Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
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 Australia Day Date and LNY tourism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lunar New Year celebrations have started with major events taking place across Australia. With record numbers of tourists from mainland China, many have decided to celebrate their new year overseas.   Meanwhile, Police and proteste... (澳洲各地將會於明日開始的農曆新年, 舉行多項大型慶祝活動, 除了希望吸引本地人之外,亦希望吸引來自中國的旅客。   另外,警方昨日與一些支持更改澳洲國慶日人士所舉行的遊行上發生衝突, 令是否更改澳洲國慶日的爭議, 又再引起關注。詳情請聽鄺美玲和梁焱剛的報導。  )

 10am News Bulletin 27.1.2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin   (請收聽本台為大家準備的詳盡早晨新聞。  )

 Gardening - Sweet potato is easy to grow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr. Solomon Tsoi, Horticulturist, teaches you the easiest way to grow sweet potato. (蕃薯是一種非常有營養價值的食物,經常食不但有益健康,還可預防 疾病。在眾多食物當中,蕃薯最容易生長,也沒有蟲害,更沒有農藥。 在今期的園藝趣談,園藝學家蔡浩權會教大家種蕃薯的最簡單方法。  )

 China HK Express - HK police increases forces to prevent the repeat of Mongkok riot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tomorrow is the New Year's Day or the Year of the Rooster, but in the New Year's Day of the Year of the Monkey, in Mongkok Hong Kong, there was a riot which caused over 100 people injured, in order to prevent similar incident, the Hong Kong Police... (明天便是雞年大年初一, 但在猴年的大年初一深夜, 在香港旺角區發生了一次被香港政府定性為暴亂的事件。而該宗事件,一共導致超過一百人受傷,而香港警方為了防止事件重演,在這個新春期間,特別增聘人手加強警力,以作戒備。詳情請聽陳小琴一節【中港快訊】。)

 Sydney notebook - CNY activities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this Sydney notebook, Wade Kuang will present the latest news regarding Anti-Trump Women March in Sydney, the booming NSW tourism and events in the upcoming Lunar New Year. (今集的雪梨通訊中,鄺家偉將為你報導: 雪梨市民參與反特朗普,女性平權遊行示威;新州旅遊業增長暢旺,以及新州在農曆新年期間的活動安排。詳情請點擊收聽。)

 Gourmet Express: Stewed abalone with shiitake mushrooms and broccoli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today is New Years Eve in the Lunar Calendar, where traditionally reunion dinner is held by families across the Chinese community. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Winmas Yu introduce you a traditional dish for reunion dinner, Stewe... (今天是農曆大除夕,是吃團年飯的日子。李太和余睿章在今集的「美食速遞」,為大家介紹一度好兆頭的團年飯餸菜-「鮮鮑冬菇伴西蘭花」。預祝各位新年吉祥如意、包羅萬有!)

 Global finance: What to expect for the first 100 days of Donald Trump? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Donald Trump unveiled plans for the first 100 days of his presidency, vowing to create 25 million jobs over a decade and middle-class tax cuts, as he and Hillary Clinton courted undecided swing state voters. What should we take notes in the direct... (美國新總統一般都在百日內確立行政的大方向。特朗普上任一百日內,分析師是否可從他的政策,透視其將對美國及世界經濟帶來甚麼影響?梁焱剛訪問合富投資理財會計師袁金泉為大家詳盡分析。)

 Current Affair - Australian of the year and Order of Australia 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Biomedical scientist Emeritus Professor Alan Mackay-Sim has been announced as the 2017 Australian of the Year.   At a ceremony in Canberra, the recipients of the Australia Day honours were awarded in front of the prime minister and ... (澳洲日公布年度傑出澳洲人(Australian of the year)奬及澳洲勳章(Order of Australia)名單,多位華人獲勳。詳情請聽余睿章及梁焱剛報導。)

 Talkback - CNY and Fung Shui | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

With CNY approaching, we have invited a Fung-shui Master James Cheng, predicting the 2017 Chinese Horoscopes for Year of Chicken for our audience. (Please note: Feng Shui and Chinese numerology are not science. Please make your own judgment for be... (年近歲晚,華人有不少習俗及禁忌,例如年廿八洗邋遢、派利是及赤口等,亦有不少人會關注自己的流年運程。今日大眾論壇,梁焱剛及余睿章請來風水命理專家鄭堯文,解答聽眾十二生肖運程的問題。(敬請注意:風水命理並非精密科學,還請自行判斷。))

 10am News Bulletin 26.01.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Detailed morning news bulletin (詳盡早晨新聞 )

 Community Interview: Lindy Hou, Paralympian and Australia Day’s Ambassador | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Paralympian for Australian team of cycling Ms Lindy Hou, has won six medals at the 2004 and 2008 Summer Paralympics. She was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and consequently became blind. She was selected as the Australia Days Ambassador of Ch... (澳洲殘奧單車運動員侯威麟(Lindy Hou),在 2004 年和 2008 年的夏季殘奧會上獲得了六枚獎牌。她早年被確診患有視網膜色素病變,及後失明。在今年的澳洲國慶日,她有幸成為華人社區的澳洲日大使。侯威麟向鄺美玲分享擔任澳洲日大使的意義。)

 Gourmet Express: Ginger and date cake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There are a lot of savoury and sweet cakes for Lunar New Year, but have you ever tried making one by yourself? In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Winmas Yu bring you the chewy and sweet Ginger and date cake.   (農曆新年糕點多樣,但你曾否嘗試自製賀年糕?李太和余睿章在今集的「美食速遞」中,為各位介紹「薑汁棗泥糕」,香甜煙靭。祝各位來年步步高陞!  )

 Law and You: The Citizenship Ceremonies Code | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tomorrow is Australia Day, when local city councils traditionally hold citizenship ceremonies. The WA city council of Fremantle has previously decided to move its citizenship ceremony on Australia Day this year, along with other Australian Day cel... (明天是澳洲的國慶日,傳統上各地的市政府都會舉行公民入籍儀式。但早前西澳 Fremantle 市政府決定將本年的國慶日慶祝活動延後兩天舉行,包括公民入籍儀式;做法引來聯邦政府反對及禁止。究竟《入籍儀式法典》的條文中,對此有何規定?郭世元律師在今集「知法守法」的環節中,向余睿章講解。)

 Is Aborginal Art all about dots ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chair of Aboriginal Benefits Foundation and art collector Simon Chan tells the story behind Aboriginal art and what it means to the Aboriginal community. He also answers the big question : Is Aboriginal Art all about dots ? (原住民福利基金理事會主席及藝術收藏家陳建青先生講述澳洲原住民藝術的歷史,解釋原住民藝術對原住民社群的意義。)

 Sydney housing world's second-most expensive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sydney has been named as the second most unaffordable housing market in the world - according to the annual Demographia report - just behind Hong Kong.   Property prices are continuing to rise with a number of Australian capital ci... (住在墨爾本的市民都投訴說屋價貴,但原來還不如雪梨的屋價,因為據調查公司 Demograhia 最新的研究顯示, 雪梨住房難負擔程度全球排第二,抛離排第六的墨爾本。不過要指出一點,由於市區人口數目與數據的可靠性關係,這報告所研究的城市,絕大部分是美國城市,中國衆多城市中,只有香港被列入研究,而澳洲則有5 個城市遭評分。   另外,一家地產公司對於西雪梨 Rooty Hill 住宅區一間屋的售價破了該區紀錄,作出評論。請收聽溫楚良以下這節報導。  )


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