Community interview: Way In Network 25th annuniversary

Cantonese show

Summary: The Way In Network is a migrant women's association that began in 1992 with the aim of supporting and assisting women migrating to New South Wales to integrate into Australian society. In their 25th anniversary this year, what are their plans for ... (慧賢會一直為社會有需要幫助的弱勢族群服務,為關懷扶持培育下一付出,力盡市民社會責任。今年亦是該婦女團體成立25年,除了決定於三月四日舉辦餐舞會慶祝活動,還有不少籌款的項目。梁焱剛邀請慧賢會會長岑呂慧蘭為大家解釋「慧賢會緊急捐助儲備金」及「澳洲婦科癌症研究基金」的籌款詳情。)