Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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  • Artist: SBS Radio
  • Copyright: Copyright Special Broadcasting Service


 Community Interview - Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra's first visit to Australia in May | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) will visit Australia for the first time in May to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).   The orchestra will be co... (香港管弦樂團將於五月首次訪問澳洲, 並會在五月四日及五月五日, 分別在墨爾本及雪梨舉行演奏會。是次演奏會,將由香港管弦樂團指揮梵志登帶領,並由才華洋溢的小提琴家寧峰擔任獨奏。同時, 今次演出,亦是為慶祝香港特別行政區政府成立20周年。   鄺美玲亦就該樂團今次到訪,訪問了樂團的新藝術策劃總監林丰,談談今次樂團到訪澳洲的詳情。)

 News Encyclopedia: Brexit and the Treaty of Lisbon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Brexit process will begin tomorrow (March 29); such process is listed in Article 50 of the European Union agreement document - the Treaty of Lisbon. So what is the Treaty of Lisbon? What is the process for Britain to be completely divorced fro... (英國將於明天(29日)啟動脫歐程序。有關程序是列明在歐盟的協議文件《里斯本條約》第50條。究竟什麼是《里斯本條約》?英國脫歐的過程,又需要經過什麼步驟?余睿章在今集「時事百寶箱」為各位講解。)

 Celebrity chatroom: Hong Kong comedians perform at 2017 Melbourne comedy festival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Vivek Mabuhbani and Tim Chan is going to perform their stand-up comedy at the 2017 Melbourne comedy festival starting on 11 April. How did they become a stand-up comedian? What preparation work are they doing specifically for their Melbourne's sho... (香港長大的印度人Vivek Mabuhbani及香港棟篤笑藝人陳樂添正身處墨爾本,準備於四月十一日開始於墨爾本國際喜劇節進行表演。到底他們何時開始接觸棟篤笑表演呢?他們又如何為於墨爾本的表演作準備呢?詳情請聽馮藹琳與兩人的訪問。)

 Community interview: Way In Network 25th annuniversary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Way In Network is a migrant women's association that began in 1992 with the aim of supporting and assisting women migrating to New South Wales to integrate into Australian society. In their 25th anniversary this year, what are their plans for ... (慧賢會一直為社會有需要幫助的弱勢族群服務,為關懷扶持培育下一付出,力盡市民社會責任。今年亦是該婦女團體成立25年,除了決定於三月四日舉辦餐舞會慶祝活動,還有不少籌款的項目。梁焱剛邀請慧賢會會長岑呂慧蘭為大家解釋「慧賢會緊急捐助儲備金」及「澳洲婦科癌症研究基金」的籌款詳情。)

 Current affair: cutting protection visa application time for asylum seekers raise concerns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Immigration Department is being accused of being dishonest towards asylum seekers by reducing the time they have to apply for protection. Ivan and Selina report.   (移民局將尋求庇護者申請庇護簽證的時限由一年減至60日,有批評指移民局今次做法對部份申請庇護人士有欠公允,將可導至接近一萬一千名人將失去申請庇護簽證資格。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛的報導。  )

 New Angel News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, Politico -- a string of major US media were denied access Friday to the daily White House briefing. What could be some possible reason behinds Donald Trumps relationship with US media turn soar? Ivan... (白宮非正式記者會疑禁敵對傳媒採訪,皆因特朗普習慣做老闆?重返著火巴士刷奧寶卡到底可慳到幾錢?梁焱剛,鄺美玲及張楚慧為大家用不同學習去討論最熱門新聞話題。  )

 10am News Bulletin 27.2.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Morning news bulletin       (詳盡早晨新聞      )

 John Tsang, Woo Kwok-hing reach magic 150 nominations in HK chief executive race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hong Kongs leadership election is set to be a three-horse race as two underdogs have secured enough support to get an entry ticket, with one of them, former financial secretary John Tsang Chun-wah, formally submitting his bid on Saturday. &nbsp... (香港特首提名戰究竟誰可以「入閘」,隔兩日便能揭盅。目前除了前政務司長林鄭月娥可以肯定獲得足夠提名表入閘之外,另外兩位參選人也獲得超 150 張提名表,其中一位是前財政司長曾俊華,他並已在周末把它們提交,究竟他獲得多少張票呢?溫楚良和陳小琴於中港快訊裏談過。  )

 Gourmet Express: Pork soup with apple and water-chestnut | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Winmas Yu bring you a delicious and healthy soup, Pork soup with apple and water-chestnut. (今集「美食速遞」,李太及余睿章為大家介紹一道清潤的湯水-「蘋果馬蹄木耳豬展湯」。)

 Current Affairs: Daniel Andrews vows to change parliamentary allowances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Revelation of the $140k allowance claims have made Victorian Parliament Speaker Telmo Languiller and Deputy Speaker Don Nardella off their positions after Premier Daniel Andrews expressed his disappointment towards such actions. Chowai Cheung has ... (維州議長朗基納及副議長拿杜拉,濫用房屋津貼,金額合共超過14萬澳元。州長安德魯斯向兩人查詢情況後,表示失望。兩人其後宣佈請辭。詳情請聽張楚慧報道。)

 Dow Jones edging higher while others becoming more cautious | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dow Jones edging higher while others becoming more cautious (上星期環球證券市場表現一般,但美國證券市場明知投資風險愈來愈高,依然屢創新高。宋慶勤會為大家報導個箇中的情形,另外訪問Morgans董事總經理陳浩庭先生有關澳洲200隻成份股的走勢。)

 Indigenous Conversation: How to make a healing garden? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Indigenous Conversation: How to make a healing garden? (如何利用澳洲原有花卉,創建一個有治療果效的花園,不單單是一門園藝,也是一種科學的嘗試,詳情請收聽宋慶勤的報導。)

 Sunday penalty rates cut: reactions from the industry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Workers will lose thousands of dollars every year after the Fair Work Commission slashed Sunday penalty rates in a landmark decision.   Retail, fast food and hospitality workers will have their Sunday penalty loadings reduced, but n... (公平工作處裁定由 7 月起,一些服務性行業的周日補水有變,由本來的 100% 補水,降低至與周六看齊,即 50% 補水。究竟餐飲業的老闆和員工有何看法呢?   溫楚良訪問了一位老闆和一位員工。  )

 The Ancient Chinese Fortress Warfare Part 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Ancient Chinese Fortress Warfare Part 5 (為了破壞守軍城池的牆體,攻城的一方會利用種種的方法,包括運用各式各樣的重型器械,如砲、雲梯、望樓、衝撞車等等,以達到目的。陳玉清會為大家報導箇中的情況。 )

 Interview HK Contemporary Musician Alain Chiu, re His debut performance in Adelaide Fringe Festival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview HK Contemporary Musician Alain Chiu, re His debut performance in Adelaide Fringe Festival and the message of repetitiveness that he and his team would like to convey (香港現代音樂家趙朗天應邀出席亞德雷德音樂節,以現代音樂的創作技巧,演繹他的音樂理想與追求,請大家收聽宋慶勤的訪問。)


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