Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Chaos expected as political storm edges closer to Hong Kong’s legislature | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Legislative Council Secretariat has issued the agenda for today's council meeting, with oath-taking the top item. But the names of legislators weren't listed, so it isn't known if Sixtus Leung Chung-hang and Yau Wai-ching would be included ... (香港立法會兩名本土派青年新政議員,於宣誓時,將 China 讀成支那,結果到目前還未能夠宣誓成爲立法會議員。這件事越搞越大,大批人士表示會集會,要求立法會主席梁君彥不要為游蕙禎和梁頌恆安排宣誓。 另一方面,香港政府早前突然入稟法庭,要求司法覆核梁君彥准許這兩人重新宣誓的裁決,更獲得法官許可。溫楚良和陳小琴於中港快訊裏談過這事件。  )

 Law and You - Creepy clown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's "Law and You", Mr. Clifford To will talk about how becoming a creepy clown can cause you being prosecuted as doing offensive conduct in public.   (最近相信大家都有聽過一些人假扮小丑細則嚇人的事件,早前,我們亦邀請了心理學家馬信誠為大家分析為何有人喜歡這樣做。 不過,原來這個做法,好可能輕則會犯上民事罪行,重則可能會是一項刑事罪行。 想知為何,請聽鄺美玲和陶建文律師的『知法守法』。)

 Technology World – How does quantum computing work ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Technology World with Dr Ka Fung: When the international race is on to develop quantum computers, the questions most of us ask are what is quantum computing? and how far off are quantum computers?. (國際間正努力研發量子計算機,以領先革新電腦科技。什麼是量子計算科技?請聽 KK 深入淺出的講解。)

 Global markets fared pretty lack lustre | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global markets fared pretty lack lustre (上日環球證券市場表現相當一般,亞洲除日經表現較好外,其餘窄幅上落,跌跌撞撞,而美國就受到大企業的業績拖累,稍微下滑。)

 Concerns when signing contracts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's talkback session, Vicky Chen from NSW Fair Trading discusses with the audience some important concerns and some common problems that we may encounter. (今天的「大眾論壇」,新州公平交易處代表陳列與聽眾討論簽署合約時,需要注意的事項,以及一些常見的問題。)

 10am News Bulletin 25.10.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin         (詳盡早晨新聞    )

 New plan to battle Breast Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Breast cancer patients in Australia have some of the highest survival rates in the world.   But Cancer Australia says not everyone receives the most appropriate care.   Yesterday they released new guidelines to ad... (澳洲醫學位於世界前列,以乳腺癌為例,澳洲乳腺癌病人相對全世界來説,他們的生存率算的上是最高的。不過,澳洲癌症協會希望大家不要自滿,因為並非每一名澳洲病人都接受到最適合的治療。 澳洲癌症協會趁昨日粉紅色絲帶日,推出了 12 個新指引,希望給跟乳癌有關的專業醫護人員作參考。詳情請聼溫楚良這節報導。  )

 Current Affairs: Justin Gleeson resigns over George Brandis dispute | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson has resigned from office, claiming his relationship with Attorney-General George Brandis is "irretrievably broken", following a dispute regarding whether the office needs to remain staunchly independent. Ivan Leung... (律政部長首席法律顧問格里森早前向工黨提供法律意見,引起部份兩黨聯盟部長嘅不滿。律政部長布蘭迪斯隨後要求所有政府人員徵詢法律意見前,需要得到其同意。格里森與布蘭迪斯就此事多次公開指責對方,格里森昨日亦因而提出請辭。詳情請聽梁焱剛和余睿章的報導。 )

 Some love it, others hate it as Typhoon Haima passes Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Typhoon chasers, air passengers and tourists had a love-hate relationship with Typhoon Haima, which brought the city to a standstill for much of last Friday.   Chan Siu-kam has more.   (香港10月掛 8 號風球比較罕有。颱風海馬上週五侵襲香港,市民平白多了一日假期,不過,企業則不希望看見這情況出現。其實,打風對各行各業都著不同影響,詳情溫楚良和陳小琴於中港快訊裏談過。  )

 Global markets fared relatively positive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global markets fared relatively positive (上日環球證券市場普遍做好,原因不同,但澳洲200隻成份股卻未見受惠。)

 Visa Q&A: Reasons for Failed Student Visa Applications | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For a successful Student Visa applications, applicants need to know the requirements. Ms Ursula Ng, Managing Director of Advisory Centre for Australian Education gives some advice.   (留學中介吳瑞霞小姐解釋原因及要注意的地方,然後再提交申請。)

  The great ancient writing “ The Article of Thousand Words” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Culture 360​​: The great ancient writing The Article of Thousand Words     (千字文是中國舊時社會的兒童啟蒙讀物,全文共二百五十句,每句四字,沒有重複用字,故謂之千字文。  )

 Taiwan Report - Pepper "robots" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Report by Stella Lee on Pepper "robots" was introduced into two banks and an insurance company in Taiwan to serve customers. (台灣第一銀行和台新銀行,以及國泰人壽保險公司,於十月六日聘請機械人 Peper上班,為顧客提供各項服務,開工前更帶領員工做早操。機械人每天工作八小時,負責迎賓,陪客户猜年齡,玩遊戲以及介紹環境和產品等。詳情請聽李秀華報導。)

 Community Interview - DIY Number Plate Theft Prevention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Mr. Leslie Wong , Vice President, Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Jason Tang, Vice President , Macau Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Jack Ao, President, Macau Chamber of Commerce, Miss Gloria Chang, President, Macau Student Association a... (在今期的社團專訪,谷建華邀請白馬市亞裔商會副會長王思禮,澳門總商會會長區焯榮和副會長鄧景文,澳門學生及校友聯會會長曾婉雯和理事長黃思婷五位嘉賓,介绍維州警察與白馬市亞裔商會,澳門總商會以及澳門學生會,合力推廣的共同創造更安全社區環境的詳細內容。另外,也介紹剛成立的澳門總商會以及澳門學生聯會,如何互相合作,去幫助澳門商界人士和學生。  )

 Current Affair- Bank Inquiry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The government's three-day inquiry into the banking system has come to an end, with the chiefs of the nation's big four banks all appearing before the committee offering apologies. But many questioned if this is a genuine inquiry and if it will in... (政府為期三日的銀行體系調查已經完結,全國四大銀行總裁向委員會道歉。但是,許多人質疑,這是否一個真正的查詢,又能否實際上提高業界的表現。 請聽馮藹琳以下的時事報導。)


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