Global Finance : How does Hong Kong’ Government respond to overheated property prices?

Cantonese show

Summary: Property market is always a big part of Hong Kongs economy. But the overheating property market in recent years have prompted HK Government to introduce a new regulation. Earlier this month, one new measurement has been introduced. Ivan has invite... (樓宇買賣佔香港經濟一個重要位置,但近年香港樓價過熱,令政府要不斷出招回應。上月初政府亦再推出樓市新「辣招」,新招如何遏抑過熱的香港樓市?措施又是否受香港市民的認同呢?香港市民等候公屋的時間要多久?政府又是否正著力改善目前香港市民對公營房屋的需求呢?梁焱剛請來香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處副處長盧永康,為大家詳細解說新措施是否有效應對香港樓市過熱,以及市民對之有何反應等話題。)