Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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 Global Finance: Trump fiancial plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In todays episode of Global Finance, Brian Pum and Ivan Leung will introduce impacts of Trumps prospective financial policy and the factors that may influence US economy in the future.   (今集的【寰宇金融】環節中,梁焱剛邀請到 Morgans高級分析員潘萬新 為大家講解美國共和黨總統候選人 特朗普提出的經濟政策,以及未來影響美國經濟的重要因素。  )

 Chalmers charms Aussie with a gold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australia has a new golden boy of swimming, after 18 year old Kyle Chalmers upstaged Cameron McEvoy to win gold in the 100 metres final at the Rio Olympics.   The men's quad scull crew came in a narrow second to Germany in their fin... (昨日, 剛滿十八歲的澳洲泳手查爾默斯以冷門姿態, 勝出男子100米自由式泳賽,除了為澳洲奪得一面金牌之外,亦成為自1968年以來再有澳洲泳手在奧運中贏得有關賽事。而查爾默斯亦成為繼飛魚索普在2000年雪梨奧運會之後, 在個人游泳賽中贏得金牌的最年輕運動員。詳情請聽鄺美玲和鄺家偉的報導。 )

 Happy Map: when an AirBnB booking failed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Japan travel expert Herbert Chan is going to share with us on how he had survived in a remote residential area in Tokyo Japan after an AirBnB booking agreement failed.   (共享民宿網站Airbnb成為一眾旅人的至愛,但旅遊達人Herbert最近於東京則遇上到埗才知所訂房間出現問題,到底他如何自救?詳情請留意旅圖愉快內Herbert接受梁焱剛的訪問。)

 [Settlement Guide] - In need of STEM talents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In todays episode of Current Affairs, Wade Kuang and Selina Kwong will present that Aussie market is in need of talents specialized in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects, while STEM students participation rate is ... (今集的時事報導節目裡,鄺美玲和鄺家偉 將會為你介紹,目前澳洲的理工科教育事業相對滯後,人才短缺,到底是什麼原因導致,長遠又會有什麼影響呢?詳情請收聽節目。  )

 10am News Bulletin 12.8.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。  )

 Gardening - How to grow African Violet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, teaches you how to grow African Violet. (非洲紫羅蘭是長年開花的室內盆裁植物,花色最多,也有雙色,最適宜裝飾家居,在今期的園藝趣談,蔡浩權會教大家種非洲紫羅蘭的技巧,因這種花朵十分嬌貴,太冷或太熱都無法生長。  )

 China HK Express - Another digital radio station closes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hong Kong's media industry faces trouble with another digital radio station DDC announces that it will close down its business in the next two months. (今年在香港的傳媒可以說是多事之秋,繼亞視停播和太陽報停刋後,另一間數碼廣播公司DBC亦決定停播。業界預計,未來亦勢必將再有傳媒機構結業或轉至網上市場。詳情請聽陳小琴一節『中港快訊』。)

 Canberra Notebook - Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly election in October | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our Canberra correspondent, Sam Wong, reports about: Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly election will be held in early October;Canberra authorities rejected an investment project because of public objections; andthe ACT governmen... (坎培拉通訊員黃樹樑報導: 首都領地政府將會於十月初舉行選舉; 坎培拉地方政府因市民反對而拒絕讓一個商業集團在坎培拉進行一個投資項目;以及 首都領地政府修建一個噴水池爭取遊客)

 Gourmet Express:Flathead soup with tomato and potato | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May Lee and Sincere Hui will introduce how to make a delicious soup with ingredients like flathead, tomato and potato.   (魚湯向來都被視為是營養豐富的美味湯水,再加入番茄與薯仔,味道便會更加可口。在今集的美食速遞,許先施與李太為大家介紹一款番茄薯仔牛鰍魚湯,簡單易做,又富有營養,大家不妨一試!    )

 Dr. Advice - The cause and symptoms of Intussusception | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Dr. Catherine Wong on the cause, symptoms and diagnosis of Intussusception. (Part 1)   (腸套疊是指一段腸道套入另一段腸道的一種疾病,這是一種罕有但卻十分嚴重的小兒腹部急症,如果不及時醫治,可能會有性命危險。谷建華邀請了兒科醫生王皓恩,詳細解釋腸套疊的成因、症狀和如何去確診是否患有腸套疊。    )

 Global Finance: ANZ report shows Aussie job advertisements fell by 0.8% in July | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to an ANZ report on Job advertisements, it shows a fell in Job advertisements by 0.8% in July. (澳新銀行ANZ剛出爈的七月份招聘廣告報告,招聘廣告數字下跌了百份之零點八。  )

 Talkback: Do you think that 62 is too old to have a child? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Based on the news story about I-V-F helped a 62 year-old Tasmanian woman give birth to a baby, Selian and Wade has asked Infertility Gynecology Dr Peter Leung to explain whether 62 is too old to have a baby? (一名塔斯馬尼亞六十二的高齡女仕在墨爾本透過剖腹手術誕下嬰兒引起爭議,有人工授孕專家表示年老產子是不負責任的做法,而六十二歲肯定不是為人父母的理想年齡。鄺美玲及鄺家偉請來不育婦產科梁浩然醫生為大家探討有關高齡產婦及人工受孕等問題。)

 [Current Affairs] Olympic Games updates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In todays episode of Current Affairs, Wade Kuang and Selina Kwong will present the latest updates of Rio Olympic Games to you.   (在今天的時事報導環節,鄺家偉和鄺美玲會為你帶來關於里約奧運的最新消息。  )

 Pork industry urges action over tainted meat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hong Kongs raw pork trading industry urged the government to speed up investigations into the tainted meat scandal to win back the publics trust. They proposed holding up supplies to the market until the government finishes all quarantine check... (香港最近出現豬肉受污染風波,受到廣泛關注。這次出事的是哮喘豬,好些來自中國的豬只,被驗出殘留醫治哮喘的藥物。照理這些豬肉不應流出市面,因此搞到香港人心惶惶。 究竟情況有多嚴重?請聽陳小琴和溫楚良於中港快訊裏的報導。  )

 Visa plan to stop foreign doctor influx | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Overseas-trained medical practitioners would no longer be visas to work in Australia, under a contentious proposal from the Health Department that heralds the end of the s shortage of locally trained With thousands of foreign doctors currently... (澳洲過往缺乏醫生,尤其是很多偏遠地區都未能吸引本地受訓醫生前去執業,於是當局就向海外醫生招手。不過,近年情況有變,促使澳洲衛生部有意把技術移民職業列表上,跟醫學有關的職業全部撤銷。究竟爲何有如斯大的變化?請聽溫楚良以下的時事報導。  )


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