Celebrity chatroom: Syndey's eastwood celebrations of LNY

Cantonese show

Summary: During the Lunar New Year, there will be a lot of celebration for the Lunar New Year in all parts of Australia. Ivan and Selina have invited Chairman of Eastwood's Lunar New Year preparation committee, Hugh Lee, to share with us about activities i... (新春期間,澳洲各地均會舉辦慶祝農曆年的活動。梁焱剛及鄺美玲請來伊士活農曆新年籌委會主席李曉民,暢談雪梨伊士活區將會有何活動?而身為老華裔,李曉民又見證到澳洲人對農曆新年的認受性,又是否隨著年月而有所改變呢?)