Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Heng Sang outperform global markets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Asian Market Pulse: re Hong Kong outperform global markets     (上星期,港股表現未受外圍波動影響,步伐凌厲, 繼續跑贏大市。)

 Gourmet Express: Duck Tongues In Fish Sauce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We normally eat snacks while catching up withh friends or watching TV. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Wade Kuang will introduce a homemade delicacy which you can eat during spare time.   (很多朋友都喜歡買一些小食,可以在看電視或者朋友聚會的時候拿出來邊聊邊吃。今集的美食速遞,李太和鄺家偉為你介紹的一款小食「魚露鴨舌」就最適合不過,包你有讚無彈。  )

 Sydney Report: Bus safety raises concern | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this Sydney Report, Wade Kuang will present the news about concerns with bus fire- suppression system were raised; SMEs may not benefit from NSW Job Action Plan; some suburbs may expect a booming population within the next 20 years, and activi... (今集的雪梨通訊,鄺家偉將為你報導,雪梨巴士防火安全問題引人關注,新州中小企未必直接受惠於政府優惠計劃,新州人口增長較預期為多,以及九月雪梨一些戶外活動的相關報導。)

 Gourmet Express: Yam and almond soup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How can we cook a dessert that is good for our health? May Lee and Wade Kuang will teach us to cook this yammy Yam and Almond soup. (想吃甜品但又要養顏, 有什麼好介紹呢?李太和鄺家偉今天會教大家做一味『山藥杏仁糊』, 千萬不要錯過。)

 Law and You: Order of Australia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of Law and You, Clifford To and Wade Kuang will introduce the knowledge about different classes of honours within the Order of Australia. (今集的「知法守法」環節中,陶健文律師將為你介紹有關澳洲聯邦勳團頒發不同等級勳銜的有關知識。)

 Gourmet Express: Soup materials | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee will introduce the typical materials that is used for making soup and how to select them. (在今集的美食速遞裡,李太和鄺家偉會為大家介紹,各種中式湯水的材料是如何搭配,以及它們各自有什麼樣的藥用價值。)

 Gourmet Express: Korean style stone rice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Korean style stone rice is one of the most popular dishes in Korean restaurants. We can actually make it at home with your favourite vegetables and meat. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Wade Kuang will introduce how to prepare a ho... (石頭飯是韓國餐館的一道常見菜式,其實我們在家都可以自製一鍋。配合你喜歡的蔬菜與肉類,不一定要有石鍋,一般瓦煲都可以。快聽聽李太和鄺家偉在節目中介紹如何自製石頭飯啦。)

 Gourmet Express: Italian seafood fried rice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We might have the Spanish or Italian seafood fried rice before, but some people may say the rice is not tender enough if they were cooked in this way. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Wade Kuang will introduce a seafood fried with J... (大家也定必試過西班牙或意大利的海鮮炒飯,它們用料豐富,顏色鮮豔,十分誘人。但有朋友就覺得這種煮法的米飯太過硬身,難以消化。在今集的美食速遞裡,李太和鄺家偉就會為大家介紹,一種經過改良,適合華人口味的意大利海鮮蝦仁炒飯。不如一齊聽吓啦。)

 Gourmet Express: Eggplant skin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We may just scrape away the eggplant skins when we are preparing to cook the eggplant. While these skins actually contain adundant vitamin and they can be cooked as a delicious dish. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Wade Kuang will ... (很多朋友在煮茄子的時候都會把茄子皮扔掉,但其實茄子皮有著豐富的維他命,也可以用來做一道菜。今集的美食速遞,李太和鄺家偉就會為大家介紹如何善用茄子皮,快點擊節目收聽。)

 10am News Bulletin 07.10.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Details News Bulletins   (收聽十分鐘新聞,掌握本地及國際資訊  )

 Global finance: ways of getting your first home easier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Reports showing it is harder for Australian metropolitan to save up enough for the deposit on their first home, Ivan has asked financial planner Kam Yuen to suggest ways of getting a first home easier. (澳洲的年青人要置業,除了期望樓價下跌之外,還有何門路呢?梁焱剛請來理財會計師袁金泉為大家介紹降低樓宇按揭申請門檻的一些建議。)

 Settlement Guide: staying smart online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Cyber threats posed by technological developments are often one step ahead of the users and online intelligence services. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates in 2014 more than 1.6 million Australians were cyber victims of personal fra... (網絡安全威脅日益嚴重。2014年澳洲有一百六十萬宗透過網絡而進行的騙案,澳洲國民應如何提高網絡安全意識呢?梁焱剛與鄺美玲為您探討。)

 Hurricane Matthew to be the strongest storm hitting Eastern US in 10 years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Over 100 were killed when Hurricane Matthew seriously hit Haiti and Caribbean. Winds of 220 kilometres an hour are predicted as it approaches the United States. The US President Barack Obama has declared a state of emergency in the state of Florid... (颶風「馬修」在吹襲海地及加勒比海,造成超過一百人死亡之後,現正以每小時224公里的速度吹襲美國, 而美國總統奧巴馬更宣佈佛羅里達州進入緊急狀態。而「馬修」亦成為10年來吹襲美國東岸最強的風暴。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。)

 Gardening - Japanese Sakura | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, talks about why Japanese Sakura is so popular. (櫻花品種繁多,尤以日本櫻花最著名,但中國、台灣和韓國每年到櫻花盛開的季節,也會吸引大量的遊人觀賞。在澳洲,雖然一般氣候不適宜種櫻花,但在較為寒冷的地方,可能會有機會欣賞到櫻花。在今期的園藝趣談,蔡浩權會介紹這種特別的花朵,並且教大家如何辨別櫻花,桃花和梅花。    )

 Kee Cheung goes to the States | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our Brisbane Correspondent, Kee Cheung, was in overseas this week. He shares his experiences in Hong Kong and in the United States in this week's Brisbane Express. (本週,布里斯本通訊員張奇剛巧到了香港和美國旅遊。請聽他分享旅程的經歷。)


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