Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Special Broadcasting Service


 Alice Springs police officers swim through floodwaters to rescue two stranded tourists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Danny Chow reports on two topics:   Alice Springs police officers swim through floodwaters to rescue two stranded tourists; Youth detention: Former detainees file class action against NT Government, seek compensation &... (俗語說,天有不測之風雲、人有霎時之禍福,有時候,天災人禍真的很難避免!好像北領地,最近連場豪雨,引發洪水暴漲,一些外來的遊客不曉得洪水的威力,結果險象橫生。去年年底就有一對來自台灣和香港的小情侶,要當地的警員叔叔幫忙。   另一方面,早前北領地揭發一些青少年罪犯被監獄職員淩辱的事件,現在他們提出集體訴訟。 換句話說,如果他們訴訟成功的話,北領地市民要埋單,因此令市民不滿。請收聽以下溫楚良和周國傑於達爾文通訊裏的報導。  )

 Politicians being warned about cyber security | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australian political parties have been put on alert by intelligence officials over Russian-style cyber-hacking that cast a shadow over the US presidential campaign.   The Federal Government warns such attacks could undermine electio... (繼美國一份情報報告顯示,俄羅斯在美國總統大選期間入侵民主黨全國委員會的電子郵件帳戶後,澳洲政界亦被警告他們亦很容易受到俄羅斯式的網絡攻擊。   同時, 聯邦政府亦警告指, 類似的攻擊將有可能破壞澳洲的選舉和民主制度。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 )

 Hong Kong’s ‘producer pays’ e-waste levy to range from HK$15 to HK$165 per item | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A long-awaited producer pays levy fee covering certain waste electrical and electronic equipment is likely to range between HK$15 and HK$165, according to a government paper.   Once fully implemented, manufacturers and importers wil... (雖説目前最令香港人關心的話題是特首選舉,不過,農曆新年這周六就降臨,所以香港人現在應該忙於洗邋遢和辦年貨。   新年送舊迎新是一個傳統習俗,香港人好多時會趁年底去舊迎新,例如更換雪櫃、洗衣機、電視機、冷氣機和電腦產品,不過今年稍後,香港政府會對該些產品的電器供應商徵收費用,以協助電器循環再造,但香港市民很可能要分擔該費用。詳情請收聽陳小琴和溫楚良於中港快訊裏的報導。  )

 10am News Bulletin 25.01.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin (詳盡早晨新聞  )

 Global markets returning their focus back to basic fundamentals and have seen fairing cautiously positive. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global markets returning their focus back to basic fundamentals and have seen fairing cautiously positive. (上日,各地證券市場開始擺脫特朗普行情,各自發展。美股業績報告不俗,扯動導致創下三個星期以來最好的一個交易日,預計對後市有示範作用。  )

 Technology World - Time to upgrade your modem-router | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Technology World with Dr Ka Fung: Wifi is indispensable in many households and Wifi connectivity can be affected if your router has not been upgraded for a while. KK explains how a dual-band router can solve your wireless woes. (家中的 Wifi 網絡經常出問題,速度又不理想,可能路由器要更新了。請聽 KK 講解「雙頻段路由器」的功能。   Our Technology World 網站鏈結

 Visa Q&A: Changes in 457 Visa (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are some additional conditions in Visa 457 that holders may missed. Migration Consultant Monique Ly points out two important areas that need to take notice. Otherwise the holder may act against the law causing his visa cancelled.  

 Gladys Berejiklian is Premier of NSW, replacing Mike Baird | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Members of Australia's Armenian community have welcomed Gladys Berejiklian's appointment as New South Wales Premier.   The daughter of Armenian migrants yesterday became the state's 45th Premier, after Mike Baird's shock resignatio... (新州前財長貝莉珍妮安昨日已正式宣誓就任為新州第一位自由黨籍女州長,她已列出上任後三大首要處理的問題,包括新州基礎建設,房屋負擔能力,以及建立强大經濟,讓更多人有就業機會。但今後她仍要面對多項挑戰,詳情請聽谷建華報導。  )

 Current Affairs - NSW new premier Gladys Berejiklian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Report by Esther on Gladys Berejiklian has become first female premier of New South Wales. (新州前財長貝莉珍妮安昨日已正式宣誓就任為新州第一位女州長,她已列出上任後三大首要處理的問題,包括新州基礎建設,房屋負擔能力,以及建立强大經濟,讓更多人有就業機會。但今後她仍要面對多項挑戰,詳情請聽谷建華報導。    )

 Talkback - Do you agree that you can express yourself better when you are undressed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Inspired by research suggesting you can accelerate the process of attraction by encouraging physical and emotional contact, SBS puts the theory to the test and commissioned a new weekly series, Undressed.   With participan... (SBS 電視最近推出一個全新社會實驗電視節目「解衣」(Undressed)。節目概念源自意大利一個同名電視節目,節目中只有一張大牀和一個大螢光幕, 同時,每集會找來兩對陌生人, 而兩人在節目期間,需依照螢光幕顯示的指令及問題,指導兩人要完成的任務。   而實驗中嘅首個指令, 就係要求兩人為對方脫去衫褲,之後, 兩人就會在牀上回答一系列深入的私人問題。而到節目結束時,兩人可以選擇離開又或是留下,以便更深入了解對方。鄺美玲和梁焱剛在今天的【大眾論壇】中, 亦邀請了註冊心理學家馬信誠與大家一同探討你是否同意有關的研究, 指增加身體及情感上的接觸,可以令人與人之間更快變得熟絡和互想吸引?   「解衣」- 逢星期一晚上 9:30 在 SBS 播出。同時, SBS On Demand 亦將會提供有簡體字幕的網上版本。)

 10am News Bulletin 24.1.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin         (詳盡早晨新聞        )

 US has withdrawn from TPP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Donald Trump has signed an executive order to formally withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, the TPP.   It undoes decades of economic policy work to lower trade barriers across 12 countries. &nb... (美國總統特朗普簽署了行政命令,正式宣佈美國退出跨太平洋夥伴關係協議(TPP),並凍結聯邦政府人手招聘。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 究竟澳洲聯邦政府會否堅持到底,與其他協議國繼續有關協議抑或會尋找簽署其他協議呢?詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。 )

  Global markets taking a breather after Trump Inauguration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global markets taking a breather after Trump Inauguration   (自特朗普上任後,寰球證券市場主要的投資策略莫過於『先行獲利,靜觀其變』。  )

 Talkback: fai chun and Chinese calligraphy writing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Fai Chun is a very popular traditional Chinese calligraphy during lunar new year, but how did it come in the centre stage of lunar new year celebration? What technique does it involve to be regard as a good Fai Chun writing? Ivan and Selina have i... (揮春與春聯何時開始出現?兩者對中國農曆有何意義?寫揮春是否有特殊技巧呢?梁焱剛與鄺美玲訪問雪梨著名書法家及澳大利亞書法協會副會長張志力暢談揮春與春聯的技巧與意義。)

 10am News Bulletin 23.1.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。 )


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