John Tsang, Woo Kwok-hing reach magic 150 nominations in HK chief executive race

Cantonese show

Summary: Hong Kongs leadership election is set to be a three-horse race as two underdogs have secured enough support to get an entry ticket, with one of them, former financial secretary John Tsang Chun-wah, formally submitting his bid on Saturday. &nbsp... (香港特首提名戰究竟誰可以「入閘」,隔兩日便能揭盅。目前除了前政務司長林鄭月娥可以肯定獲得足夠提名表入閘之外,另外兩位參選人也獲得超 150 張提名表,其中一位是前財政司長曾俊華,他並已在周末把它們提交,究竟他獲得多少張票呢?溫楚良和陳小琴於中港快訊裏談過。  )