Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Hong Kong Express | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

News about typhoon Nida hitting Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta will be presented in today's episode of Hong Kong Express. (今集的中港快訊,陳小琴為你帶來颱風妮妲正面吹襲香港及珠三角地區的有關報導。)

 Brisbane Report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's Brisbane Report, Mr Cheung presented the recent economic conditions in QLD and comments about Pauline Hanson's performance in Federal Election. (今集布里斯本通訊,張奇為你介紹昆士蘭州的經濟近況,並談及聯邦大選後,各界人士對韓珍東山再起的看法與點評。)

 Current Affaris: Olympic News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's episode of Current Affaris, Wade Kuang and Ivan Leung introduced the latest news about the opening ceremony of Rio Olympic and newly included kinds of sport events in Olympic Games. (今集的時事報導,鄺家偉 和 梁焱剛為你報導關於2016里約熱內盧奧運會開幕式的新聞,以及新增體育賽事的消息。)

 10am News Bulletin 05.08.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Details News Bulletins   (收聽十分鐘新聞,掌握本地及國際資訊  )

 Settlement Guide: what to do when someone goes missing? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Every hour four people go missing in Australia. While most are found, the disappearance of one person can affect the lives of 12 others - according to the National Missing Persons Coordination Centre. This year's National Missing Person... (今年於七月三十一日至八月六日期間舉行,旨在增加大眾對失踪人仕的關注。資料顯示澳洲每年有約三萬五年人失踪,即是平均每小時會有四人失踪,但大眾對澳洲人口失踪情況關注度足夠嗎?梁焱剛及鄺家偉為大家詳盡報導。)

 Gardening - Okra is good for health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, teaches you how to grow Okra and why it becomes popular vegetable among Chinese people. (秋葵是一種營養價值甚高的蔬菜,不但有益健康,更有藥用價值,近年來華人才開始比較愛吃這種蔬菜。在今期的園藝趣談,蔡诰權會教大家種秋葵的方法,以及介紹秋葵的益處。  )

 Gourmet Express: Ribs and melon in black bean sauce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever thought of using dew melon as the ingredient of your dinner dish? You can also use it to cook with pork ribs in black bean sauce. Isn't it a strange combination? If you give it a go, you may find that it actually tastes really goo... (有沒有想過以蜜瓜來做菜呢?而且還可以用來配豉椒排骨,聽聽李太與許先施為你介紹的這味簡單又美味的豉椒排骨盅吧。  )

 Dr Peter Leung on Clinical Tracking of Ovulation cycle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Peter Leung on Clinical Tracking of Ovulation Cycle (不育科診所如何測試婦女排卵期的來臨 )

 Current Affairs: Facts you need to know about the chicken and eggs you eat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Poultry Nutritionist Sonia Liu explains some myths around eating chicken. Are chickens fed with hormones? Are they genetically engineered? Do free range chickens taste better? (澳洲飼養的雞是否含有激素?雞隻有沒有經過基因改造?走地雞的肉質較佳嗎?家禽營養學家Sonia Liu 為大家解釋。  )

 Global finance: BIS shrapnel's reports on Australian building supply will decline in next 4 years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to forecaster BIS Shrapnels Building in Australia 2016-2031 report, national dwelling commencements have already peaked and will begin to decline in the second half of this year, and apartment building is set to collapse 50 percent over ... (澳洲主要研究機構BIS Shrapnel今個星期發表,預測澳洲部分地區的住宅單位供應量將急跌50%,情況會否為樓價帶來壓力?梁焱剛訪問理財會計師胡嘉龍為你分析。  )

 Talkback: Do you think Brazil is not fit for holding Olympic? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Olympic games will be opened tomorrow, however, this years Rio Olympic has a lot of problems, like Zika, the doping issues and the readiness of the Olympic village and other venues, so, do you think that if a country seems not fit for holding Olym... (奧運即將舉行,巴西里約熱內盧亦是第一個舉辦夏季奧運會的南美城市。不過,奧運選手村同比賽場館準備不足,寨卡病毒,及瓜納巴拉灣污染嚴重等負面消息,在在都影響巴西奧運的聲譽。所以梁焱剛及鄺美玲就會於大眾論壇與聽眾探討大家是否覺得今屆奧運準備不足?)

 Current Affair: Concerns census won't reach those not proficient in English | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are concerns some migrant and refugee community members will miss out on having their data recorded in the Census because they haven't received enough guidance.   The 2016 Census includes registration by phone or Internet and... (全國人口普查將會八月九日進行,大眾除了對私隱安全及索取郵寄表格的程序有疑問之外,亦有越來越多人仕擔心由於政府指引不足,可能導至非英語背景人仕及長者無法完成普查而讓資料變得不可靠。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。  )

 Culture 360 - Song Dynasty's special public examination system | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chan Yuk Ching talks about Song dynasty's special public examination system. (在今期的文化360,陳玉清會為大家介紹宋代科舉考試的特點,當中包括針對作弊而訂立的一些制度,例如「鎖院」、「糊名」及「謄錄」等等,但意欲作弊的考生依然有他們的辦法。  )

 Filial duty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

First Light Care with Gerald Cheung: Filial piety is considered an important aspect in traditional Chinese culture in maintaining domestic and societal harmony. Does it exist in the western culture ?   (西方子女孝順父母嗎?晨光關懷協會輔導總監張有倫先生解釋不同文化有不同的孝順表現。  )

 On cautions before initiating litigation procedure to handle traffic incident | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Legal Tips:Derek Lo of Canaan Lawyers on cautions before initiating litigation procedure to handle traffic incident (法律貼士環節:迦南律師行盧尚斌律師介紹,大家要認真考慮是否有必要將交通意外事故,交由法庭解決)


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