Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Celebrity chatroom: Syndey's eastwood celebrations of LNY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

During the Lunar New Year, there will be a lot of celebration for the Lunar New Year in all parts of Australia. Ivan and Selina have invited Chairman of Eastwood's Lunar New Year preparation committee, Hugh Lee, to share with us about activities i... (新春期間,澳洲各地均會舉辦慶祝農曆年的活動。梁焱剛及鄺美玲請來伊士活農曆新年籌委會主席李曉民,暢談雪梨伊士活區將會有何活動?而身為老華裔,李曉民又見證到澳洲人對農曆新年的認受性,又是否隨著年月而有所改變呢?)

 Current Affair: New NSW coalition cabinet to be sworn in | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian's new-look cabinet will be sworn in at Government House on Monday afternoon.   The refreshed cabinet, which includes seven new faces and new portfolios for counter-terrorism and the controversial WestC... (剛上任的新州長貝莉珍妮安宣布重組內閣,新內閣廳長今日將宣誓就職。當中以她起用七名新議員為廳長最為外界矚目。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。)

 10am News Bulletin 30.1.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。 )

 Technology World - Yahoo data breach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Technology World with Dr Ka Fung: Yahoo confirmed massive data breaches. I have a Yahoo account. What should I do ? (Yahoo 證實龐大用戶數據外洩,如果你是 Yahoo 用戶當然會有疑慮。KK為大家講解怎樣處理。Our Technology World 網站鏈結

 Gourmet Express: Wonton Chicken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you have eaten a lot of fatty food during the Lunar New Year days, it will be good to cut down and have a light dish tonight. May Lee and Winmas Yu will show you an easy recipe to make a delicious Wonton Chicken Pot (雞年開始,大家的團年與開年飯應該都相當豐富,如果大家過去幾天都有點食滯了的感覺,那麼,今晚可以試試李太與余睿章介紹的這味比較清淡但又味道一流的元寶雲吞雞。)

 Global Markets fared pretty well after Donald Trump taken new initiative to lift economic performance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Global Markets fared pretty well after Donald Trump taken new initiative to lift economic performance       (上星期市場普遍做好,原因與特朗普推出多項經濟政策有關,但市場擔心特朗普與墨西哥的商貿關係會影響後市。    )

 The Meaning of Fortune in Ancient Chinese | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Meaning of Fortune in Ancient Chinese   (中華民族是一個崇尚「福」、追求「福」的民族,自古已有祈福崇福的習俗。「福」字自造字以來便深深影響著每個中國人的人生觀和價值觀。福文化是中國傳統文化的重要組成部分。)

 Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration in Tasmania, SA, WA and Melbourne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration in Tasmania, SA, WA and Melbourne     (報導今天大年初二,澳洲各地舉行大型新年活動的情況。        )

 Applying Intervention Order direct from the Court | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Legal Tips: Applying Intervention Order direct from the Court (盧尚斌律師介紹第三個申請人身保護令的方法。 )

 Parliament Report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Parliament Correspendent Sam Wong reports: committees are still meeting during summer recess; reshuffle after Sussan Ley's resignaton; and Turnbull's challenges in 2017. (國會通訊員黃樹樑報導:休會期間,委員會會議仍然進行;利蘇珊辭職後連串人事調動;包括破天荒任命原住民議員懷亞特(Ken Wyatt)擔任聯邦部長職位; 另外總理譚保在2017年要面對的挑戰。)

 HK & Shanghai shares fared well last week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Asian Market Pulse: re HK & Shanghai shares fared well last week (上星期,港股及上證乘著外圍表現不俗,歡天喜地送猴迎雞,但後市難料。請聼香港時富金融優越投資部顧問Peter Lai 黎永良先生的分析。    )

 Current Affairs: Chinese tourists increasingly marking the New Year in Australia. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lunar New Year celebrations have started across Australia. But the festivities are not just for locals. Record numbers of tourists from China have decided to see in the new year overseas. (澳洲展開農曆新年慶祝活動,但慶祝的不止動不只居民,還有數目不斷增加的中國遊客。)

 Settlement Guide: What are your consumer rights in Australia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In Australia consumers have rights under the law called consumer guarantees - and they could save you money. However, people who've recently settled in Australia can be extra vulnerable to questionable deals and businesses.   ... (所有於澳洲居住的人士均受消費者保障法例所保障,不過,新移民可能會容易因為不良或可疑交易,而遭受損害。你是否了解自已有何消費者權益呢?梁焱剛及鄺美玲助你了解更多。)

 Happy Map: Fes of Morocco | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As experience flight attendant James Kwok journey into Fez, he decided to shop for the souvenirs as much as he can. If you want to know why lets find out in the interview of James with Ivan Leung. (資深空中服務員郭庭生,為何選擇到摩洛哥旅程的最後一站非斯才大解慳囊呢?非斯的商品又有何特式呢?詳情請收聽梁焱剛與郭庭生的訪問。  )

 Global finance: Demographia housing affordability report | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to the study undertaken by Demographia, Sydney has been named as the second most expensive city in the world and "severely unaffordable" when it comes to the cost of housing, the only place more expensive is Hong Kong. Melbourne came in ... (調查公司 Demograhia 最新的研究顯示, 雪梨住房難負擔程度全球排第二,墨爾本則排六,但令人意外的是報告亦同時指出布里斯本、柏斯及阿德雷德,得分均高於五分而成為房價極難負擔城市。梁焱剛請來合富投資嘅理財會計師袁金泉分析三地房價極難負擔的原因,並剖析政府是否有任何可進行的合理政策,去改善澳洲各大城市房價過高的問題。)


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