Community Interview - Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra's first visit to Australia in May

Cantonese show

Summary: The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) will visit Australia for the first time in May to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).   The orchestra will be co... (香港管弦樂團將於五月首次訪問澳洲, 並會在五月四日及五月五日, 分別在墨爾本及雪梨舉行演奏會。是次演奏會,將由香港管弦樂團指揮梵志登帶領,並由才華洋溢的小提琴家寧峰擔任獨奏。同時, 今次演出,亦是為慶祝香港特別行政區政府成立20周年。   鄺美玲亦就該樂團今次到訪,訪問了樂團的新藝術策劃總監林丰,談談今次樂團到訪澳洲的詳情。)