Hong Kong’s ‘producer pays’ e-waste levy to range from HK$15 to HK$165 per item

Cantonese show

Summary: A long-awaited producer pays levy fee covering certain waste electrical and electronic equipment is likely to range between HK$15 and HK$165, according to a government paper.   Once fully implemented, manufacturers and importers wil... (雖説目前最令香港人關心的話題是特首選舉,不過,農曆新年這周六就降臨,所以香港人現在應該忙於洗邋遢和辦年貨。   新年送舊迎新是一個傳統習俗,香港人好多時會趁年底去舊迎新,例如更換雪櫃、洗衣機、電視機、冷氣機和電腦產品,不過今年稍後,香港政府會對該些產品的電器供應商徵收費用,以協助電器循環再造,但香港市民很可能要分擔該費用。詳情請收聽陳小琴和溫楚良於中港快訊裏的報導。  )