Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Current Affair : Syria ceasefire deal backed by Russia, Turkey takes effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A nationwide ceasefire in Syria, brokered by Russia and Turkey, which back opposing sides in the conflict, came into force at midnight on Friday, local time, (2200 GMT on Thursday) in the latest attempt to end nearly six years of bloodshed. Ivan a... (敘利亞政府軍及主要反對勢力達成全國性的停火協議會,當地星期四晚上十點開始生效。政府軍指今次停火有助重新啟動談判,為結束當地接近六年的衝突鋪路。詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導。)

 Happy Map : How to understand wines' characteristic? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australian wine selling well overseas. When choosing the right Australian wine, understanding of its flavour is more important than chasing expensive brands. In an interview with Ivan Leung, wine tasting expert Leo Foo is going to explain what gr... (澳洲紅酒暢銷海外,但品酒專家博天裕提醒大家,不一定要選擇昂貴的大品牌,反而了解釀製紅酒所用提子的特性,對鑑賞紅酒起著十分重要的作用,到底澳洲有哪些出名釀製紅酒的提子呢?這些提子所釀之酒的味道又各有何特色呢?詳情請聽博天裕與梁焱剛的訪問。)

 Crazy weather hits SA, Victoria and Sydney | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In these past few days, NSW, Victoria and South Australia were all affected by bad weather.   South Australia residents were without electricity for three consecutive days while Melbourne was ravaged by heavy rainyesterday when Sydn... (近日,新州、維州及南澳分別受惡劣天氣影響, 南澳居民連續三天沒有電力供應,墨爾本昨天亦受到豪雨蹂躪, 至於雪梨則受熱浪侵襲。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 )

 Global Finance : How does Hong Kong’ Government respond to overheated property prices? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Property market is always a big part of Hong Kongs economy. But the overheating property market in recent years have prompted HK Government to introduce a new regulation. Earlier this month, one new measurement has been introduced. Ivan has invite... (樓宇買賣佔香港經濟一個重要位置,但近年香港樓價過熱,令政府要不斷出招回應。上月初政府亦再推出樓市新「辣招」,新招如何遏抑過熱的香港樓市?措施又是否受香港市民的認同呢?香港市民等候公屋的時間要多久?政府又是否正著力改善目前香港市民對公營房屋的需求呢?梁焱剛請來香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處副處長盧永康,為大家詳細解說新措施是否有效應對香港樓市過熱,以及市民對之有何反應等話題。)

 Gardening - Hay Fever plants and flowers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, talks about fay fever plants and flowers. (近這幾個月是較多花粉傳播的季節,大家對花草樹木都會特別注意,在今期的園藝趣談,園藝學家蔡浩權會講述,有那些花草樹木會令有花粉症的人士特別容易產生敏感反應,或令到花粉症變得更加嚴重。    )

 10am News Bulletin 30.12.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。 )

 Gourmet Express: Banana crepe cake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this final episode of Gourmet Express in 2016, May and Lee and Winmas Yu bring you a well-known New York dessert, Banana crepe cake. (2016年最後一集的「美食速遞」,李太和余睿章為你帶來一個來自紐約的著名甜品 - 「香蕉千層蛋糕」。)

 China HK Express - Cold weather and Yearend fireworks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hong Kong issued the first cold warning this week, this is also the first cold warning since the beginning of the winter. Meanwhile, the number of patients with influenza also increased significantly, making a few public hospitals became overload... (香港本周發出入冬以來首個寒冷警告,同時,因流感求診的人數亦大幅增加,令公立醫院不勝負荷。   另外,由於明年是香港回歸中國二十周年,故此在本周末的除夕煙花匯演亦將會特別加碼。詳情請聽陳小琴一節中港快訊。  )

 Current Affairs: Woolworths to sell service stations to BP for $1.8 billion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Woolworths is to sell its nationwide chain of petrol stations to BP. This will give BP a 39 per cent share of the petrol market. (市民將來更多加油站選擇,並可利用 Woolworths 入油折扣劵到BP使用。)

 Doctor's Advice: Travel Vaccines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Travel Doctor Dr Sonny Lau explains some common travel vaccines and advises on other important matters. (旅遊保健醫療醫生劉嘉華介紹不同的旅遊疫苗注射,並提醒大家其他需要注意的事情。 )

 Talkback : How to enjoy a burglary safe holiday? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics, the average number of burglary cases recorded on Christmas Eve has reached 775 in the past few years. On the eve of New Year's Eve, the average number of burglaries is about 800. In an interview wit... (據新州犯罪統計局的數字顯示,過去數年平安夜錄到的爆竊個案平均達775宗,除夕時情況更嚴重,平均有約800宗入屋爆竊個案。假期或出外旅遊的時候,小市民可以確保家居安全呢?梁焱剛及鄺美玲請來巴拉馬打警區多元文化社區聯絡主任李小蘭Clorinda為大家介紹確保家居安全、鄰居守望相助及使用防盜措施的重要性。)

 Current Affair : Victorian government loses appeal to keep juveniles in adult prison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Victoria's government says it is considering how to proceed after the Court of Appeal dismissed its legal challenge to a Supreme Court ruling that housing teenagers in a maximum-security adult prison was unlawful.   The case revolv... (維州一批少年囚犯早前因騷亂及破壞青少年羈留中心,被維州政府送入最高設防成年人監獄的案件,維州政府的上訴昨日遭最高法院上訴庭駁回,意味當局必須於明日四時前,決定如何從新安置該批少年囚犯。詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導。  )

 Current Affairs: Criticism towards Dreamworld managers continues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Safety concerns remain over Australia's biggest amusement park, Dreamworld, after the accident that killed four people on a ride earlier this week. Plans by Dreamworld to open the park today have been cancelled, as requested by the Police Force. D... (夢幻世界樂園 Dreamworld 激流遊戲導致4人死亡的調查繼續進行。園方原定今天局部重開樂園,惟警方要求樂園繼續暫停開放,以配合調查工作。另外,樂園所屬公司 Ardent Leisure 的行政總裁,昨天傍晚時份宣佈將部份年終花紅撥予澳洲紅十字會,用作支援受事件影響的人士及其家屬。詳情請聽梁焱剛和余睿章的報導。)

 Retired judge Kwok-hing Woo announces his candidacy for HK Chief Executive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Former High Court Judge of Hong Kong, Kwok-hing Woo, has officially announced his candidacy for Chief Executive in the 2017 election yesterday. What are the responses among citizens and different communities? Siu-kam Chan has the details in this e... (香港退休大法官胡國興昨日正式宣佈,參選明年三月舉行的香港行政長官選舉。市民和社會各界對胡國興參選有何評價?請收聽陳小琴今天的一節「中港快訊」。)

 Gourmet Express: Yam and Lotus Root Stew | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A lot of people are still affected by hayfever and coughs during this season. May Lee and Elsa Tsang will introduce this nutritious stew to you. (春夏季節交替期間, 仍然見到很多人出現鼻敏感或是喉嚨作咳的情況, 要令身體強健,就要煲些滋潤食物潤肺止咳, 李太與曾小碧介紹的滋潤養顏燉品就最啱這個時節食喇。  )


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