽十分鐘新聞,掌握本地及國際資訊  )

 Global Finance: How should investors reponds if Brexit is actualized? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

British is going to have their Brexit plebiscite on 23th June. If Brexit is actualized, what are the impacts on Australia and International economy? How should investors react? Simon Wu from Simon Wu and Co. is going to give us a details analysis,... (英國一旦脫歐對澳洲及世界經濟帶來甚麼衝擊?投資者又應如何部署?梁焱剛邀請胡嘉龍理財會計師事務所總裁胡嘉龍為大家分析。)

 Settlement Guide: Older migrants vulnerable to elder abuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australia is ageing and its our older migrant communities that will age faster than other older people. Thats the warning from the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (FECCA). And as we age theres an increasing number ... (為何有移民背景的長者會較容易置身被虐待的危機呢?詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導。)

 Gardening - Gum tree and Eucalyptus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, talks about Australia 's special Gum trees . (在今期的園藝趣談,園藝學家蔡浩權介紹澳洲獨有的桉樹,因為這種樹經濟價值甚高,還有驅蟲和殺菌的用途。)

 Melbourne Notebook - Victorian parliamentary report recommends legalisation of euthanasia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This month's Melbourne Notebook, Ida Cheung reports about the Victorian parliamentary report recommends legalisation of euthanasia; trial of technology on Monash freeway and a new apartment tower would block the Royal Melbourne Hospital's choppers... (墨爾本通訊員張彩玉會為大家報導: 維州議會報告提出安樂死合法化;Monash公路實施新科技道路試驗計劃;及獲批建興高樓可能影響醫院緊急救援工作。  )

 Pumpkin pearl rice dessert 17/6/2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It will be an enjoyable moment to have a nice dessert in this cold and dry winter. Have you ever thought of the mixing pumpkin, pearl rice and taro to make a tasty dessert? In Gourmet Express today, Elsa Tsang and May Lee will introduce to you a ... (秋冬天氣乾燥, 最好就是來一道清甜滋潤的甜品,有否想過其實南瓜、薏米和香芋是可以一起用來做甜品呢?今天曾小碧和李太就為你介紹 南瓜煮薏米香芋甜品。)

 China HK Express - Famous DJ being attacked by a fan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently, in Japan and in the United States, there were two female singers having been attacked by crazy fans. In this past week, a radio disc jockey has also been attacked by a crazy fan. Our correspondent, Siu Kam Chan, reports about this incid... (最近,在日本同美國就受到瘋狂粉絲襲擊, 但在香港, 在本星期一,亦發生一宗電台唱片騎師被瘋狂粉絲襲擊事件,令全城感到震驚。詳情在今天的『中港快訊』, 陳小琴將會為大家報導。  )

 Talkback: Hooligans and football fans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

European football's governing body, UEFA, launched disciplinary proceedings against the Russian Football Union after violence marred the end of Russia's Euro 2016 match against England in Marseilles on Saturday evening. UEFA has also warned, if th... (有鑑於歐洲國家盃賽出現球迷騷亂事件,梁焱剛鄺美玲與聽眾朋友紛紛就體育狂熱這個話題於《大眾論壇》節目發表意見。  )

 Global Finance: How has the idea of Brexit come about? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

British is going to have their Brexit plebiscite on 23th June. What are the reasons behind the whole idea and Brexit? What are the main arguments between the in and out camps? Lets found out in an interview which Ivan has asked Simon Wu, Director ... (英國將於六月二十三日就是否脫歐進行全民意向投票。英國人民最初為何會出現脫歐意向?留歐與脫歐支持者又對該問題有何睇法?梁焱剛請來胡嘉龍理財會計師事務所總裁胡嘉龍為大家詳細剖釋。  )

 Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten’s respond to Brexit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With just over two weeks to go before the federal election, it's the campaign advertising that's come into sharp focus.   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and opposition leader Bill Shorten began their campaign day as they ended it y... (總理譚保及反對黨工黨領袖索頓昨日於西澳為大選拉票,兩人不約而同就英國脫歐危機發言。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。  )

 10am News Bulletin 16.06.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin       (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。)

 Hong Kong Movie Ten Years Screening in Sydney | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hong Kong film Ten Years, which has been banned by China government and labeled it as a "virus of the mind", the film will be screened in a Sydney cinema after two successful screening in Melbourne. SBS interviewed one of the organizers.  ... (備受爭議的香港電影節最佳電影《十年》,在墨爾本舉辦兩場放映後,雪梨電影節的門票一掃而空。有雪梨的香港年輕人會在月底舉辦一場放映。   組織者表示,由於雪梨的場租比墨爾本昂貴,所以只是租了一個容納七十多人的影院,結果門票四日沽清,現在籌備開辦第二場。   詳細可瀏覽以下網址。)

 Government vows to detain terrorists indefinitely if re-elected | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The federal government has vowed to fast-track moves to detain convicted terrorists beyond their sentences if they don't renounce their extremists views.   The Prime Minister raised the issue again in light of the Orlando mass shoot... (在這次澳洲聯邦大選拉票期間,各黨對恐怖主義的著墨似乎沒有前幾屆多,可能跟選民比較關心財政赤字、醫療、教育、托兒、稅務優惠這些關乎民生的議題有關。不過,由於美國發生了嚴重的槍擊案,所以昨日譚保便強調政府會立法,去對付那些快將服滿刑的囚犯。可是,他們已為自己所犯過的罪服了刑,那麽,要怎樣罰呢?請聽溫楚良以下的時事報導。  )

 Postnatal depression – careful planning could avoid or mitigate its effects | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Often, the reality of becoming a parent is very different from what was expected or from images of parenthood portrayed in the media. All parents go through a period of adjustment as they try to handle the huge changes a baby brings. For most peop... (在之前的健康快樂人環節裏,溫楚良特別就產後抑鬱症,請教過墨爾本精神科顧問醫生 Dr Paul Ng 吳培恩醫生。他說,產後抑鬱症,是抑鬱症的一種。而導致產後抑鬱症的情況很多,上次他還未講完,這次他和溫楚良會繼續講述導致產後抑鬱症的其他原因,和預防的方法。  )


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